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January 17, 2018
Flu Descriptions Including 'War Zone' And 'Flu-Pocalypse' Hint At Weaponized Variant - Google And Globalists Funding 'Universal Flu Vaccine' Research As Dollar Signs Dance In Their Heads
- Remember This Globalist Motto: 'Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste'
Warning within the Bloomberg story that new flu strains may be emerging at a time when the entire continental US is showing widespread flu activity, we've noticed in several different ANP story comment sections that several ANP readers have been hit and as IDK recently shared with us, it's a particular nasty virus hitting some people now.
And while Dan Jernigan, the director of the influenza division at the national Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases recently warnedFlu is everywhere in the U.S. right now, andThis is the first year we have had the entire continental U.S. be the same color on the graph, meaning there is widespread activity in all of the continental U.S. at this point", we shouldn't be surprised that the 'solution' still being pushed by the medical establishment is 'vaccines' as we reported in this January 12th ANP story.
As this recent story from Outbreak News Today reported, with a 78% increase in medical consultations for flu-like illnesses requiring a 50% increase in hospitalizations in the UK, the 'cure' can surely be found in vaccines, right? Wrong. First, from their story:
Professor Paul Cosford, Medical Director, Public Health England said, We encourage anyone who is eligible to take up their offer of the flu vaccine it is not too late. People suffering with flu-like symptoms should catch coughs or sneezes in tissues and bin them immediately, wash their hands regularly with soap and warm water and frequently clean regularly used surfaces to stop the spread of flu. Avoid having unnecessary contact with other people if you or they have symptoms of flu.
THAT is a non-medical situation; and increasing the power of ones own immune response requires something the medical system refuses to recognizeall the actions a person could take under the general banner of natural health.
From which the medical system makes zero money.
While Al.com recently reported that the entire state of Alabama has been hard hit by the flu, creating a 'crisis situation' according to one public health officer, their story also reports that hospitals all across the state are nearly filled up to capacity. Yet, as Steve Quayle stated in an SQnote that he left while linking to that story, "independent virologist needs to 'silently' investigate flu vaccine for any changed formulas and print out complete list of ingredients", descriptions of this flu sound like a battlefield as California hospitals face a 'war zone' of patients while 'flu-pocalypse' is thrown around as if we were entering 'end times'.
As Quayle had mentioned in another SQnote while linking to this story, "almost everyone at the place my son works who took the flu shot has come down with it - he didn't get the vaccine and has not - note the age group vaccinated (poisoned)!"
As we asked on ANP in our January 12th story, why are so many people who've gotten the flu shot this flu season coming down with the flu? Has this vaccine been genetically modified? While each of us has to make our own decision on whether or not to take it, as this previously mentioned Natural News story makes clear, we should at least educate ourselves before making that decision.
And while we're quite thankful that we're still able to make that choice here in the US ourselves rather than being force fed the flu shot, as this November of 2017 story over at Infowars pointed out, some Americans are being forced to get their flu shots under the threat of losing their jobs should they not take it with over 50 fired for refusing to do so at Essentia Health last year. Medical tyranny?
As Jon Rappoport mentioned in his story, one of the absolutely most important factors which determines if we get the flu and if so, how hard we get hit is our own immune systems, fortunately something that we do have a great deal of control over. In this story from 'Don't Mess With Mama'they report upon 35 natural remedies for cold and the flu as also heard in the final video below.
With the Center of Disease Control in America recently going so far as to cancel their upcoming nuclear war survival talk to focus upon the flu outbreak as shared in this new AJC storyhelping to show the dire nature some believe this flu outbreak to be, we shoudn't be the least bit surprised that the globalists are now pushing for a 'universal flu vaccine' before the next pandemic strikes as Scientific American reports in this new story.