February 26, 2022
Russian Defector Warned What Would Happen Right Before WWIII: 'The Overture' - 'Grey Terror' Hits America's Food Supply System, Another Reason Food Prices Will Keep Skyrocketing

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
'Food is a weapon - a very effective weapon. People don't cultivate, don't farm, you cut the road off, then you subjugate them very easily.' - Tom Catena
If we needed any more evidence that things were about to change for the 'much worse', we get it from this Zero Hedge story titled "There Is No Way Food Prices Dont Go Up (A Lot)."
Reporting within that story introduction that Russia produces roughly two-thirds of the worlds ammonia nitrate, some reading this story might ask 'why should we care?'though the answer to that question is quick to see with the primary purpose ofAmmonium nitrate being used as an agricultural fertilizer.
With Russia now having totally useless sanctions imposed upon them by Joe Biden and the West in response to their 'taking back' Ukraine, as this new Zero Hedge story reports, Russia's decision tointroduce an export ban on ammonium nitrate for two months will surely hit America and our food chain much harder than any Joe Biden sanctions against Russia. And interestingly, one huge Ammonium nitrate plant in the US caught fire just days before Russia's announcement. First, via the Zero Hedge story.:
Russia imposed a ban on ammonium nitrate export for two months, until April 2, the governments press service said on Tuesday.
The two-month ban on ammonium nitrate export comes into force from February 2. The relevant decree of the government was signed, the press service said.
This is a temporary measure. The remaining volume can be exported from April 2, when Russian companies will receive the ammonium nitrate in required volume and the demand for it on the domestic market will pass peak values, First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov said.
Wow, thats a problem, Chris. I know, right?
There is no way food prices dont go up. A lot. I know Ive mentioned this before, probably a few times, but its super important. When food prices rise to a point where they exceed 30% of disposable income, civil unrest and revolution become highly probable. Maybe not 2022, but at some point in the next few years were almost guaranteed a revolution, maybe more than one in countries which youd never have thought such a thing possible.
And quite interestingly, only days before Russia issued that ban on exporting ammonium nitrate, a massive fire struck the Winston Weaver Company Fertilizer Plant in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, with CBS News reporting "a massive amount of ammonium nitrate within the burning facility is at risk of an explosion. At the beginning of this incident there was enough ammonium nitrate on hand for this to be one of the worst explosions in U.S. history."
Sounding just like what former Soviet Union Intelligence OfficerViktor Suvorov, who defected to the UK back in 1978, had called 'grey terror' in his book "Spetsnaz's First World War", we're going to be taking a look in the next section of this story at what Suvorov called the period of 'the overture' in what he believed would be the build up to World War III, what's unfolding now before our eyes.
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With the globalists pushing America and the world closer to a World War 3 every day that they're insanely pushing to turn 'nuclear' as Susan Duclos had reported in this new ANP story, let's take an extended look at what Russian intelligence officer Viktor Suvorov had written many years ago.
Warning that while he didn't know EXACTLY how World War Three would start, but the leadup to it would bring about a series of covert actions carried out by its secretive and highly trained special forces, imagine World War 3 in 2022, with America's 'woke military' going up against this. From Viktor Suvorov before we continue.:
I do not know how or when World War Three will start. I do not know exactly how the Soviet high command plans to make use of spetsnaz in that war: the first world war in which spetsnaz will be a major contributor. I do not wish to predict the future. In this chapter I shall describe how spetsnaz will be used at the beginning of that war as I imagine it. It is not my task to describe what will happen. But I can describe what might happen.
The last month of peace, as in other wars, has an almost palpable air of crisis about it(ANP: Sound familiar?) Incidents, accidents, small disasters add to the tension. Two trains collide on a railway bridge in Cologne because the signalingsystem is out of order. The bridge is seriously damaged and there can be no traffic over it for the next two months.
In the port of Rotterdam a Polish supertanker bursts into flames. Because of an error by the captain the tanker is far too close to the oil storage tanks on the shore, and the burning oil spreads around the harbor. For two weeks fire brigades summoned from practically the whole country fight an heroic battle with the flames. The port suffers tremendous losses. The fire appears to have spread at a quite incredible speed, and some experts are of the opinion that the Polish tanker was not the only cause of the fire, that the fire broke out simultaneously in many places.
In the Panama Canal the Varna, a Bulgarian freighter loaded with heavy containers, rams the lock gates by mistake. Experts reckoned that the ship should have remained afloat, but for some reason she sinks there and then. To reopen the canal could well take many months. The Bulgarian government sends its apologies and declares itself ready to pay for all the work involved.
In Washington, as the President's helicopter is taking off, several shots are fired at it from sniper's rifles. The helicopter is only slightly damaged and the crew succeed in bringing it down again safely. No one in the craft is hurt. Responsibility for the attack is claimed by a previously unknown organizationcalling itself 'Revenge for Vietnam'.
There is a terrorist explosion at Vienna airport.
A group of unidentified men attack the territory of the British military base in Cyprus with mortars.
A serious accident takes place on the most important oil pipeline in Alaska.
The pumping stations break down and the flow of oil falls to a trickle.
In West Germany there are several unsuccessful attempts on the lives of American generals.
In the North Sea the biggest of the British oil rigs tips over and sinks. The precise reason for this is not established, although experts believe that corrosion of main supports is the culprit.
