August 2, 2023
'Coming To A Neighborhood Near You': Dem Sanctuary City Mayor Warns Americans Of The Destruction Illegal Immigration And Open Borders Are Causing - The Great Replacement Is Real
Illegal immigrants sleep outside overfilled Roosevelt hotel |
By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline
A number of cities and states that have previously and proudly called themselves "sanctuary" for illegal immigrants are now bitterly complaining about being forced to provide said sanctuary now that they are getting just a miniscule taste of what border states and cities have been forced to deal with for decades.
New York City, NY, is one of those cities that loudly and proudly called themselves a sanctuary for illegal immigrants sneaking over the border.
Then states run by conservatives, specifically AZ, FL, and Texas, decided that is NY wanted to provide a safe haven for illegal immigrants, and since NY isn't a border state, they would happily send NYC busloads of illegals to provide sanctuary for.
Illegals filled the cities homeless shelters, and then the city started placing them in hotels, including the Roosevelt Hotel, shown in the image above. Once filled to capacity, illegal immigrants then spilled out unto the sidewalks, sleeping on cardboard boxes.
Now, NYC Mayor Eric Adams is issuing a dire warning to Americans, telling them that the illegal immigration crisis being seen in NYC is coming "to a neighborhood near you."
Eventually this is going to come to a neighborhood near you, and it is 91,000 people, Adams told reporters.
We need to localize this madness, he said without elaborating, including when asked whether that included using outdoor spaces such as parks to house the migrants.
We have to figure out a way of how we dont have whats in other municipalities, where you have tent cities all over the city, Adams said. We have to figure out how were going to locate the lives of the inevitable, that theres no more room indoors, and we have to figure that out, and thats what Ive got the team working on right now.
Its not going to get any better from this moment on is downhill, Adams said.
I would offer a caveat to that statement though.
See, Republican run border states have been dealing with this for decades, complaining, and explaining that Biden's open border policies were unsustainable, but it wasn't until they started forcing Democrat run cities and/or states to put their money where their mouths were, that we started finally seeing some Democrats agree.
My caveat to Adams' assertion that this illegal alien crisis will come to city near you, is only if that city is run by Democrats and especially is that city or state has virtue signaled about being a "sanctuary city."
Still, enough Republican-run states, have Democrat-run cities within, that the crisis will bleed over into states not run by virtue signaling sanctuary leaders.
Related:NYC's Roosevelt Hotel becomes epicenter of city's 60,000-strong refugee crisis in shocking scenes from Manhattan
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As seen in the New York Post cover above, Biden decided that the solution (or just a way to shut Democrats up about the border crisis), was to offer to send a "liaison" to.....well frankly I am not sure what the Biden regime thought a liaison could actually do, but they certainly didn't expect for Adams to tell Biden it wasn't good enough.
The illegal immigrant crisis is so bad in NYC now that tent cities are being set up by the illegals, the latest oneunder New York City's Brooklyn-Queens Expressway after they were booted out of a mega shelter.
People living in the new tent city are from Venezuela and left the shelter after they got into a fight with others inside, the report noted.
Locals are concerned.
"It's a ticking time bomb," one resident and a father of two said.
"It's really gone from, like, zero to 100," another said. "The amount of trash and smell is significantly higher. We've started to smell feces and p***."
Think about that. Residents, Americans, are now suffering from Biden's immigration chaos, in non-border states, and the complaints from Democrat city leaders are the only reason the MSM is being forced to report on it.
According to a GOP report "At least 140 people on the terror watchlist have been encountered trying to enter the U.S. between ports of entry so far this fiscal year breaking the all-time record of 98 set last year. Seven million illegal immigrants have crossed the border since Biden took office."
These numbers are unsustainable.
America's credit rating has just been downgraded by Fitch, in part due to our massive debt. National Debt: Total public debt outstanding is now above $30 trillion.
Those illegal immigrants that Biden continues to allow into the U.S., are being fed, given medical care, educated, clothed and housed using taxpayer funds, all while 61% of Americans are barely making it and living paycheck to paycheck.
America is not only broke, but broken as well with Biden's open borders and seven million illegal crossings in less than three years since Biden started occupying the White House.
This last sections comes from an email we received in June, which I promised to address in an upcoming piece about immigration.
Via the email:
Here is an idea for a story that NO ONE has done:
*Whatever Happened to LEGAL Immigration?
The evil Cabal that is ruining our world has through their control of corporate media, big tech, advertising and our gov't has weaponized language to wipe out the concept of "Legal Immigration" into the US.
Notice how over the past _x_ years, words like "Illegal" and "Unconstitutional" have been 100% eliminated from all controlled public discourse. Even our corrupt Congress seems to have forgotten these words. When was the last time you heard the term "LEGAL Immigration", or exactly what it is?
*ILLEGAL Entry - "Illegal Alien" was/is the official gov't designation for illegal aliens.
Saul Alinsky tactic:Changed it to "Undocumented Immigrant" like they are bona fide immigrants, just missing a casual "document." That's like saying that if someone steals your house and lives in it, they're the "Undocumented" homeowner of your house.
Now they changed it to theone word"migrants." normalizing it into a broad categoryas ifit's natural for hordes of poor people from anywhere to simply enter our country, like millions of birds migrating from one continent to another. Like the natural currents of the ocean.
They've completely erased the notion of a "Violation" of our country's Laws.
I'm curious and wanted to know,
How Many LEGAL Immigrants are Allowed into the US Annually?
It tooka whileto find it and NOT from a .gov website:
The INA allows the United States to grant up to675,000permanent immigrant visas each yearacross various visa categories.
On top of those 675,000 visas, the INA sets no limit on the annual admission of U.S. citizens spouses, parents, and children under the age of 21. In addition, each year the president is required to consult with Congress andset an annual number of refugeesto be admitted to the United States through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program.
Her point is well made. We actually don't know the actual number of "legal immigrants."
Without any mention of Legal Immigration numbers allowed into the US there's no concept in the public's mind of just how vastly our country has been deliberately "replacement migration" invaded with millions of illegal aliens. Without a legal metric, we don't really know HOW BAD it is.
Replacement migration...such an accurate description, as American birth rates are down, we are literally being replaced by illegal aliens.
The borders must be closed. Those that have overstayed their Visas must be hunted down and deported. The same with the "got-aways."
As it stands America is unrecognizable from the great nation we were at one time, with people sleeping on the streets, illegal immigrations taking up space in shelters leaving Americans out on the street.
The billions spent each year medical, education, food, clothes, and housing, along with the welfare benefits given to illegals, could all be spent on helping Americans.
We can no longer afford leadership like Biden putting America last.
Bonus Video showing what is coming for America
ANP Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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