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February 8, 2022

New Photos Show Biden And Democrats Completing The Transformation Of America Into A Third World Nation - How Will You Survive With No Electricity & Grocery Stores Plundered?

- 10's Of Millions Will Die Because They Can't Answer Those Questions

Reader Image: Wyoming, Walmart

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

In part 3 of the 'Original Prepper' series we are going to discuss survival, both in rural and urban areas, as we watch America slowly descend into a nation where grocery stores are limited in food, people in some states are asked to "ration" and limit what they buy, while the masses are told there is absolutely nothing wrong, therefore they continue to offer excuses as to why they keep seeing empty store shelves.

Related: Part One - Part Two of the "Original Prepper"Series

The image at the top and others below have come from ANP readers, from PA to WY, where we see the barer-than-normal stores are even more depleted than just last month.

One reader explained what he saw as "disconnect" and "normalcy bias" even when faced with present day visual evidence of what is occurring right before their eyes.

His note states:

It's so amazing at the disconnect and normalcy bias.

Folks posted some pictures like this on the community Facebook page and every excuse in the book was posted.

Broken cooler, stop showing your IQ,

Go shop somewhere else.

Shelves do have to get restocked you know.

This post is making me upset, etc.

I'm sure you get the picture, idiotic excuses for the engineered scarcity.

I took these pictures today at different sections of the store.

Consistently low stock all around.

Reader Image: Giant Grocery Store, PA

The store in question is a Walmart in Wyoming, and other images (they will be captioned) come from a Giant grocery store in Pennsylvania.

The type of people described by our reader is indicative of the dumbed down Americans that wait for the MSM to tell them when they should worry. Usually that warning doesn't come until too late because the panic shopping has already begun and there will be even less food on the shelves than what we are seeing in the images sent to us.

As I see it, we'll have three general types of people when SHTF; Those as prepared as they can be for the "worst case scenario"; Those that have a couple weeks of food in their pantry, and; Those that think hitting the store every few days will always be a option.

The last group will be the first to starve or get killed trying to steal from people who did prepare accordingly.

As has been pointed out to us in recent "Original Prepper" pieces, even those the most prepared, those that have been prepping for years, will still face unprecedented challenges when their food supply runs low.

Americans in denial continue to say "Things will get better," and granted, anything is possible, but a look at Venezuela, known once as the "richest nation in South America," which rapidly turned into a nation where food staples are "regulated," and the rich eat well, while the poor dumpster dive to feed themselves and their families.

The point here is can happen anywhere, and one of the first signs of a failing nation is the depletion of food.

ANP FUNDRAISER:Due to renewed censorship by'big tech'upon ANP articles, we'll berunning a fundraising driveuntil we catch up on expenses. We also want to thank everybody who hasdonated to ANPover the years. With donations and ad revenueall that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic,'big tech'censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

Reader Image: Wyoming, Walmart


Unlike the pioneer days, methods of surviving now depends on where you live and where you will be after SHTF.

For example: In rural areas one can usually, easily, find a water source to fish, or open grounds to hunt meat, while in urban areas....not so much.

Those in urban areas do have limited choices if they cannot bug-out to a better location. They can stock up on years worth of freeze dried meats, powdered milk, eggs, cream and butter, and grow their own fruits and vegetables, using the meats sparingly for protein with stews, soups, casseroles and salads.

Knowing how to grow indoors, especially if living in cold weather temperatures, is key to surviving in urban areas, so physical books are a must, as is learning to can or dehydrate foods without any fancy machines. While electricity may not disappear, preparing for the worst case scenario, and hoping it never comes to pass, is a survival measure.

Year-Round Indoor Salad Gardening: How to Grow Nutrient-Dense, Soil-Sprouted Greens in Less Than 10 days

Indoor Kitchen Gardening: Turn Your Home Into a Year-round Vegetable Garden - Microgreens - Sprouts - Herbs - Mushrooms - Tomatoes, Peppers & More

20 Most Popular Vegetables Seeds Variety Pack - Heirloom, Non-GMO, Veggies Seeds for Planting Outdoor and Indoor Home Gardening 1300+ Seeds Including Beet Tomato Celery Cabbage Pepper Cabbage & More

Canning and Preserving for Beginners: The Essential Canning Recipes and Canning Supplies Guide

The Ultimate Dehydrator Cookbook: The Complete Guide to Drying Food, Plus 398 Recipes, Including Making Jerky, Fruit Leather & Just-Add-Water Meals

Seeds and Dwarf Trees:

Growing fruits generally take space, which isn't always available to those living in urban locations, so along with seeds for vegetable gardening indoors or outdoors, there are a large varity of "Dwarf" fruit trees available, so fresh fruit no longer takes a lot of space to grow.

Dwarf Fruit Trees

Survival Vegetable Seeds Garden Kit Over 16,000 Seeds Non-GMO and Heirloom, Great for Emergency Bugout Survival Gear 35 Varieties Seeds for Planting Vegetables 35 Free Plant Markers Gardeners Basics

Reader Image: Giant Grocery Store, PA.

In rural areas, survival includes growing fruits, vegetables and herbs as well, but with the likely capability of being able to hunt or fish.

Restocking and topping off fishing supplies, filling up the tackle boxes, is just half the work needed, as one also needs to know how to clean the catch, and how to use as much of it as possible to waste nothing.

Fishing Gear

The Hunter's Guide to Butchering, Smoking, and Curing Wild Game and Fish

Hunting is a little more complicated for some. Some are familiar and comfortable with weapons, but would still need to know how to skin, clean, and butcher the meat, because worst case scenario, you won't have a butcher to do it for you.
Others, uncomfortable around weapons like guns, would need bows and arrows, a cross bow, and would still need the same skills to prepare the meats.

Reader Image: Giant Grocery Store, PA

So many skills have been lost with our older generations, but learning, and more importantly, teaching your children or grandchildren the skills needed to survive when SHTF, could bring us back to a nation capable of surviving the worst.

We would like to thank our wonderful readers for the images, and those we have not used yet, will be included in another article.

Images of empty or depleted shelves can be sent to [email protected] to be used in follow ups about the food crises the images show, but the MSM denies.


If there was no electricity, or generators and no grocery stores, what would you do? As stated in the headline, tens of millions of Americans cannot answer that question, and will die if forced to survive without grocery stores.

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ANP FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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