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April 16, 2024

This 'Everyone's A Spy' Insanity Will Lead To A 'Free Speech Bloodbath' If The American People Let It: 'Terrifying New FISA Bill Will Solidify America Becoming A Full-Scale Police State

By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline

Just days ago, we republished this story on ANP titled "With America's 'Political Class' Engaging In Indefensible Criminality & In Cahoots With A Foreign Criminal Class, Respect For The Rule Of Law Vanishes Quickly" within which we warned America was quickly heading into a truly 'revolutionary' period due largely to our full-scale gallop into tyranny and the fact that the American people, people who own 500 million+ guns, won't accept said tyranny, nor should we ever.

Warning within that story that what we were witnessing was a kind of 'Robin Hood effect,' a time when 'outlaws' have more honor than government, and that in such times, paradigms come crashing down, we see more evidence of our public servants in Washington DC quite literally waging war upon the American people in a must read series of tweets from Elizabeth Goitein, Co-director of the left-leaning Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice, tweets which NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden called the most important thread you will read this year.

With Goitein and Snowden warning of what they call a 'Terrifying new FISA Bill that would only solidify America becoming a full-scale police state under Joe Biden and the very real crime cabal that occupies Washington DC right now, forcing businesses and websites such as All News Pipeline to become NSA spies as long as they host any kind of communications, which we clearly do with people using our story comment sections to communicate, as Ethan Huff warns in this new story, we're witnessing nothing less than the United States government once again trying to turn the American people against one another with a new "Everyone is a spy" surveillance bill that is being quietly ushered through Congress. Briefly, from this story.:

The Senate is set to vote on the FISA reauthorization bill that includes a provision forcing any company or individual that provides ANY communications service to become a pawn of the National Security Agencys surveillance grid.

The Section 702 provision of the FISA renewal bill requires any company that hosts any form of communication service to surrender surveillance data to the NSA under a gag order if compelled by the agency.

Buried in the Section 702 reauthorization bill (RISAA) passed by the House on Friday is the biggest expansion of domestic surveillance since the Patriot Act. Senator [Ron] Wyden calls this power terrifying, and hes right, wrote Elizabeth Goitein, Co-director of the left-leaning Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice on X Monday.

With Goitein warning also that None of these people or businesses would be allowed to tell anyone about the assistance they were compelled to provide. They would be under a gag order, and they would face heavy penalties if they failed to comply with it,it's easy for me to say that I'd rather be an 'outlaw' under such circumstances than 'aiding and abetting' what our government has turned into over the past several decades,a very real terrorist organization waging war upon the American people.

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As Senator Ron Wyden also tweeted of the bill, "This bill represents one of the most dramatic and terrifying expansions of government surveillance authority in history."

With this very real 'crime cabal' in Washington DC clearly having some crazy desire in 2024 to know everything about everyone, yet going out of their ways to let anybody into this country who wants to come in and not holding them to the same standards that they hold Americans to, it's long past time the American people said no to those who are going out of their wayto 'rule over us'.

"That sweeps in an enormous range of U.S. businesses that provide wifi to their customers and therefore have access to equipment on which communications transit. Barber shops, laundromats, fitness centers, hardware stores, dentist's offices ... the list goes on and on."

Commercial landlords that rent out office spaces where tens of millions of Americans go every day to work would also be swept into the NSA snitching pipeline via the new amendment.

While some entities would be exempt hotels, libraries and coffee shops, to name a few the vast majority would not, meaning just about every American business could be probed by the NSA to share confidential communications information on demand.

"The amendment even extends to service providers who come into our homes," Goitein further explains. "House cleaners, plumbers, people performing repairs and IT services providers have access to laptops and routers inside our homes and could be forced to serve as surrogate spies."

"None of these people or businesses would be allowed to tell anyone about the assistance they were compelled to provide. They would be under a gag order, and they would face heavy penalties if they failed to comply with it."

Yet with all of this happening at a time when the majority of Americans are more concerned about the unfolding of World War 3 on multiple fronts, wars that I'd argue we should NEVER be getting involved in nor spending a penny of American taxpayer money on, especially at a time when 10's of millions of Americans are homeless and starving and illegal immigrants are being treated much better than US Veterans who spent years and years serving this country, many paying the ultimate prices, will our 'government' prove to us ONCE AGAIN that they've put the American people last, by quite literally WAGING WAR upon us? As many ANP readers have pointed out in their comments, we shouldn't be the least bit surprised because it's been going on for years and years already. But now, they're kicking it up several notches.

And with this 'Everyone's A Spy' insanity already happening in the 'woke' state of Washington as heard in th 1st video below, where they're creating a 'hate crime hotline' so the easily 'triggered' can spend their lives tattling upon their neighbors, where does all of this go from here if the American people allow it? Will we soon become like Canada and some European nations where things like this are becoming 'offenses' where people are thrown in prison as heard in the 2nd video below?

And while this story over at the Seattle Times (saved here at Archive) reports that speech covered by the 1st Amendment will not be punishable, who really believes that any such 'hate crimes hotline' created JUST SO people can rat out their neighbors for 'wrongthink' won't be used exactly to target the 1st Amendment in the long run? As we hear in the 1st video below, "Its a good thing we NEVER take things out of context in America, or this would be a free speech bloodbath. Oh wait..."

Washington will establish a nonpolice hotline to assist people who have been targeted by hate crimes and bias incidents, state lawmakers decided this week, passing a new version of a bill that failed to advance last year.

Senate Bill 5427, sponsored by Sen. Javier Valdez, D-Seattle, among others, directs the state Attorney Generals Office to create a hotline serving at least three Washington counties by 2025 and all counties by 2027.

The bill says the hotline should be staffed during business hours. It says call takers should provide victims with information, refer them to culturally competent, trauma-informed local service providers for additional help and document the calls for annual reports. Identifying information will be kept out of the reports and will be exempt from public disclosure requests.

SB 5427 passed the Senate on Feb. 7 and cleared the House on Wednesday, drawing unanimous support from Democrats and near-unanimous opposition from Republicans. Its now headed to Gov. Jay Inslees desk to be signed into law.

So with our federal government here in America clearly putting illegal immigrants ahead of the American people, and now on the verge of signing into law a bill that will surely lead to a free speech bloodbath if we allow it to, and all of this just the next steps that are being taken to impose full-scale tyranny in our once free country, all reminding us of the 'frogs in the boiling pot,' will the American people simply allow this to take place on our watch? It's not a stretch to say the future of humanity is at stake.

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