November 30, 2022
A Full-Scale, Worldwide Tyrannical Power Grab Is Unfolding Now Through The Globalists Evil Triad Of 'Climate Change,' Really 'Geoengineering The Weather,' Migration And Vaccines
By Kathleen Gotto for All News Pipeline
COP27 marked the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and was held in Egypt from November 618, 2022. The convention, attended by heads of state, business leaders, and members of civil society, descended upon Egypt by onesies and twosies, seemingly in contravention of their supposed concern for the climate. Case in point were the 400 private jets arriving in Sharm el-Sheikh and Cairo, Egypt for the conference. Perhaps the climateers believe their planes dont emit any pollution or harmful particulates that would impact the atmosphere. Otherwise, the participants would surely have pooled their resources and chartered a commercial plane. If they really cared.
On one hand, climateers protest carbon footprints on the climate, while on the other hand, show disregard for their own so-called carbon impact. Typical behavior for people who think they have all the answers to world issues. Or perhaps the climate change hype is really about something else. Maybe it is really just a tool to induce guilt and control over a gullible and gutless segment of the global population.
These COP yearly meetings all have their focus and goals squarely on the Paris Agreement of 2015. President Trump withdrew the U.S. from the Agreement on November 4, 2020, thereby reasserting national interests above those of the United Nations. Actually, when reading over the Paris Agreement, one could almost be excused for thinking that the pact is really nothing more than a shakedown trap to levy punitive damages on developed nations for having the audacity and talent to become successful. Nonetheless, on January 20, 2021 White House Resident Joe Biden signed Executive Order 13990 and rejoined the Paris Agreement, on behalf of the United States of America. However, there is hope that this grab over member nations sovereignty will yet implode.
What is missing in the climate change agenda is an honest discussion of the geoengineering technology being used to affect weather systems. Is the real climate change issue manmade in order to have a means of control over nations? Is this part of a new world order here, and here. Regardless of what the new world order is thought to be, only time will tell. However, climate change may very well be an instrument used to bring it about.
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Along with climate change, mass global migration is an issue being heavily pushed by globalists. On November 11, 2022, Biden announced new initiatives at COP27, which include commitment to and support for the Global Compact for Migration. The U.S. has laws on immigration into this country, which are apparently being contravened in deference to global initiatives. Considering the nearly 5 million people who got into this country illegally as of August 2022, it is obvious U.S. immigration laws are not being enforced. Is there a bigger plan behind this mass influx of unvetted and illegal immigrants into this country? Is Bidens support for the World Economic Forum (WEF) and their climate-change-is-everything agenda on display with his essentially open-borders policy for the U.S.?
What is accomplished by encouraging mass migration from under-developed or developing countries to developed countries, especially with WEFs highly touted concern for the nexus of food-water-energy for global citizens? It easily gives rise to conjecture that mass immigration could overwhelm all of those resources, and end up causing resource systems to implode from massive need. Or is that a WEF approach, to attain order out of chaos in lockstep with the Build Back Better agenda? Funny thing about order out of chaos; it flies in the face of the long-established Second Law of Thermodynamcis, which states disorder or entropy always increases. Thus, order out of chaos is not only a myth but is ridiculously unscientific.
The National Center for Biotechnology Information seems intent on propagandizing climate change along with vaccines, In early 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that vaccine hesitancy and climate change were major threats to global health What a blatant attempt to castigate distrust of two areas of discourse that shuts out opposition. How many doctors have been threatened with losing their license to practice medicine if they voice concern over COVID-19 safety and efficacy? The climate change adherents allow for no other narrative other than their own. How does shutting out the climate deniers, skeptics, orcontrarians advance a scientific exchange of ideas and theories? It doesnt of course, by design.
Vaccines have been a longstanding endeavor by the Gates Foundation. Remember what happened in 2010 with a well-known non-governmental organization (NGO)? Sharmeen Ahmedtells us: Since the early 2000s, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (Gavi), Global Health Innovative Technology Fund and PATH, all heavily funded by the Gates Foundation, have been distributing vaccines and drugs to vulnerable populations in Africa and India. In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded experimental malaria and meningitis vaccine trials across Africa and HPV vaccine programs in India. All of these programs resulted in numerous deaths and injuries, with accounts of forced vaccinations and uninformed consent. Indias Bill Gates problemgoes back a number of years.

If an organization has an honest concern about the health of people, wouldnt it take proper precautions to ensure the safety of a vaccine before inflicting it upon vulnerable people in vaccine trials like those in India and Africa? Actually, what happened in Africa and India almost has the stench of racism about it. Has Gates been experimenting on vulnerable populations? Interestingly, the High Court of India has agreed to hear the case against Bill Gates and the COVID-19 death of an Indian healthcare worker here and here.
On April 18, 1979 the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published The Belmont Report, which set out principles and guidelines to protect human subjects of research. This report was codified in the Code of Federal Regulations at 45 CFR 46 (2018 Common Rule)to protect human subjects of government research. In paragraph 46.101, it clearly states that the application of the regulation also applied to research outside the U.S. While the real number of those who died some time after a COVID-19 injection cannot be accurately assessed for a number of reasons, it is obvious that there is pervasive suppression of post-injection information.
It seems the federal government has learned nothing from the 1976 Swine Flu inoculation program, which was ended after approximately 25% of the population had been injected, due to Guillain-Barre syndrome post-vaccination. Why werent lessons learned from 1976 applied to the SARS-CoV-2 breakout?
There is no excuse for willful ignorance or inaction on the part of HHS and its sub-agencies that were involved in the roll-out of the COVID-19 shot. Depraved indifference comes to mind because the internet is replete with videos and testimonies of people who were severely injured after a COVID-19 injection. Where is the HHS Office of the Inspector General in investigating the abrogation of 45 CFR 46 by its sub-agencies in this unfolding tragedy of epic and global proportions? Did the declared Emergency Use Authorization trump 45 CFR 46 in disregard for the protection of human subjects of the experimental vaccines? History will not be kind to the globalists and the complicit nation actors behind the manifold tyranny inflicted upon the world in the name of science.
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