April 19, 2024
The Biden Regime Is Showing America What Fascism Truly Is - The Question Now Is Whether They Will Get Us Into A Nuclear World War Before Or After Creating A Hot Civil War
By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline
As Joe Biden, Democrat politicians, the MSM, and liberals all across the internet screech and claim Donald Trump is a fascist, it is Joe Biden and his puppet masters that have taken actions throughout their time in the white House, that fits the literal definition of fascism.
I have never appreciated the U.S. using it's military and monetary strength to control other nations, rather than minding our own business and taking care of America first, but projecting abject weakness on the foreign stage, while acting like a dictator at home, is even worse, which has been seen in multiple events since Joe Biden first started occupying the White House.
Anyone remember when President Trump told North Korea that our nuclear button was bigger than theirs?
President Donald Trump, reacting to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un saying he had a "nuclear button on his desk" and was ready to use it against the United States, said on Twitter late Tuesday that his own nuclear button "is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!"
The fainting couches were pulled out of storage and the pearl clutching by Democrats was absolutely hysterical, with them convinced Trump was going to start WWIII.
A little over a year later, the headline, from the very same outlet linked above, that were clutching their pearls and telling their readers not to worry, Trump really didn't have a nuclear button on his desk, reported "Trump meets Kim Jong Un, becomes first sitting U.S. president to step into North Korea."
See, Trump knew, when talking to a bully, you have to out-bully them, speak their language, so to speak, and make them think you are just crazy enough to level their country if they threatened yours.
Under Biden, Russia invaded Ukraine, China threatens to invade Taiwan, Iran-backed Hamas and Iran, attacked Israel, and the world is on the edge of WWII.
Biden's foreign policy weakness was shown with the "chaotic" Afghanistan withdrawal, leaving allies behind, along with billions of weapons and equipment for the Taliban, and resulting in 13 U.S. military members being killed. The Taliban took control of Afghanistan almost immediately after that.
The botched Afghanistan withdrawal was in 2021, and the Russia/Ukraine war started in February 2022.
That is what happens when you project weakness, and not strength.
In fact, most of the warnings by Democrats regarding Trump, ended up being realized after Biden took office, as he has done nearly everything they convinced themselves Trump would do.
We'll go over some additional specifics down below, but the first and foremost is the Biden regimes attempts, and in many cases successes, at attempting to bankrupt conservative independent media, using threats against social media companies to shut down conservatives, and funding a company, NewsGuard, that goes after advertisers shown on conservative media websites.
What that has resulted in is having to install additional advertising because only low-paying ads are being allowed on conservative websites, and even that has not made up for the loss of the higher paying ads.
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Fascism:a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
When Trump threatened during a debate with Hillary Clinton before the 2016 presidential election, to have a special prosecutor appointed to investigate her, liberal websites went crazy, highlighting that only dictators do that.
Leftist website Mashable, said it was comparable to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Nicols Maduro, Venezuela, The military junta of Myanmar, Kim Jong-un, North Korea, Ali Khamenei, Iran, Yoweri Museveni, Uganda, Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe, Hun Sen, Cambodia, and Hosni Mubarak, Egypt.
Trump took the high road after he won the 2016 election, and did not have Clinton investigated, but the Biden regime, has and is trying to jail his political opponent, the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump.
Fani Willis romantic partner reportedly met with Biden White House twice before charging Trump
Biden staffers met with Special Counsel Jack Smiths aides before Trump indictment
I've checked Mashable to see if they made the same comparisons between Biden and the dictators listed above, but not a peep.
Guess it is alright to leftists if it is another leftist being a fascist.
American Spectator, in 2022, offered a couple of other examples of Biden's fascism.
Severe economic and social regimentation is a central characteristic of fascism. What, pray tell, have all those BidenFauci lockdowns, mask, and vaccine regimens been if not ordering that severe economic and social regimentation be imposed forcibly on every American?
Fascism exalts race above the individual. Again, what, pray tell, is identity politics, critical race theory, and more far-left racism that has been the building block of Bidens party from slavery to segregation been about if not to exalt race above the individual? Biden himself exemplifies this aspect of fascism by demanding that his appointees be selected not by qualification but by race. Not to mention when he blurted to the African American radio host Charlamagne tha God as follows: Well, I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether youre for me or Trump, then you aint black. Thus speaks fascism.
Biden also unilaterally decided to bribe young Americans by simply cancelling out more than $100 billion in student debt, and he did so after the Supreme Court ruled he couldn't.
The Association of Mature American Citizens, explains how other fascist dictators took control, and it was done in much the same way Biden is doing it.
Adolf Hitler didnt just declare himself dictator; dictatorial power preceded him in the chancellors office by several years, dating back to Heinrich Bruning invoking emergency powers under Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution in 1930. Benito Mussolini came to power under constitutional means in 1922 and didnt consolidate his rule until 1925. Fascism, in other words, is a gradual process. And that process starts with executive branch actors accreting authority they were never given.
The intellectual dishonesty of democrats describing Trump as a dictatorial, authoritarian fascist, all the while ignoring, downplaying or even defending actual fascism by Joe Biden, is astounding. Not exactly surprising, but still astounding.
Donald Trump is in court right now, with the liberal activist Judge, Juan Merchan, deliberately preventing him from being on the campaign trail, in just one of the many attempts by the White House and liberal prosecutors, to jail a political opponent.
If Democrats and the Biden regime get away with this, it may just be the spark that hits the powder keg, sending America into a hot civil war.
At this point the question is whether the Biden regime with start WWIII before or after they have made the cold civil war we have been fighting, go hot.
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