In this January 8th story over at the Santa Barbara Independent they report the flu had just killed 8 people in Santa Barbara, what the 'public health czar' for Santa Barbara County was calling "unprecedented numbers". Also warning that the number of patients testing positive for flu at local hospitals there was "off the charts", Steve Quayle had left an interesting SQnote while linking to that story: "Whenever you see the word unprecedented its a heads up to consider intentional, manipulated virus - note the ages".
As the SBI story noted, each of those who passed away was over the age of 65 yet, despite the announced fact that this years flu shot has largely been ineffective, as this new SQAlert also noted, doctors are still suggesting that the young and the elderly take their flu shots, despite even heavy medical industry doubts over its effectiveness.
Why would doctors recommend that their patients get the flu shot this year despite its ineffectiveness, with 7 of the 8 flu death victims in Santa Barbara having gotten the flu vaccine themselves? The full SQAlert is republished below.
With the state of California's flu epidemic running 300% above the 5-year average according to this story from Breitbartand not just packing emergency rooms to beyond capacity but bringing widespread medical shortages,even some ANP readers have mentioned in the comment section that they or friends or family members had fallen ill to the flu or some other mysterious illnesses recently.
In this story we'll take a look at the deadly flu striking America as well some alternative health remedies that some people are using to help themselves and their loved ones fight this winter onset of illness. We'll also take a look at some signs that this outbreak of the flu may have been genetically modified though at the moment we're not in the position to prove so.
As we hear in the 2nd video below featuring Jon Rappoport along with Infowars as is also shared in this Rappoport story, big pharma and the vaccine industry pumped $3.2 billion dollars into TV ads for drugs during the 11 months preceding his story. As he mentions, that kind of money not only buys them influence, but it buys them control.
So why would any mainstream media companies do a proper investigation into 'big pharma' and their deadly poisons, including vaccines such as the flu shot? In the graphic at this link at the bottom of this story we see the witches brew of chemicals they're injecting into our bodies when we get vaccinations, including latex rubber, aluminum and formaldehyde. From Rappoport's story:
If a major network suddenly decided to set its hounds loose and investigate the overall devastating effects of medical drugs on the public, there would be hell to pay at the network. Drug companies wouldnt stand for it.
Robert F Kennedy, Jr., whose film, Trace Amounts, about toxic mercury in vaccines, was getting no media coverage, made this comment:
I talked to Roger Ailes [then CEO of FOX News], who I have known since I was 17 years old, hes very sympathetic with this issue and saw the film Trace Amounts. I said to him, I just want to go on one of your shows. Nobody will allow me to talk about this or debate me. He said to me, I cant allow you on any of them. Id have to fire any of my hosts that allowed you on my station. Because he said, My news division gets up to 70% of advertising revenues during non-election years from the pharmaceutical companies.
Yet with this massive outbreak of flu cases across the US, as our videographer tells us in the 1st video below, we might want to avoid the massive propaganda push to get the flu shot now, especially with it being largely ineffective.
With it now exactly 100 years since the Spanish flu of 1918 killed more than 100 million people after infecting nearly 500 million people in Europe and throughout the world as reported in this new story over at the Daily Wobble, it's long been warned that globalists intent upon depopulating the planet might manipulate such a deadly disease to do so.
Could the Spanish influenza strain of 1918 the unholy grail of infectious diseases be resurrected as the ultimate bioweapon?
"It would not be easy; but with advances in this technology, it gets easier every day," warns Mohammed Madjid, MD, lead author of a provocative new paper about the possibilities of using the flu virus as a weapon of bioterrorism.
According to this December 29th story over at Natural Blaze, FDA-approved medical drugs kill 106,000 Americans per year. As their story points out, thats a MILLION deaths per decade! Death by lethal injection?
And as was previously mentioned above, why would medical doctors still be insisting that their elderly and very young patients get the flu shot when they know that it is ineffective? Great points brought up by David S. in the SQAlert below.
I found the article that you posted this morning on the eight flu deaths in Santa Barbara county the past two weeks astounding. Seven of the eight victims had the flu vaccine yet died! Seems to me that not only doesn't the vaccine work, but could the vaccine have contributed to their death? What a convenient trace free way to cull the elderly population. Then the "public health czar" (whatever the hell that is), a Ms. Dean says the following: "Even so, Dean said people should still get flu shots, particularly those younger than 5, older than 65, pregnant, or otherwise dealing with compromised health. If your choice is between life and death or a trip to intensive care, why would you pass up that kind of protection, particularly if youre already vulnerable? she asked."
Steve, what kind of protection is she talking about, the kind that killed seven out of eight who got the shot? I was no math major but if I lived in SB I would take my chances not getting the shot in Santa Barbara. I rarely see a story that so blatantly smells of a cover up like this one. Even in an age of daily coverups!! This lady should be fired immediately for being an idiot, but then again she's in CA and works for the government...enough said.
God bless.
David S..
In the final video below, our videographer shares with us numerous natural remedies which she uses to help her own family get through cold and flu season includingessential oils, elderberry, garlic, honey and many other natural treatments for the whole family. If you've got a personal favorite remedy to treat the flu, please let us know in the comment section below.
As the story excerpt below from the Herbal Academy reports, many may not even know that they likely have natural ingredient alternatives to help fight the flu or the cold right now in their own kitchens. From the Herbal Academy:
Home Remedies for Colds and Flu Shopping List:
Garlic anti-viral, antibiotic, and antiseptic. Onion great for coughs and raw onion keeps the respiratory tract open. Ginger antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. In addition to treating cold/flu, ginger is excellent for nausea and vomiting. Sage carminative, antiseptic, and astringent the mouth and throat plant. Used for sore throats and cough. Also used for sinus congestion. Sage should not be used when pregnant or breast feeding. Thyme antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral, expectorant, and astringent. Thyme is great for respiratory infections and coughs. It is also good for the stomach and relieves gas. Cayenne powder stimulant, anti-microbial, analgesic, carminative, diaphoretic, and expectorant. Cayenne can help prevent a cold or flu as well as shorten the duration of a cold or flu. It brings heat to the body, which can help dispel coldness. Honey raw, local honey should ideally be purchased either at a farmers market or at Whole Foods or Trader Joes. Honey is antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiseptic. Do not give honey to children under 1 year old. Lemon high in vitamin C, lemon may help decrease the strength of the cold and flu virus in the body and reduce phlegm. Many folks use lemons to build resistance to cold and flu, and speed up healing.