July 28, 2023
More Than 250 Million American Lives At Risk During The Grand Luciferian Sacrifice As They'll Burn It All Down Before The American People Ever Get The Chance To Bring Them To Justice
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
While leftists completely lose their minds all across America over Jason Aldean's mega-viral song/video "Try That In A Small Town," and all of that 'nonsense'they're pushing just a small part of them trying to completely 'silence' Conservatives, and even other liberals, over our Constitutionally-protected speech and the 1st Amendment, as Steve Quayle and Mike Adams warn us in the must-watch 1st video at the bottom of this story, 'America' as we've long known it has reached its final curtain call.
Seen perfectly in this new Zero Hedge story reporting an MSNBC-leftist recently went on to that 'propaganda network' and called for the same kind of tectonic shift in culturethat we witnessed following 9/11, while arguing that Patriotic-Conservatives should 'be silenced' for SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER, we remind former Iraq war Veteran, and now Adolf Hitler impersonator, Paul Rieckhoff, that the 2nd Amendment was never created in America so that Americans can 'go deer hunting,' but to FULLY BACK the 1st Amendment if a 'terrorist government' ever attempted to take our Rights and Free Speech away.
Just the latest moves being made by wanna-be tyrants to complete their crackdown upon the masses in this world gone completely and totally mad, as Steve and Mike emphasize within that video, the Foundations of Freedom have already been completely torn down, leaving us the last generations standing before they're able to implement full-scale tyranny nationwide and across the globe, although their 'end game' would require them to disarm the American people, something that'd be much easier said than done.
Warning us that all of the values that have long been taught to the American children in school have been eviscerated, and replaced by their never-ending lies and disinformation, with borders, language, culture, logic and reason among those long-held values being ripped to shreds, as Steve warns us, "you cannot argue with crazy...and you cannot vote your way out of thermo-nuclear destruction."
Showing us how even the United States military has gone stark raving mad in 2023 by allowing men who are pretending to be women to avoid going into battle by injecting hormones of the opposite sex into their bodies or having their balls cut off, even US Veterans all across the country, who have dedicated and sacrificed their lives to protect this nation and our values, are also now standing up to this madness.
And warning us that the vilification of white, patriotic Americans is all part of the process of tearing our nation apart in order for them to install a tyrannical global government, as Steve warns us, we no longer have a TRUE 'Defense Department' as we did in days gone by, nor will we have a 'battle hardened' military force, with our DOD under Joe Biden and Lloyd Austin embarrassing itself and completely humiliating itself in front of Russia, China and the entire world.
Also warning that 'the dumbed down, clueless masses' seem to look at themselves as 'extras' in a 'war movie,' ready to collect their actors checks, while truly believing that war will never come home here to America, as they also emphasize, "It's all going to get very real when the first mushroom clouds appear," or all of these military-aged men from China, who the 'biden crime cabal' has allowed into our nation, start carrying out their assigned tasks which have nothing at all to do with preserving freedom or protecting the American people.
ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
And take note that all of this is also happening as our politicians at the very highest levels have gone completely brain dead, with 'brain dead biden' quite literally leading the way, as they quite literally work to destroy our nation and attempt to bring in a fully-tyrannical 'new world order government.'
Seen recently in both RINO Senator Mitch McConnell freezing up at the podium in front of Congress and the world in an apparent stroke or some kind of other 'neurological issue,' as well as in Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein having to be "told to just say 'aye'" in another awkward moment for our so-called 'legislators' that prove they should be put into 'old folks homes' or 'hospitals' rather than running the country, biden is one of the worst of all of them, truly believing in his warped and insane mind that he and his family are above the rest of us and deserve 'special treatment,' such as 'private citizen' hunter biden arriving in a 6-car convoy for one of his latest court appointments, all paid for by the American taxpayer.
Showing us once again that 'the masses' are living in an 'artificial reality,' totally out of touch with what is 'real' and what are falsehoods, and that artificial reality totally backed by the mainstream media every step of the way, we've also got to look at RINO Senator Mitch Romney claiming in his insane and warped mind that it's totally ok if 'government' uses 'big tech' to censor Americans, a move that we've already witnessed now for years and years and years, pushing us that much closer to full-scale tyranny. From this Summit News story.:
During a Senate hearing Wednesday, Mitt Romney argued against an amendment proposed by Rand Paul to make it illegal for government to use social media and big tech companies to censor the views of Americans.
Paul put forth the case that the First Amendment really isnt about protecting the speech of government workers the First Amendment says Congress shall make no law its about limitations on government involvement with speech.
Paul continued, if Twitter says bad things about me and puts up bad things and takes me down I have no recourse against Twitter, same with Facebook. Im mad, I hate that YouTube has taken my speeches down I dont do business with them anymore, because I think theyre bigoted, biased and wrong-headed on this.
As far as threats, what we do know from the Twitter files is that the government was making threats, Paul continued, adding there were threats of Anti-Trust action against the companies if they didnt take the material down, there was also threats of we will remove your 230 protection. Section 230 gives them liability protection and there were overt threats and threats in writing basically saying if you dont take this down you know your 230 protection of liability could go away.
I think the government should be absolutely prohibited without question. I think it should be as Draconian as you probably can make it, Paul continued, adding things that are an opinion, the government has no business in this.
Romney disagreed with him, claiming that individuals within the government should have the right to stop social media companies or legacy media companies from putting out content that is wrong.
