March 30, 2023
Big Pharma And The US Govt Carrying Out The Most Barbaric Crime In History Proven By These Numbers: Vax Death Count In One Year 5 Times Higher Than Deaths In 10 Years Of Vietnam War
By Joel S. Hirschhorn of the Pandemic Blunder Newsletter for All News Pipeline
Assessing the costs of using the COVID vaccines is no easy task. Here are results of a new analysis.
Former BlackRock portfolio manager Ed Dowd and his his analysts at the research firm, Phinance Technologies, published a report on the cost of the COVID-19 vaccine program in the United States for the year 2022.
Mr. Dowd is a conservative analyst. A serious and sober-minded man, he is ruthless in eliminating biases and wild assumptions. He and his team have focused their research on the 148 million Americans (between the ages of 18-64) who are employed. The Bureau of Labor Statistics compiles much data on this cohort, as does the life insurance industry, because many employed people receive policies as part of their compensation packages.
Mr. Dowds report is grim. As he encapsulated the results in a tweet:
We should always focus on the human cost. The death of a single young person can devastate a family and even an entire community. 26.6 million injuries;1.36 million disabilities; 300,000 excess deaths. Note that this death count in one year is 5.2 times the number of men killed in ten years of combat in Vietnam.
Perhaps the most extraordinary thing about this state of affairs is that most Americans dont know its happening. Every day, young people are dying from heart attacks, strokes, and seizures caused by COVID-19 vaccines. Most of their families and friends are led to believe that they just diedsuddenly and unexpectedlyof acute conditions that were extremely rare in young people prior to 2021.
The full report can be found here.
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Virality Project as Public/Private Partnership to Ban Inconvenient Facts About COVID-19 - A powerful attempt to shut down free speech and maintain high COVID vaccine use
This is an article from Trial Site News, on which many of my articles are published after first appearing on this Substack site. A few of my personal thoughts are given in brackets. Few Americans are aware of the Virality Project and its aim to stop people like me from spreading the truth about COVID vaccines and to stop people like you from learning the truth.
The Virality Project is a coalition of research entities focused on supporting real-time information exchange between the research community, public health officials, government agencies, civil society organizations and social media platforms. Our objective is to detect, analyze and respond to incidents of COVID-19 vaccine disinformation across online ecosystems and ultimately mitigate the impact of narratives which would otherwise undermine the publics confidence in the safety of these processes in the United States.
This Project led by Stanford University describes itself in terms that seem to be a near confession to conspiracy: note that government agencies are included in the real-time information and exchange, then add the fact that many NGOs and social media firms have financial ties to the US government, and mix in the First Amendments prohibition of restrictions on lawful speech. The result? Yet another sign of our rights being infringed by the COVID-19 regime. [This is the prime ugly truth; keep people ignorant and maintaining effectiveness of vaccine propaganda.]
Concerned citizens and conspiracies
In their announcement of the project, Virality notes that Anti-vaccine disinformation will pose significant challenges to the rollout and public adoption of COVID-19 vaccines in the United States. The anti-vaccine movement has well-developed online networks and expertise in leveraging social channels to spread its messages. These networked activism efforts have linked longtime anti-vaccine activists, health and wellness influencers, those who object to vaccination requirements as government overreach and politically-driven communities who have actively amplified COVID and other conspiracies. The movement is experienced, well-funded, and able to generate in-the-streets action. It has already begun to expend significant efforts to enter the mainstream conversation and erode confidence in COVID-19 vaccines. [Eroding public confidence in the vaccines is absolutely necessary if lives are to be protected and saved.]
Censorship by government entities
Given that this project ended up censoring many facts that turned out to be true, this conflation of anything that does not fit with an official narrative with fringe conspiracists shows us how the slippery slope of censorship can work. The announcement continues, The Partnership consists of analysts across six of the nations leading institutions focused on the analysis of mis- and disinformation in the social media landscape: the Stanford Internet Observatory, the University of Washingtons Center for an Informed Public, New York Universitys Center for Social Media and Politics and Tandon School of Engineering, Graphika, and the National Conference on Citizenship. The key, the University of Washington is a public university; this is another factor pointing to unlawful government censorship. And VP partner Graphika is Pentagon-funded, according to news reports. (The more you know the more you understand the the public health establishment has been a total failure.)
