September 6, 2023
With Crime Exploding And Poverty Spreading As Quickly As The Lies From 'TPTB,' Brace For Impact And Chaos' Reign As America In A Mad Max Scenario Is The Globalists 'End Game'
- All Signs Indicate Things Are About To Take Another Change For The Worst
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
The story over at the Daily Mail on Tuesday morning was the perfect metaphor for joe biden's America and our descent into utter insanity and lawlessness in 2023, angering me to no end, and giving us a perfect look of where society is headed in the coming days, weeks, months and years if American's don't put a stop to it.
Reporting that video has been released of the terrifying moment that a brute in the crime-ridden New York city subway system was seen attacking a 60-year-old woman, striking her over 50 times with her own cane at 3 o'clock in the morning, the attack continued for over 2 minutes, with no one coming to assist the victim, striking her on her head, stomach, legs, arms, hands and her back, before eventually breaking the stick.
Then seen punching her in the head after her cane broke,that alarming story is just one of far too many now happening all across the country showing our people have gone mad and are further descending into total lawlessness and insanity every day under joe biden and in largely Democrat-run cities all across the country, with something terribly 'economically off' in America as poverty spreads as quickly as the lies from TPTB, while all signs indicate things are about to take another turn for the worse.
As we had reported in this August 19th story on ANP titled "America Is Suffering A Psychotic Breakdown, Fully Stuck In A 'Doom Loop,' As Parts Of The Country Are Already 'Ungovernable' While Rampant Rage And Chaos Spread Like Wildfire," Democrat-run cities all across the country, some of which were once America's most wealthy, now lead the country in homelessness, addiction, mental illnesses and crime, crimes that should NEVER be happening, such as a 60-year-old woman being brutally beaten with her own cane.
With this story over at Zero Hedge reporting criminals in Chicago have gotten the green light from the government there to rob, loot and steal as the odds of them ever being punished or held accountable in any way for their actions has collapsed to near zero, we're heading to what once seemed to be a science fiction movie scenario.
As Ethan Huff warns in this new story over at Natural Newsas also heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, according to Ed Dowd, a "Mad Max scenario" is now unfolding across our nation with America sitting on the edge of collapse, with the only question remaining being whether this will be a 'slow Mad Max' collapse or one that takes place within the space of a few hours or days.
But ANP readers shouldn't be at all surprised by what we're now witnessing, with some of the story titles at ANP over the past couple of months including all of the following.:
A Raging & Crazy Nation: Road Rage, Air Rage, And Epic Meltdowns Have Increased While The Number Of People Seeking Mental Help Up By Double Digits Since Last Year
'Civilizational Suicide' Is The End Game Of Western Civ - As Govts Poisoned Us & MSM Psychopaths Lied To The Masses To Cover Up Genocide, Biden Sold Out America To The Highest Bidders
'Bidenomics' Is Literally Killing Americans As Suicides Hit All-Time High In 2022 After Declining In 2019 And 2020 - Food Prices Will Not Go Down, And Inflation Started Rising Again In July
The Annihilation Of America Is Being Emboldened & Empowered By The Terror Cabal Occupying The White House As Cities Implode And America Is Transformed Into A 'Zombified Nation' - War Waged On Americans Is More Proof 'The Great Replacement' Is Happening Now
Just About The Whole Country Has Gone Insane - Unbelievable Leaked DoD Transgender Memo, And Naked Pictures Of Hunter Biden Shown Live On TV From The Congressional Floor
ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
So with the absolute and utter collapse of America being no doubt engineered from 'the top,' evidence everywhere our so-called 'leaders' are purposely orchestrating the exploding food prices, rising gas and energy costs, and rising unemployment rates for Americans as illegal aliens are pushed to take their places, proving to us the 'great replacement' is real, how long before absolute chaos is everywhere?
With this previously mentioned Daily Mail story reporting that nobody has been arrested in the brutal beatdown of that 60-year-old woman with her own cane, and subway crime being labeled one of the city's 'major crises' at a time when crime is exploding all across the city, it also reported that even Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg claimed he was afraid for his family when they use the subway, almost all of this thanks to the political policies of his same Democrat party.
And with nobody at all doing anything about that 3 a.m. beatdown telling us a story that must be told, that most Americans just aren't willing to jump in and 'do the right thing' if they themselves aren't 'in the line of fire,'as Ed Dowd warns Mike Adams of Natural News in that first video below as also reported in this NN story, the rule of law seems to be suspended at the moment, at least for the globalists, and as Dowd warns, things are about to get much worse. From this Natural News story before we continue.:
Will the end of the United States as we currently know it come quickly in, say, an hour or will it take several years to fully unwind? In portfolio manager Ed Dowd's view, it will be a "slow Mad Max" type of situation that, by the end, will take everyone by surprise.