In the United States an epidemic of some unidentified disease breaks out and spreads rapidly. It seems to affect port areas particularly, such as San Francisco, Boston, Charleston, Seattle, Norfolk and Philadelphia.
There are explosions practically every day in Paris. The main targets are the government districts, communication center'sand military headquarters. At the same time terrible forest fires are raging in the South of France.
All these operations because of course none of these events is an accident and others like them are known officially in the GRU as the 'preparatory period', and unofficially as the 'overture'.The overture is a series of large and small operations the purpose of which is, before actual military operations begin, to weaken the enemy's morale, create an atmosphere of general suspicion, fear and uncertainty, and divert the attention of the enemy's armies and police forces to a huge number of different targets, each of which may be the object of the next attack.
The overture is carried by agents of the secret services of the Soviet satellite countries and by mercenaries recruited by intermediaries. The principal method employed at this stage is 'grey terror', that is, a kind of terror which is not conducted in the name of the Soviet Union. The Soviet secret services do not at this stage leave their visiting cards, or leave other people's cards. The terror is carried out in the name of already existing extremist groups not connected in any way with the Soviet Union, or in the name of fictitious organizations.
The GRU reckons that in this period its operations should be regarded as natural disasters, actions by forces beyond human control, mistakes committed by people, or as terrorist acts by organizationsnot connected with the Soviet Union.
The terrorist acts carried out in the course of the 'overture' require very few people, very few weapons and little equipment. In some cases all that may be needed is one man who has as a weapon nothing more than a screwdriver, a box of matches or a glass ampoule. Some of the operations can have catastrophic consequences. For example, an epidemic of an infectious disease at seven of the most important naval bases in the West could have the effect of halving the combined naval might of the Soviet Union's enemies.
The 'overture' could last from several weeks to several months, gradually gathering force and embracing fresh regions.
Also warning of an uptick of official 'propaganda operations' and the uptick of what he calls 'pink terror' and 'red terror', 'pink terror' being the time of relative peace directly before war officially begins but Spetsnaz special forces had already been unleashed upon targets, and 'red terror' which appears to be what we're witnessing now in Ukraine with Suvorov warning.:
From the first moment of the first day of war the main forces of spetsnaz go into action. From then on the terror is conducted in the name of the Soviet Union and of the Communist leadership: 'red terror'.
And while so much has changed since Suvorov wrote that with the 'Fall of the Soviet Union' coming not soon after his warnings, we're still witnessing many of the same methods at play as the globalists rush us towards World War 3.
So with Russia holding back on the exporting of ammonium nitrate to the world coming at the worst time that we can think of, a time when the food supply chain is already in dire straits due to Biden's lockdowns and the very obvious 'mismanagement' of this entire 'manufactured crisis' at the very highest levels of government, we continue to stress absolute preparation for a time like most of us have never seen before in the days, weeks and months ahead. Many food products that are still available now if you haven't yet taken the steps to ensure your family's food security include.:
Wise Company Long Term Emergency Freeze-Dried Food Supply, Breakfast and Entree Variety
MRE Meals - 124-Serving Freeze Dried Emergency Food Supply
Long Term Dehydrated Food Storage - 120 Large Entree Servings - 29 Lbs- Disaster Prepper Freeze Dried Supply Kit
Wise Company ReadyWise, Emergency Food Supply, Emergency Freeze Dried Fruit Bucket, 120 Servings
Wise Company Emergency Food Supply, Freeze Dried Meat Variety, 15-Year Shelf Life, 60 Servings
Wise Company Emergency Food Supply, Variety Pack, 25-Year Shelf Life, 104 Servings
Wise Company ReadyWise, Emergency Food Supply, Freeze Dried Vegetables, 120 Servings
Mountain House Classic Bucket | Freeze Dried Backpacking & Camping Food | 24 Servings
Mountain House Diced Beef #10 Can Freeze Dried Food - 6 Cans Per Case
Mountain House Cooked Diced Chicken #10 Can
Augason Farms Lunch and Dinner Variety Pail Emergency Food Supply 4-Gallon Pail Augason Farms Breakfast Emergency Food Supply 11 lbs 1.8 oz 4 Gallon Pail
PB2 Original Powdered Peanut Butter - [2 Lb/32oz Jar] Augason Farms Vegetable Stew Blend 2 lbs 0.5 oz No. 10 Can
It's Just - Whole Egg Protein Powder, Made in USA, Non-GMO (8oz) Augason Farms 5-90158 Scrambled Egg Mix, 2 lbs, 4 oz. No. 10 Can Augason Farms Dried Whole Egg Product 2 lbs 1 oz No. 10 Can Hoosier Hill Farm All American Dairy Whole Milk Powder 1 lb Hoosier Hill Farm Heavy Cream Powder Jar, 1 Pound
Hoosier Hill Farm Real Butter powder, Gluten and Hormone.free, 2 lbs
Augason Farms Dehydrated Chopped Onions 1 lb 7 oz No. 10 Can Nutristore Freeze Dried Mozzarella Cheese Shredded Premium Quality
In the 1st video below, videographer 'Black Conservative Patriot' talks with us about Russia's decision to ban the export of ammonium nitrate to America and the world until at least April and what that means for us in a video titled "I Don't Want To Scare The Hell Out Of You.....But." While both the 2nd and 3rd videos below takes a look at the rush towards global war that the globalists now have us on in their race to destroy the human race and usher in a brutal world dictatorship system.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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