Romney stated To say that no employee of the government from the president on down to that millions of people who work in the government can speak with a social media company or a Legacy Media Company and express their point of view that an article is wrong or that Avenue theyre going down is wrong, that would shut off free speech.
Yet while Romney is attempting to fully turn 'government' into a 'terrorist organization' that can silence Americans at their whim, as that Summit News story warns, this already has us on the road to the 'biden crime cabal' acting like an 'Orwellian Ministry of Truth,' an 'agency' that puts out almost nothing but lies.
Yet there is a huge reason behind all of that, the US government's crimes upon the American people, crimes in which they'll most likely NEVER be held accountable for. As 'The Architect' mentioned in the tweet seen above, "All of this manufactured drama is leading to one inevitable conclusion. They will BURN IT ALL DOWN before we EVER have the chance to bring them to justice."

And with 'The Architect' also mentioning in the tweet seen above to "Imagine a depopulation plan so perfect, you could literally pull it off without 90% of the herd even knowing what is going on? Or even better, get the herd to ignore their own fate and actively participate in it? You are watching it in real time right now,"EVERYTHING we're now witnessing from our 'public servants' is designed to destroy the America that we all long knew and grew up in, just as Mike Adams and Steve Quayle warn us. And as Steve warns, thanks to these moves, more than 250 million American lives are at risk during the 'grand luciferian sacrifice.'
With this utter insanity seen heavily in the'transgender indoctrination' in the Pentagon and the very highest levels of our Department of Defense that has transformed it into a 'global laughing stock,' with reality PROVING thatMEN will NEVER be able to 'turn themselves into women,' or 'women turn themselves into men,' no matter how much 'crazy' they feed us, as Mike Adams also warns us, "Woke is a joke," especially when it comes to a possible future of members of our military facing off against Russia and China, what Adams warns will eventually end up producing an even more embarrassing scenario for the 'Biden crime cabal' than our withdrawal from Afghanistan.
And as Steve warns us, while we've been incredibly fortunate here in America that we've never witnessed open country vs country warfare in our cities and states in our lifetimes, every part of the United States government becomes 'fair game' once World War 3 begins, with mushroom clouds over the United States Capitol and over the Pentagon a very real possibility as America becomes the 'Revealed Babylon'.
With Steve and Mike also discussing 'Russia's Dead Hand System' within this video, as well as the very real possibility of 'nuclear tsunami's' coming our way once WW3 goes live, take note that MSNBC's 'talking head' quoted below doesn't even think the American people should be allowed to talk about our impending destruction, or the capitol crimes being carried out by govt terrorists upon us all, and that another 'draconian police state crackdown' upon our rights is necessary to get this under control. From this Zero Hedge story before our conclusion.
A talking head on MSNBC has called for a post 9/11 style government crackdown as a means of winning a battle for hearts and minds of Americans who might turn against the leftist mindset and become overly patriotic.
Paul Rieckhoff, founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America and Righteous Media compared the threat of such a scenario to the number one threat after 9/11, effectively suggesting conservatives and Trump supporters are akin to terrorists.
A lot of Americans are up for grabs. I wouldnt dismiss it as just something only people on the right or watching Fox News latch on to. We are in a battle for hearts and minds and there are people on the fence, Rieckhoff asserted.
You got to have leaders and messages and messengers and programs to get to those people that bring them over into community organizing and into non-profit organizations and away from the Patriot Front and Oathkeepers, he continued.
Rieckhoff further declared that the same kind of tectonic shift in culture is needed now as was experienced immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, which ushered in draconian police state style crackdown on liberties.
Rieckhoff suggested that wasnt enough back then and the authorities should go further this time.
I think the parallels of 9/11 are important. We talked about this before. After 9/11, the laws didnt work. They made massive changes to respond to a new threat, Rieckhoff said.
He continued, I think we have to face the fact that many structures, laws and policies may not work. After 9/11 we created the Department of Homeland Security, there was the Patriot Act. There was massive change in our entire society to face the number one threat, or at least what was communicated as the number one threat.
Rieckhoff then claimed that Americans on the right, such as former Trump National Security Advisor General Mike Flynn are continually calling for violence.
Yet Rieckhoff totally neglected to point out that 'the left' that wants to take our rights away fully backs terrorist groups such as Antifa and 'Black Lives Matter' waging war upon peaceful Americans while they attempt to paint songs such as "Try That In A Small Town" as being 'harmful to our nation'.
So with the left and neocons such as Romney, all by design, attempting to crush America and freedom and put freedom and the America people into ourFinal Resting Place, in the Dustbin of History, and most Americans completely out of touch with reality if they really think that men can get pregnant, and that is 'the science,' while 'talking heads' such as Reickhoff really claim patriotic Americans are a danger to this country if we even just talk about the United States government being completely loaded with 'criminals' up to the very highest levels, take note that MSNBC and all of the other MSM outlets never, ever talk about the globalists themselves creating the COVID bioweapon and unleashing it upon America and the world so that they could scare people into also taking the "kill shot."
So while many Americans still talk about 'taking America back,'in the months and years ahead, as Steve and Mike warn us, who can even guarantee we'll ever have 'free and open elections' again, with 2020 bringing us the illegitimate 'biden crime cabal' and the 'greatest fraud in history?' Also warning us that we're quite literally watching the destruction of this nation being carried out by those who are supposed to be serving us and protecting us, we'd love to see what happens to those imposters if they "tried that in a small town."
ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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