If anyone else noticed that the 'killer' in Portland was surnamed 'Christian', you aren't the only one. As Infowars reported,this case furthered the media's fake narrative evil white people are constantly killing minorities everywhere for kicks. So, how many MSM outlets are reporting this coward was a Sanders supporter? If you can find one, please leave a link to the story in the comment section below.
As this new story over at Daily Mail stressed, Jeremy Christian recently shouted in court, "you call it terrorism, I call it patriotism" leading us to ask, was there more to what happened in Portland than we are being told? The fact that the mainstream media and 'globalist-establishment' are at war against Christianity and 'traditional America' should tell us what the MSM isn't.
In this new story over at Skywatch TV they reportupon a new video game called 'Far Cry 5' in which the villains are white, Christian 'right wingers' from Montana. As Steve Quaylementioned in an SQnote he left while linking to that story, "Wanna guess who funded this? Wanna bet the millions of gamers aren't going to be exposed to infrasound programming as well as neuro-linguistic programming?" You can see the trailer for 'Far Cry 5' in the 3rd video below.
As we hear in the first video below featuring Mike Cernovich on Infowars, with video game makers just the latest mainstream organization to declare war upon Christians and Christianity, Cernovich warns they're trying to make Christians look like some sort of cult of loony fanatics at a time when the 'true loonies' are the progressive left who're now losing their collective minds.
Exemplified by the horrific display of stupidity recently put on by Kathy Griffin, who somehow thought it would be in good artistic taste to hold up the likeness of the severed head of President Donald Trump, we see in the left's unraveling and their war upon God and Christianity their true nature and as we hear in the final video below from Gary Franchi of the Next News Network, her own stupidity hasn't worked out too well for Griffin. Will it for the msm?
And why would video game makers cast American Christians as 'the villains' and 'the enemy' unless there was an outright agenda to demonize Christians and Americans? From Infowars:
Previous Far Cry games have been set in remote locales crawling with fictional villains (and even mutants at one pointhow far its all come) and were easy to dismiss as pleasantly distant and fully fictional, PC Gamer notes.
The latest Far Cry follows a growing trend in video games to cast Americans as the enemy, according to The Verge:
Resident Evil 7 sets its hero against a pseudo-zombified white family in the American bayou, while Outlast 2 draws horror from an American religious cult. Mafia 3 follows Lincoln Clay, a mixed-raced Vietnam vet, who takes revenge on the Italian mob in 1970s Louisiana after the assassination of his father figure, the leader of the black mob. And an episode of Hitman, called Freedom Fighters, has the titular killer assassinating targets on a Colorado compound that seemed to take at least some inspiration from the real-world incident in Harney County.
As we've previously reported on ANP, the 'communist left's' agenda against Christianity and the 'family unit' are all part of the process of destabilizing America and looking at America today, we can see they almost accomplished their goals during the past 8 years of the Obama administration and surely would have if Hillary had stolen the presidency.
As Mike Adams reported over at News Target back on January 9th, the communist subversion of America was almost complete before President Trump got into office withleft-wing media already helping to achieve 3 out of 4 steps for Soviet-style overthrow of American society and government. From Adams:
For weeks, the left-wing media has been absurdly claiming that patriot websites and a Republican President elect are working for the Russians. The truth is exactly the flip side: Democrats have been working with the Russians for decades to subvert American culture, destabilize Americas institutions and overrun the U.S. government with Marxist-communist leftist infiltrators who despise liberty and the Constitution.
For example, CNNs Chris Cuomo is a blatant communist sympathizer who celebrated the murderous Castro regime by claiming Castro lifted everyone up. After Castros death, CNN talking heads gushed for days about how glorious Castro was, apparently oblivious to the mass political executions of men, women and children committed by Castro over decades of exploitation and tyranny. The exact words of Cuomo leave no doubt that he worships communist dictators.
With the Christian exodus from the Middle East now the largest such exodus in modern history while the mainstream media continues to lie and mislead the American people in pursuit of their satanic agenda, there's never been a more important time than now to 'fight fire with fire' in pursuit of 'truth' as the war against Christians, America and 'free humanity' rages on.