March 30, 2023
We're Living The Period Of 'The Overture' Leading To 'Kinetic War' - Over 700 'Attacks' On Our Food Supply System And 'Grey Terror' From East Coast To The West Carried Out Before Our Eyes
- Rush of Chinese men to get into America like an animal stampede before an earthquake
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
While the Communist propaganda 'mainstream media' and traitors in Congress will surely hope Americans never notice it until it's far too late, the hashtag over at Twitter #AmericaUnderAttack is suddenly seeing a lot of posts: fromtrain derailments spilling toxic chemicals into major American rivers to attacks on power substations to communist-inspired Antifa attacks on police stations to violent transgenders carrying out murders at Christian schools to even more food processing plants being blown to pieces, such 'events' are looking to more and more people like 'America is under attack.'
With threads to that hashtag interestingly being posted by people from both major sides of the political spectrum, though many more threads of such 'events'are being posted by people on 'the right,' we can't remember any time in our lifetimes there have been so many such events all happening in such a short period of time, as if all of these things were well orchestrated in advance, what we've reported several times on ANP would likely happen in the mass rush towards WW3 that comes home here to America, 'grey terror.'
And as one commenter on a thread in that #AmericaUnderAttack hashtag pointed out of the recent trans murders in Tennessee, all of that smelled just like a #MKUltra event, another deep-state mind-controlled killer unleashed upon Americans to help push the 'cabal' to their 'end game,' the disarmament of the American people, so they can carry out that 'mass murder end game' without any 'opposition.'
With the ZeeMap seen at the top of this story documenting all of the different 'events' that have happened that have damaged, in one way or another, America's food supply system, from bombings at food processing plants to mysterious fires to what appear to be all-out attacks upon 'the animals' to food stores being shut down to attacks on farming equipment to chemicals being spilled into some of America's largest rivers and much, much more, with over 700 such 'events' being documented, does anybody reading this think this is all just the 'new normal' here in joe biden's America? If so, we're in much deeper trouble than we think.
Because as we'd reported on ANP back on February 26th of 2022 in this linked storytitled "Russian Defector Warned What Would Happen Right Before WWIII: 'The Overture' - 'Grey Terror' Hits America's Food Supply System, Another Reason Food Prices Will Keep Skyrocketing,"former Soviet Union Intelligence Officer Viktor Suvorov, who defected to the UK back in 1978, warned us in his book "Spetsnaz's First World War"we'd be witnessing all of these kinds of events in the period of 'the overture,' in what he believed would be the build up to WWIII, arguably what's unfolding now before our eyes.
Warning that while he didn't know EXACTLY how World War Three would start, the leadup to it would bring a series of covert actions carried out by secretive and highly trained special forces, Suvorov warned.:
"The last month of peace, as in other wars, has an almost palpable air of crisis about it (ANP: Sound familiar?) Incidents, accidents, small disasters add to the tension. Two trains collide on a railway bridge in Cologne because the signaling system is out of order. The bridge is seriously damaged and there can be no traffic over it for the next two months. In the port of Rotterdam a Polish supertanker bursts into flames. Because of an error by the captain the tanker is far too close to the oil storage tanks on the shore, and the burning oil spreads around the harbor.
There is a terrorist explosion at Vienna airport. A group of unidentified men attack the territory of the British military base in Cyprus with mortars. A serious accident takes place on the most important oil pipeline in Alaska. The pumping stations break down and the flow of oil falls to a trickle. In West Germany there are several unsuccessful attempts on the lives of American generals. In the North Sea the biggest of the British oil rigs tips over and sinks. The precise reason for this is not established, although experts believe that corrosion of main supports is the culprit.
In the United States an epidemic of some unidentified disease breaks out and spreads rapidly. It seems to affect port areas particularly, such as San Francisco, Boston, Charleston, Seattle, Norfolk and Philadelphia. There are explosions practically every day in Paris. The main targets are the government districts, communication center's and military headquarters. At the same time terrible forest fires are raging in the South of France.
All these operations because of course none of these events is an accident and others like them are known officially in the GRU as the 'preparatory period', and unofficially as the 'overture'. The overture is a series of large and small operations the purpose of which is, before actual military operations begin, to weaken the enemy's morale, create an atmosphere of general suspicion, fear and uncertainty, and divert the attention of the enemy's armies and police forces to a huge number of different targets, each of which may be the object of the next attack.
