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July 20, 2023

Just About The Whole Country Has Gone Insane - Unbelievable Leaked DoD Transgender Memo, And Naked Pictures Of Hunter Biden Shown Live On TV From The Congressional Floor

By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline

Each and every day we go through the news and we have to wonder if the world has simply gone insane. Then we decide to just worry about our own country and sure enough, it seems as if just about our whole country has lost their minds.

Stefan reminded me to say "just about" the whole country has gone insane, because every day in the comment section we see others just as dumbfounded as we are regarding the news we, and our commenters, share every day.

Craziness apparently rules America these days.

I'll be providing multiple examples throughout this piece, but lets begin with the fact that censored naked pictures of the son of the president of the United States of America, Hunter Biden, were just shown in a congressional whistleblower hearing. Made a permanent part of the congressional record, Hunter and one of his prostitutes, in very sexually compromising acts, can now be seen by all Americans.

Crazy huh?

How about the fact that many Americans never even knew about them because the media, who is supposed to inform the public, ignored the scandals as much as possible.

Crazy right?

How about the fact that there is a website that has published thousands of images that the president's son took himself, having sex with women, smoking crack, and so much more.


Ask yourself how the media would have reported this story if this had been Donald Trump Jr. or any member of the Trump family?

Ok, moving along.

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In 2021, Joe Biden reversed Donald Trump's military policy that transgenders had to serve as their biological gender, not the gender they want to be.

Jump forward to 2023: A recently leaked memo from the DoD, (Department of Defense), states that transgender military members taking hormones do not have to deploy for 300 days, at which time the can request another exemption.

The memo also states what other treatments and surgeries transgender troops may receive at Womack Army Medical Center (WAMC) at taxpayers expense.

After 12 months of hormone therapy, transgender service members can request surgical care, such as upper and bottom surgery.

More from Breitbart:

The memo said upper surgery can be performed at WAMC and is a covered benefit, but that surgeries that could not be performed at WAMC, to include bottom surgery and voice feminization surgery, were not covered. (All transitioning service members will be offered voice and communication therapy, the memo said).

The memo said that facial/body contouring could be performed at WAMC, but was not covered since it is considered cosmetic. Laser hair removal was also considered cosmetic, but medically necessary in the case of bottom surgery.

The memo said that it could take between 9-18 months to complete a gender transition, and during that time, a service member can request an exception to policy so that they could use self-identified gender standards for uniform, grooming, fitness testing, as well as self-identified gender billeting, bathroom, and shower facilities.

It is starting to become more apparent why the military is having a recruitment problem.

The entire 34 page DoD memo is embedded at the bottom of this piece.

That is not the only way the Biden regime has found to weaken our military readiness and strength.

Rand Paul recently brought up the point that the U.S. is out of money and ammunition as Biden has previously admitted to sending cluster bombs to Ukraine because we didn't have enoughartillery munitions to continue sending to them.

From a fiscal conservative perspective, it makes no sense to borrow money from China to send it to Ukraine, Paul urged, adding Its not like were sending them surplus funds. Its like, Oh, we have surplus ammo around.

Were actually out of ammo now, were out of money. And so, theres no real sense in continuing to do this, Paul further emphasized.

Biden himself admitted recently that the reason he is sending horrific cluster bombs to Ukraine is that weve run out of ammunition.

And since this segment is about what the Biden regime is doing to the military, a reminder of one of the U.S. military "woke" recruitment videos and how weak it makes the U.S. military appear, especially when compared to Russian recruitment videos, as seen below.


In this segment we have two stories that show the utter insanity of the LGBT community

The first story is of a male gay couple refusal a non-perfect baby from their surrogate, demanding that rather than receiving a premature baby because the mother developed cancer and had to deliver early, that the baby be refused any medical care and be left to die.

Shortly into the pregnancy, Pearson received a cancer diagnosis, and made the decision she would deliver the little boy in her womb early in order to begin a pharmaceutical regimen. The buyers however, didnt want to pay top dollar for a premature baby, so they demanded he be immediately terminated. When Pearson refused the abortion, the couple threatened to sue; when she offered to adopt the child, they ordered her to present a death certificate. When Pearson delivered the baby, under Californias surrogacy laws the couple withheld medical care, and the little boy ultimately died.

Next up we have to go back to transgender part of the LGBT, and a recent paper published declaring that women, pretending to be men, taking testosterone to look more manly, can continue taking testosterone while pregnant even though it could deform the baby.

Social media user Seth Dillion sums it up nicely:
The desire to keep babies healthy during pregnancy is "problematic" because it conflicts with the desire of women who identify as men to stay on testosterone during pregnancy.

So basically, when we were pregnant, or for a man when his wife was pregnant, praying the baby would be corn healthy is "problematic" thinking.

So one gay couple kills a baby because it was premature, and not perfect, while the other couple is willing to risk deforming their own child just so the women could continue looking like a man.

It is like we are in Bizarro world or something.

Related:New paper says we shouldn't worry about women on testosterone getting pregnant because desiring healthy babies is rooted in historical bigotry


I had many more tabs open with other examples of how crazed America has become, but with the DoD memo embedded below with 34 pages to read through, along with the video, I didn't want this piece to be too long.

We will ask readers to provide the craziest news they see as they browse the internet today and share it in the comment section below.

Medcen Memo 40 517 Care of ... by Kristina Wong

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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