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April 21, 2024

NWO Globalists Claim 2024 'Might' Be 'America's Last Election' & They Love To Tell Us What They're Planning Ahead Of Time - Any US Dictatorship Must Be Stopped By All Means Necessary

- Tyrants Should Never Be SO Stupid They'd Bring Tyranny To People Owning 500 Million+ Guns

By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline

According to Vice President Kamala Harris in this recent story over at MSN, 2024 could very well be the very last US Presidential election. And while Harris is referencing President Donald Trump becoming a 'dictator'if he is 'permitted' to actually 'win' the upcoming election in November, (if we are even permitted to have the election), we all know by now that 'the globalists' love to tell us what they're going to do ahead of time.

And with them clearly 'stealing' the 2020 election,and now moving full speed ahead into full-scale fascism under Joe Biden as Susan Duclos had pointed out in this April 18th ANP story, it's not at all a stretch of the imagination to find that Harris is actually telling the world THEIR plans for us going forward, plans that should NEVER be 'permitted' to happen. At least not on OUR watch. And that means WHOEVER wins in November, if we get that far.

With a Donald Trump dictatorship here in America being as awful as a Joe Biden dictatorship, or a Hillary Clinton dictatorship or a Barack Obama dictatorship (or even a 'Stefan Stanford' dictatorship for that matter,) any real dictatorship in America should be something that should NEVER be allowed to happen, and something that should be PREVENTED from happening by EVERY MEANS NECESSARY. Remember, America's Founding Fathers didn't give the American people a '2nd Amendment' so that Americans could happily go 'deer hunting' but for preventing tyranny (though of course we pray that it never comes down to that!)

So we should be watching very closely what happens in the days, weeks and months ahead as we move closer and closer to that November election date and we as Americans should be fully prepared to 'defend the Republic' against ALL enemies, both foreign and domestic, but especially against the most likely to attempt to carry out such a coup,'enemies of America within'. Briefly, from that MSN story.:

Vice President Harris this week agreed with an interviewer who said the 2024 election could be the last democratic election in the United States.

Harris was discussing former President Trumps comments about being a dictator only on day one of a second term with the hosts of the podcast Ive Had It.

I dont think its hyperbolic to say this genuinely could be the last democratic election we ever have, co-host Angie Pumps Sullivan said.

Harris replied, Youre right.

Listen to what he says, hes telling you, Sullivan said about Trump. Dictators arent a dictator for one day, and then its let the people decide.

No, and Im going to tell you. As vice president, Ive now met with over 150 world leaders in the last three international trips Ive taken which are going back to the end of last year through this year world leaders have come up to me, expressing their real concern about this election, Harris said.

When they do, it is out of a selfish point that theyre making because they know that whether or not America retains its democracy will have an impact on countries around the world and people around the world, the vice president added.

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Yet as we've also pointed out again and again in stories on ANP, politicians don't go out and STEAL elections like Democrats did in 2020 to one day give up power but as George Orwell bluntly warned us in his book "1984,""We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it."

And while neither Kamala Harris nor Joe Biden nor Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama will ever admit that Democrats outright 'stole' the election in 2020, just like they'd never, ever admit they unleashed COVID and the vaxxes on the planet to carry out 'depopulation' as that would be admitting they've been carrying out 'mass murder,' just look at the never-ending stream of lies and untruths that the American people have been fed by our absolutely corrupt politicians since that time, and long before.

With them claiming in their insane minds that men can be women and women can be men, turning one of the very first things we ever learned about 'reality' upon its' head, as we reported in this October 29th of 2023 story, "Totalitarianism Needs Endless Lies To Be Seen As 'The Truth' To Ensure Their Citizens Descend Into Madness And As George Orwell Warned Long Ago, This Dangerous Nightmare Has Arrived." From that story.:

With 'totalitarianism' needing their endless lies to be looked upon as 'the truth' while they throw their tremendous energy behind demonizing anyone who still speaks the truth to power in this day and age, we can see warnings coming true before our very eyes from "1984" and "The Gulag Archipelago".

