In our last prepping article we dealt with learning to cook from scratch, a skill that has become rare as fast and frozen food, boxed and canned, have become the most widely eaten foods, as well as microwaves being the only method known to some of the younger crowd as the skills of our ancestors, the original preppers, continue to decline.
In that piece we were reminded that cooking isn't the only skill set that has been lost as the older generations die off, and while food and water are critical to staying a live, skills beyond the basics, must also be brought back into the light of day, for not just preppers and survivalists, but to anyone that wants to survive and thrive when the worst case scenarios become more and more inevitable.
So today, in this part of the "Original Prepper" series, we will be discussing survival gear, medical do-it-yourself books, basic necessities other than food and water, to survive in scenarios that could include; world war, civil war, mass civil unrest, no electricity or running water, and more.
With Russia and Ukraine, China and Taiwan, and other hot spots across the globe, tensions are escalating rapidly throughout the world.
Closer still, we are watching America's cold civil war turn hot, fast. This goes beyond "politics" as different parties are eating their own and fighting amongst themselves, as well as the powder keg that America has become intensifying daily.
We have trucker's freedom convoys where deliveries are not being made, store shelves more depleted than at the start of the Covid chaos, tensions rising among neighbors, and public displays of rage becoming so common it isn't even treated as "news" anymore.
We have politicians, along with their media sycophants pushing violations of all Americans' rights, from freedom of religion to attempting to intimidate and threaten the populace to force them to take experimental vaccines.
We have the public starting to push back at unprecedented levels.
So very much is happening, all at once and there are only so many times one can toss a lit match at a puddle of gas before one catches and BOOM! Frankly it seems as if the entire nation is one big puddle of gas and everyone seems intent on flicking matches all over the place.
Knowledge on how to survive and thrive, with more than just freeze dried foods and cases of water, may just be the difference between life and death one day.
It isn't "if" it will happen, but rather when.
ANP FUNDRAISER:Due to renewed censorship by'big tech'upon ANP articles, we'll berunning a fundraising driveuntil we catch up on expenses. We also want to thank everybody who hasdonated to ANPover the years. With donations and ad revenueall that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic,'big tech'censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
The expression is "survival of the fittest," but to survive worst case scenarios, being "fit" alone isn't enough to thrive and live. Someone "fit" will still starve without food. Someone "fit" will die of thirst without something to drink. Someone "fit" cannot survive an infection of a wound, for example, without knowing how to treat it, or more importantly how to prevent it in the first place.
Fitness is great, but knowledge and preparation is critical to survival.
Those who survive and
Must Have Knowledge
We will list some of the best deals we find below for physical books on medical know-how in SHTF times, survival books, feeding yourself if the grid goes down, and emergency gear that could very well save your life.
We can have all the "gear" ever made, but without the knowledge on how to use it, we might as well not have any of it at all.
Remember: Many teenagers cannot even use a manual can opener, which is a key indicator that we are not teaching our young, and many of us, do not know how to survive without modern technology.
The video below is from 11 months ago.... but I have found some showing variations of the same ignorance going back 12 years with just a few seconds of searching.
That was just painful to watch...and the perfect illustration as to why we need to learn basic survival skills, if for no other reason that to teach our children and grandchildren, because at some point, skills other than throwing something in the microwave, setting the timer and hitting start, will be a necessity.
Lucky for today's generation, the gear is available without having to make it all by hand like the "original preppers", the pioneers, had to, so the goal is to learn what is needed, why, and how to use it, which is where books come in very handy. Books can also be given to your younger family members so they have a chance when SHTF.
When creating a kit, or a go-bag, one tends to have exactly what they want in it already in mind, but for those who have never imagined having to bug out, pre-made kits with packs are available, but tend to only have enough in them, food or water wise, for a limited amount of time.
That works if someone is just bugging out and needs to get from point A to point B without having to make any stops for supplies on the way.
For those that consider themselves gear heads, they would want to build their own emergency survival kits with their preferred go-bags, brands, sizes and specialty items they prefer for themselves.
Those that are not in any way, shape or form, gear heads, there are number of must have items that should always be in a bag, ready to grab and run with.
Many websites have their own lists of must have items to have to survive an emergency, and we will link some below, but we have slightly streamed down the lists to our top 16.
Readers will each most likely have their own top 10, or 15, or 20, and are encouraged to share their views on what is the most important to them, in the comment section below.
Please keep in mind that while we are linking to the search pages for most of the items below, many in our comment section would be happy to recommend specific brands, and answer any questions you may have about survival gear.
Personal Defense Weapons- One has to be able to protect themselves against anything that comes at them.
Survival Knives - Can be used as a weapon, as well as to prepare food, cut rope, help with building a campsite, and a thousand other little and larger things that may need to be done.
Survival Multi-tools - Small, compact for multiple uses, heavy duty and one of those items that everyone should have in their homes.
Blade Sharpeners - A must have to keep all your sharp weapons, multitools and survival blades in top shape.
Tactical Flashlights - Whether it is a grid down scenario or having to travel outdoors and sleep in tents until reaching your destination, having light us preferable to running around in the dark and tripping all over everything.
Paracord - This must have item can be used for a large variety of uses, from tourniquets, splits, building your tents, repairing items, fishing, etc.......
First Aid Kits - Last but most definitely not least, first aid kits. We linked to a few books to help with injuries, but knowing how to treat them without the tools to treat them, isn't the best of, a first aid kit is a must, whether for bugging out or just for every day use at home.
Note:Readers may note that what we did not cover here is the gear, equipment and books dealing with catching your own food, by fishing, trapping, and hunting. That in and of itself is another article I am researching, as to the ways to survive after you run out of your survival foods.
As part of the "Original Preppers" series, gear is an important aspect of being able to survive any disaster scenario. Knowing how to use that gear, how to treat yourself or offer medical aid, cook outdoors, and survive SHTF, which is the entire goal of prepping.
As noted above, preppers have their own lists of what is the top must have items, and are encouraged to share links, resources, and videos, in the comment section below.
The videos below are other prepper's top must have items, which could help those unsure of what is the most needed, to decide.
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