November 1, 2022
Highly Advanced Nanotechnology Is At 'The Tip Of The Needle!' - Fully Programmable And Self-Assembling Tech Used In Vaxxes As Globalists Move Towards Completing The Gilgamesh Project
By Kathleen Gotto for All News Pipeline
It is commonly understood that if a problem cannot be identified and defined, it wont get solved. We have that situation with the COVID-19 vaccine, which was produced to supposedly protect people from what is called the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The original story of the origin of this virus began in a wet market in Wuhan, China and is now under scrutiny as a biolab product, here, and here. However, it is the response to this virus vis--vis the COVID-19 vaccine, that also needs to be investigated.
For almost three years and all over the world the lives of people were shut down. Small businesses were denied the right to operate and were forced out of business; children were denied a proper education; travel was restricted; and face masks were mandated nearly everywhere. For what purpose? For an honest-to-goodness disease epidemic? It appears not.
Many whistleblowers, doctors, researchers, embalmers and other medical personnel have stepped forward to shine light on this issue and have risked their careers doing so. Some may have risked their lives. For certain, scientific inquiry into this SARS-CoV-2 virus was shut down by an apparent and coordinated diktat mandated by the major countries of the world.
Two of the earliest experts, who performed research into the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, were Dr. Pablo Campra and the late Dr. Andreas Noack using microscopy and spectroscopy. Both scientists discovered graphene oxide (Dr. Campra) or graphene hydroxide (Dr. Noack) in the vaccines. Graphene is a toxic substance and, according to Dr. Noack, the hydroxide form acts like tiny razor blades in the blood vessels. It should be noted that shortly after Dr. Noack published his last known video, he died. The police called it a heart attack. A more honest assessment could be called a homicide.
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More analyses of the COVID-19 vaccines have been done since the discovery of graphene in the shots. Dr. Carrie Madej, who was nearly killed in a plane crash this year, was at least one ofthe first doctors to discover strange objects in the Moderna vaccine. Subsequent analyses of the mRNA vaccines by other researchers continue even while Big Pharma censors, in the form of fact-checkers, proliferate and scramble to silence dissident voices. Why not let science vindicate itself? No, apparently truth must be held captive at whatever cost. However, truth is relentless and the COVID-19 house of cards is already starting to come down because of the dauntless work being done by researchers who refuse to be silenced.
Another such person is Karen Kingston, a prolific biotech analyst, pharmaceutical researcher and patent exposer. Ms. Kingston has done, and is doing, extensive research on the COVID-19 vaccines. She provides evidence from the Moderna patents of Artificial Intelligence (AI) being present in the mRNA vaccines. This can be found in a recent Kingston Report. The technology is more advanced than what the average person may be acquainted with, but it is nonetheless understandable. The Moderna mRNA technology (which is used in all the mRNA vaccines) is not what has been pitched to the world, but instead is highly advanced nanotechnology.
So, if there really was no nature-caused viral pandemic, and if chemical and other analyses of the COVID-19 vaccines under spectroscopy and microscopy show evidence of graphene and self-assembling structures, or as Dr. David Nixon asserts, objects that are constructed by nanorobots or micro-machines, something very strange is going on.
How can any doctor with access to a microscope and the published work of various experts continue to believe that the COVID-19 shot is just another vaccine intended to protect people in the name of health and science? Is that the lie they tell themselves to salve a guilty conscience for doing nothing to expose the genocide taking place on their watch? There is simply no excuse for professional ignorance by anyone in the science and allopathic medicine fields. There will eventually be a price to pay for complicity or failure to act on the part of health professionals the world over. The same goes for government personnel ignoring the plight of unknown millions of their citizens who have been killed or maimed by the COVID-19 vaccines.
Ms. Kingston made a stunning discovery in Modernas patents and that is the inclusion of semiconductor quantum dots, which emit electromagnetic fields and frequencies and can be used in neuroweapons. For what purpose, and to what end, are these substances in COVID-19 vaccine shots? Lets not forget these are shots that have been mandated by governments around the world for their citizens, and even children, to take!
In Ms. Kingstons Part 5 report on exposing the nanotechnology and dismantling Modernas COVID-19 deceptions, here, here and here, she states: Per MODERNA patent US 10703789B2, which can be found on the MODERNA website, the technology for all mRNA COVID-19 vaccines uses lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technology. Per sections 219 of MODERNA US10703789 B2, the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are fully programmable self-assembling technologies Sections 219 and 220 state that the LNPs can contain gels and hydrogels.US 0028565 A1 patented the functionality of the nanotechnology in the COVID-19 bioweapon injections to ensure rapid, easy, and targeted biodistribution of the nanoparticles throughout the body Per US 0028565 A1, quantum dots functionality is based on the quantum mechanics of the Bohr particle. Due to quantum mechanics, quantum dots that have been injected into American and global citizens by means of the the COVID-19 bioweapons and can quite literally appear within the human body based on specific electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) or disappear based on specific frequencies

Therefore, if the COVID-19 mRNA shots contain substances which may be semi-conductors with electromagnetic frequency, what does it mean to have those substances in the human body? What are the quantum dots/semiconductor nanocrystals actually doing in the human body and are they subject to stimulation by external electromagnetic frequencies? Will 4G or 5G or other cell tower generated frequencies be used for that purpose? If so, what kind of response to the EMF would be elicited from those who took the mRNA shots when exposed to those frequencies? These questions need to be answered if we are still living in a civilized society.
Surely there must be an end game to all this COVID-19 vaccine deception. Lets see if we can enter into what might be behind all the worlds mayhem, deaths, disabilities and economic ruin of the last nearly three years. Enter Klaus Schwabs World Economic Forum and the FourthIndustrial Revolution.
Klaus Schwab has a plan for the world, post-pandemic. Actually, one could almost believe Schwab and his ilk were involved in creating the pandemic crisis so they could present the Great Reset solution to the whole world as the ultimate fix. Hmmm. And then there is Yuval Noah Harari, history professor at the Hebrew University in Israel and advisor to the WEF. Hararis writings and videos are very clear about who he is and what he believes, here, here, and here. When he speaks of human beings as hackable animals, what does such a mindset lead to? If humans are hackable, and if he believes we are the last generation of homo sapiens, does that mean technology will hack and change our human and God-given genome? And replace it with what, an AI programmed genome and operating system that destroys our will and the very essence of who we are? Could nanotechnology be used to accomplish such a mission? Res ipsa loquitur!
How then could elites get such technology into people? Could it come by way of a pandemic scare that can only be eliminated through the end of a hyperdermic needle? Looking again at Modernas patents, it is undeniable that such destructive nanotechnology is already here and has been exposed. It is a valid question to ask if Schwabs Great Reset is behind the pandemic after all, and is something deeper going on?
From time immemorial, and in all cultures, man has shown an innate sense of believing in the existence of a life force outside himself and has sought to worship, supplicate or appease what he considered his gods. Blaise Pascal said it so succinctly:
What else does this craving, and this helplessness, proclaim but that there was once in man a true happiness, of which all that now remains is the empty print and trace?
This he tries in vain to fill with everything around him, seeking in things that are not there the help he cannot find in those that are, though none can help, since this infinite abyss can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object; in other words by God himself
But there is another facet that may be at work in the hearts and minds of sinful men who, not willing to worship the Creator, instead want to become creator-gods. Hararis main goal as expressed in his Gilgamesh Project is immortality. But only a madman would take pleasure in being and creating an immortal, godless transhuman who is then condemned for all eternity to live without God, without his God-given humanity, and without forgiveness for his sins. The Nazarene said it best: For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and losehis own soul?. Indeed.
----Kathleen Gotto
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