In Stalinist Russia, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn noted that one could never be sure whether ones neighbors, friends, co-workers, the postman, or even in some cases ones own family, would report to the secret police a slip of the tongue, a criticism of Stalin or of Communism. For if one was reported their fate was usually sealed: the police would knock at the door in the middle of the night and soon after one would be given the standard sentence of a tenner that is, 10 years in the slave labor gulag prison camps. This form of surveillance created social conditions wherein most citizens adopted hypocrisy and lying as a way of life, or as Solzhenitsyn explains in The Gulag Archipelago:

The permanent lie becomes the only safe form of existence.Every wag of the tongue can be overheard by someone, every facial expression observed by someone. (ANP: Sounds familiar with Congress turning everyone into a 'spy' with their new FISA bill!) Therefore every word, if it does not have to be a direct lie, is nonetheless obliged not to contradict the general, common lie. There exists a collection of ready-made phrases, of labels, a selection of ready-made lies.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Gulag Archipelago

In addition to a ubiquitous state of fear, in totalitarianism there exists a widespread state of confusion and mental disorientation amongst the citizenry. Joost Meerloo explained:

"Many victims of totalitarianism have told me in interviews that the most upsetting experience they facedwas the feeling of loss of logic, the state of confusion into which they had been broughtthe state in which nothing had any validitythey simply did not know what was what. (Meerloo)

Joost Meerloo, Rape of the Mind

In 1984, widespread mental disorientation was stimulated via the falsification of history, and the negation of the concept of objective truth. The Ministry of Truth was the institution which falsified history.

Everything faded into mist. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth.

George Orwell, 1984

One of the reasons totalitarian regimes attempt to alter history is because it rids the society of any past reference points, or standards of comparison, which might remind the citizens that life in the past was so much better than it is in the sterile and oppressive present.

And sure enough, that is EXACTLY where we're heading in 2024, with the 'Biden crime cabal' establishing a 'Ministry of Truth' to tell us what's what and what's not, just as they're telling us 2024 MIGHT be America's 'last election,' because that's what THEY have planned for us. (If we even get that far!)

So with both a look back at history and George Orwell's "1984" giving us a peak at what may lay ahead for us, and Kamala Harris giving America a 'sneak peak' in her own wordsof what she and the globalists may have planned, Americans should be prepared for anything and everything in the days, weeks and months ahead.

As we'd reported on ANP back in October of 2017, a number of patriot writers have noticed over the years that the New World Order (NWO) elites often tell us exactly what they are up to, and the suspicion is that they do this for magical, ritualistic reasons.

The idea is that they (and their ultimate master) are very legalistic and feel that they can get away with anything if they tell us what they are about to do to us, and we, by not protesting in mass and even resisting, are, in effect, agreeing to it.

Or, alternatively, they are taunting the minority of us who are awake and aware, secure in their knowledge that the great mass of people, dumbed down by the indoc. centers (formerly known as schools,) will pay no attention. Of course, what they say openly is only published in a very few outlets; for the most part the slimestream media will ignore it.

David Rockefeller, who now resides down under (I dont mean Australia), openly boasted of the elites intention to create a global dictatorship. The Georgia Guide Stones openly proclaimed that the human population of our planet must be quickly reduced to a small fraction of its present level. Hussein Obamas old comrade from Chicago, the spoiled rich kid communist terrorist Bill Ayers, advocated the extermination of millions of Americans.

And many of the false flag operations of the elites, acts of mass murder, are simply so obvious, so in-your-face, that only the terminally mindless and willfully blind (unfortunately, nearly two thirds of the population) could fail to see the truth.

A good example is 9/11we were expected to believe that the only steel framed buildings ever to collapse completely due to fire did so in one place on one day, and all three collapsed straight down, a feat that can only be accomplished with controlled demolitions. The NWO crowd always hide everything in plain sight, right in front of us, where most people never look.

So was Kamala Harris openly telling us the globalists plans for November of 2024, but hiding the globalists plans by claiming that it was Donald Trump who was going to do it? Whether it is Trump who has plans for a US dictatorship, or Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and the 'devilrats' do, the American people should be fully prepared to make sure such a 'dictatorship' never happens.

And while we'd hope that Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and the rest of the globalists in Washington DC and around the world would NEVER be SO STUPID that they'd actually TRY to bring in a dictatorship to a country where the still-free people own 500 million guns and know very well how to use them, and we'll continue to pray that the American people NEVER have to use them to keep tyranny at bay, we must remember that KEEPING TYRANNY AT BAY was the original purpose of the 2nd Amendment in the US Constitution, and thus is STILL THE PURPOSE of the 2nd Amendment to this day.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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