No worrisome jokes, questions, or complaints allowed
On March 17, both the New York Post and Fox News published pieces about Virality. Per the Post:
Did you make any worrisome jokes about the Biden administrations proposal to send agents door-to-door to browbeat people to get COVID vaccines? Then you were a public enemy guilty of spreading dangerous disinformation.
Did you ask questions about the COVID policy? You were guilty of a tactic commonly used by spreaders of misinformation to deflect culpability.
Did you complain to anyone that vaccine passports violated your liberty? You were deluded, if not depraved, and guilty of propelling a deceptive anti-vaccination narrative about the loss of rights and freedoms.
(The mainstream media has failed to inform the public about the evil Virality Project.)
VP deputized by Homeland Security to censor millions
Based on the Twitter Files from Matt Taibbi and his latest release of The Great Covid-19 Lie Machine, we can see the contacts in which federal contractors encouraged censorship by social media firms of anyone who had doubts about the COVID-19 regimes. Taibbi focuses on the Virality Project (VP), which federal agencies bankrolled to engage in detecting and mitigating the impact of false and misleading narratives related to COVID-19 vaccines. According to Foundation for Freedom Online president Mike Benz, VP was deputized by [Homeland Security] to censor millions of . . . opinions . . . about COVID. And according to Missouris Attorney General Andrew Bailey, federal actors in the Surgeon Generals Office, CDC, and HHS worked together in a censorship enterprise called the Virality Project, which procures the censorship of enormous quantities of First Amendment-protected speech. VP actually took the view that given FDA approval, any reports of side effects were automatically disinformation. [What a disgrace!]
True posts could fuel [vaccine] hesitancy
VP suggested that social-media firms tamp down stories of true vaccine side effects along with true posts which could fuel [vaccine] hesitancy. Despite being true, claims that available vaccines did not prevent virus transmission were labeled as misinformation. In another example, the VPs weekly briefing from June 2021, stating that publication of Dr. Faucis emails regarding gain-of-function research done at the Wuhan Institute of Virology "has been used to exacerbate distrust in Dr. Fauci and in US public health institutions" and will "foment Increased distrust in Faucis expert guidance."
(Any view or fact the the evil Fauci disagreed with was the truth.)
Orwellian proof-of-concept
In his release, Taibbi noted, "This story is important for two reasons. One, as Orwellian proof-of-concept, the Virality Project was a smashing success. Government, academia, and an oligopoly of would-be corporate competitors organized quickly behind a secret, unified effort to control political messaging[.] Two, it accelerated the evolution of digital censorship, moving it from judging truth/untruth to a new, scarier model, openly focused on political narrative at the expense of fact." VP took objection to Sen. Ron Johnson's (R-Wisc.) attempt to ask questions about vaccine safety, stating that this is a "tactic commonly used by spreaders of misinformation." In 2021, VP stated it was to hone in on an "increasingly popular narrative about natural immunity." In an April 2022 report, VP called for a "Misinformation and Disinformation Center of Excellence" at DHSs Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in order to "establish a rumor-control mechanism to address nationally trending narratives."
(The fight to keep presenting the truth about vaccines must continue.)
On March 23, 2023, by a commanding majority including 10 judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, sitting en banc, it affirmed the preliminary injunction against President Bidens mandate to force all federal workers to receive the Covid vaccine. While the Covid vaccine mandate has been lifted in the military, Biden has not repealed it for federal workers and it took this rare sitting of the entire appellate court in New Orleans to block it. Foreign travelers are still not allowed to visit the United States to see loved ones or participate in events unless they comply with Bidens Covid vaccine mandate.
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