In a recent interview with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and host of the "Health Ranger Report," Dowd spelled out what he sees for the future of America and it is not pretty.
Every single day, increasingly more people are succumbing to Fauci Flu shot damage, even long after they got jabbed. The ranks of the immunocompromised are constantly expanding, Dowd says, and the implications for the U.S. economy are nothing short of dire.
The reason why so many people remain in the dark has to do with what Dowd described in the interview as "full-spectrum deception," a propaganda campaign that he says is now occurring 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
"I liken this to a glacial Mad Max," Dowd explains around the 10:30 mark in the video below about how he believes the country is going to collapse almost in slow motion over the next several years.
"It's not going to be reported in the news. There's not going to be any fanfare about it. And it's going to happen slowly; not all at once. So, it's not going to be a movie. It'll be five years from now."
How bad things become and how quickly they get there is the only major unknown in all this. It could end up happening all at once this fall with a full-scale market implosion followed by mass unemployment, mass starvation, and absolute chaos.
Or, it could take several years to fully unwind as Dowd suspects it might due to the slow burn of immune system damage that is now occurring among the hundreds of millions of people who got jabbed for COVID.
As increasingly more of them lose their ability to work, workforce holes will continue to increase, which will in turn get the ball rolling even further and before you know it, the rest is history.
Yet while Dowd warns it'll probably be a 5-year descent into that total chaos, that slow 'Mad Max' burn that takes until the late 2020's before 'the masses' have realized what hit them, we've warned numerous times on ANP that the globalists won't allow themselves to be 'held accountable' for their crimes of genocide, treason and quite literally selling the American people out, hugely. So if suddenly they feel like the people of the world are 'on to them,' they'll bring things crashing down much more quickly.
Pointing out in one of those ANP stories that "all of this manufactured drama is leading to one inevitable conclusion," that being "they will burn it all down before we ever have the chance to bring them to justice," we have to wonder if 'The Architect' in that tweet seen above meant that quite literally, with fires now burning from the East coast to the West and all around the planet, while the globalists blame all of that on 'climate change'.
And Mike Adams and Ed Dowd discuss all of that and so much more in that first video below, with Dowd warning America's now officially a 'banana republic' under fake president joe biden and the left, a crime cabal that could care less about its ongoing violations of the law nor what that's doing to the American people, and things suddenly getting 'really creepy and weird' as we head into another fall and winter ahead and the globalists suddenly stirring up the same plethora of garbage we just went through.
Warning us that we should expect even more shortages and supply chain issues in the coming months, keep in mind that they're once again pushing multiple crises, all at once; wash, rinse and repeat.
According to Dowd, this is worsened further by the fact that the U.S. has become a banana republic under fake president Joe Biden, whose regime flagrantly violates the Constitution without any concern for repercussions or punishment.
The rule of law "seems to be suspended at the moment," Dowd told the Health Ranger, adding that all the leftovers from the COVID "pandemic" are making things even worse with shortages, supply chain problems, and growing chaos across all segments of society.
"It's getting creepy and weird," Dowd says. "And now we have, uh, a population that's getting increasingly sick. We're having shortages. We're having 'fires' being lit all around the globe, and then they claim climate change."
"This is full-spectrum deception. And they've talked about it themselves. They've coined a new term called the 'poly-crisis' the WEF (World Economic Forum), George Soros, and others: that's their new word."
"Multiple crises happening all at once: financial, climate, war, and pandemics, all rolled into one as if magically they all appear out of nowhere all at the same time."
Warning us also thatit won't be long now before America as many have long known it implodes,we'd venture to bet that 'America as most have know it' is already long gone considering the way we're headed.
In the 2nd/final video below from Brave TV, they also take a look at the implosion and complete destruction of America happening now under joe biden and the globalists and how they're all conspiring to create 'Mad Max chaos' not only here in America but all across the planet via a rush towards World War 3, weather wars and geoengineering taking place here at home and worldwide.
And with another push for planetary genocide as the globalist tyrants try to get the planet's population down to a billion or less in the next few years, meaning they'll need another huge round of 'mass murder' to take place with the world's population over 8 billion now, brace for the inevitable impact.
ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.
So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP. All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.
Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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