Warning us in his book that all of these 'military operations' are carried out by agents of 'secret services,' with the US government now having launched a deadly and diabolical war upon the American people, that likely means its the CIA and 'deep state' carrying out these acts of terror upon America, attempting to weaken us in the buildup to a 'kinetic war,' meaning such 'war' is dead ahead. Warning also in his book that this period of 'the overture' can last for months, while the 'enemy' prepares for the coming bloodletting, think about that when you think about all of the military-aged men now flowing into America from China, thanks to joe biden's never ending treason.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced to run an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

And while ANP had reported just days ago that illegal border crossings by Chinese military aged men were up a whopping 900%, even this linked story over at left-wing Axios is reportingsimilar numbers as seen in the chart from their story above showing that in the past 16 years dating back to 2007, we've never seen anywhere near the numbers we're seeing now, and keep in mind, those numbers only show January and February.
Proving that the numbers for the entire year of 2023 will absolutely demolish the numbers from any previous year, WHY are so many military-aged Chinese men now coming into America? While that Axios story claims its Chinese men attempting to get away from China's President Xi's tyranny, two alarming statements from that story show us why we all should be paying close attention.
With Texas border Democrat Rep. Vicente Gonzalez telling Axios "So the word is out, right? If you can get to our southern border, you have pretty good shot at getting in, and it has changed the demographics," they also interviewed one of those Chinese nationals who got into America and who bluntly told them of this rush to get into America: "It's like an animal stampede before an earthquake."
So while that Axios story could be right, and maybe all of these military-aged Chinese nationals rushing in now to get into America may just be 'escaping Xi's tyranny,' why now, all of a sudden, when Xi's tyranny there has been growing for many years? The fact that all of that is happening at the very same time as all of these 'attacks' upon our food supply system and America's infrastructure tells us a much different story than the communist mainstream media will ever report: America is under attack.
With 'big pharma' and the US government now carrying out the biggest and most barbaric crimes in history with the mass murder campaign they've undertaken, carrying out deadly 'experiments' upon those who never would have gotten 'vaxxed' if they knew it could lead to their 'sudden and mysterious deaths' as have now happened to so many, when will the likes of fauci and biden and the cdc be held accountable for what is nothing less than still-ongoing genocide, aka, mass murder?
Actually targeting young and innocent children in their 'depopulation schemes,' with proof that thousands and thousands of young children are 'dying suddenly' as Dr. Paul Elias Alexander had reported in this substack entry, and 'governments' proving themselves to be the biggest mass murderers in world history, with 'crimes upon humanity' carried out by government's dwarfing those carried out by 'individuals,' we're heading down a very dark road there is no coming back from if we don't get off it now.
And it's definitely NOT just a coincidence that ALL of these crazy events are happening now, at the same time as the implosion of our 'banking system' and the globalists push for a 'great reset' to bring in their 'new world order' that reeks of a tyranny that MUST BE CRUSHED at all costs for the sake of humanity.
With America's Founding Fathers ensuring in the 2nd Amendment that there should NEVER BE A SAFE SPACE FOR TYRANNY OR TYRANTS here in America, and the 475 million+ guns owned by Americans definitely NOT just for 'deer hunting' but ensuring that there should NEVER be tyranny for our children or grandchildren here in the USA, if we were living in a different time period, there'd surely be guillotines or lynching stations set up in every city and every street corner to ensure tyrants met their timely ends.
So while all of these 'crazy events' happening here in the USA could all just be 'crazy coincidences,' the odds of that are about the same as the odds it's just a coincidence that all of these insane trannies are planning an armed'day of vengeance' at a time when biden and the globalists are attempting to disarm peaceful and law-abiding Americans as heard in the final video below.
So please join ANP in praying for peace here in America in the coming days, weeks and months ahead, while being fully prepared for a full-scale breakdown of law and order and the kind of 'war' here in America that the globalists so desperately need to usher in their full-scale tyranny, a 'war' that's already easy to see with #AmericaUnderAttack as they push us past the breaking point.
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