December 23, 2022
Vaxxed Into Early Graves, Little Did They Know The Vax Mandates Would Be Death Sentences - Young And Healthy People Never Used To Just 'Drop Dead' At This Astounding Rate!
- Dr. Anthony Fauci Is Hess, Barbie And Mengele Rolled Into One
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
Reading this linkedstory over at the Daily Mail Thursday morning broke my heart. Reporting that a 'Great Hero' had just passed away, 47-year-old, decorated Navy SEAL special operations commander Robert Ramirez III, who was found dead at his San Diego home one month after taking over elite SEAL Team One,the commenters on the story wasted no time at all getting to what the story neglected to report.
With the top-voted comment on the story from 'Lori in Texas' being "Probably got the forced mRNA injection," all of the rest of the top-voted comments and responses show why the globalists should be shaking in their satanic boots as people across the world awaken quickly to their 'clot shot genocide'. And while military officials recently claimed the death of Ramirez was by suicide, the commenters on the original story saw what the military and govt are hiding.
"Of course he got the jab. He was in the military and in a position of leadership. It was mandated. Little did he know that it would be a death sentence!"
"We are literally witnessing a slow motion de pop op being pulled worldwide by the N W O and yet only a small percentage of us are awake enough to acknowledge it. Surreal. It's like we're sharing a Twilight Zone episode, folks!"
"The best thing about being a jab conspiracy theorist, is a lack of myocarditis."
"Biden's accursed mandate."
"Let me guess.... Died suddenly! Heart attack or in his sleep."
"Vaxxed into an early grave. What the Taliban couldnt do, the vax did."
"Your government kills you by forcing the jab, tragic."
"Died suddenly... Google it."
"No foul play, except the foul play of the mandatory jabbing."
"We're all thinking it; was he treated with the mNRA? (Of course he was!)Otherwise healthy, young individuals never used to drop at this rate."
"The AR-15 is definitely less lethal than the mRNA C19."
"I never thought I would be so worried about my life expectancy at 51 years old. Looks like making it this far is beating the odds nowadays. My most sincere condolences to his family and friends."
With Cmdr. Ramirez's death coming during the same time period as a whole ton of 'sudden deaths,' such as the recent death of the NFL's Pittsburgh Steelers running back Franco Harris, who died unexpectedly just hours after doing a radio interview within which he told the interviewer 'he felt great,' we'd warned just days ago in this ANP story that "2023 Is Going To Be Replete With 'Excess Death'"and we're clearly watching that unfolding right now. Of note, as Health Impact News reports in this new story, Franco Harris was also a CDC spokesperson, urging Americans to take their 'death shots.'
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running an EMERGENCY fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

With one element or another of the United States government supporting coronavirus gain-of-function research from Ukraine to Wuhan, Chinaand all the way back home to North Carolina, and the globalists just showing us their 'playbook' for their next 'catastrophic contagion' a warning their newest bioweapons have probably just been released upon us considering it was just a couple of months after their 'Event 201' that all COVID hell broke loose, whenever Bill Gates and the WHO hold exercises simulating the annihilation of the human race, we should be paying very close attention.
Because with support among Americans for the 'clot shots' plummeting as pointed out by Dr. Joel Hirschhorn in this new ANP story, the globalists definitely need to unveil a new scheme to get the dumbed-down masses scared again and eager to line up for their 'shots,' most having no idea those jabs might bring them a death sentence as so many people across the world are now learning way too late.
And while thankfully the vaxxes aren't killing off everybody, others are learning far too late that the 'clot shots' quite often come with devastating side effects, such as those now being suffered by singer/performer Celine Dion, who is known to be fully vaccinatedand is now suffering from an extremely rare disease called Stiff Person Syndrome, which just happens to be one of the listed side effects of Pfizers messenger RNA (mRNA) injection for the Fauci Flu.
And while Pfizer fully knew about the link between its jabs and 'stiff person syndrome' all the way back in early 2021,with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officially becoming aware of the link in April of 2021,why were the American people NEVER TOLD that taking their jabs could lead to such catastrophic side effects? Well because doing so would have created vaccine hesitancy and plummeting big pharma mafia profits, and they definitely couldn't have that now, could they.
We've gone ahead and embedded several videos below, some actually created by people who have been injured by the 'jab' and are speaking out now about those injuries, more words of warning to those who still might be thinking of getting their deadly injections from those who actually rushed out to do so. With one video featuring a Doctor warning us that a countless number of Canadian Doctors are now dead, presumably from the 'kill shot,' as we see in another video, one pro-vax talking head now has lungs full of blood clots while another video proves there is an awful lot of 'sickness' now going around.

So while the mainstream media will continue to try to cover up this 'clot shot genocide' until they're no longer able to do so, and the globalists heavily targeting our youngest generations for these jabs that are definitely NOT stopping people from getting COVID nor dying from it and are increasingly being blamed for more and more catastrophic 'sudden and unexplained' deaths and a variety of injuries, as more and more doctors are warning, the worst is yet to come with 2023 moving us that much closer to 2025.
With ANP long warning that 2025 was the year that the Deagel Report had 'forecast' America's population to be between approximately 60 million and 100 million, a gargantuan drop of more than 200 million people, we must never forget that these globalists who have been pushing the jabs also believe we have a vastly overpopulated planet, so they need to 'cull' the population down to a much more 'manageable' number.
And as Dr. Paul Alexander pointed out in this recent entry over at his Substack blog, there is little doubt now that Dr. Anthony Fauci and his ilk are the Dr. Mengele's of our time, Hess, Barbie and Mengele all wrapped up into one! Calling them out as being 'evil devils,' while Mengele is historically known as the 'angel of death' for his horrific experiments, Fauci and the globalists should be known as the 'devils of death' for what they're doing to mankind that should end with new Nuremberg trials for that entire crime cabal if there's ANY real JUSTICE left in our world. We won't be holding our breaths for that.
So with the globalists latest push to get the children vaxxed just more proof this is some kind of sick and twisted depopulation agenda with the vaxxes already causing infertility in some, part of the long-running depopulation agenda of folks like Bill Gates and the globalists, while they are outright maiming and killing others as seen in video after video on the internet of people just dropping dead, most ANP readers aren't surprised at all by these 'happenings,' knowing that the globalists depopulation agenda was 'written in stone' for many years on the Georgia Guidestones which called for a global population of 500 million, a drop of more than 7 1/2 BILLION from the world's 8+ billion 2022 population.
Because as Susan Duclos had pointed out in this December 22nd ANP story, the people in the White House and 'running the world' are pure evil, demons dressed in human clothing, thinking of nothing but themselves while they're supposed to be servants to the American people and the good people of the world. Well we'll suggest here again, if they're TRULY SERIOUS about carrying out their 'depopulation agenda,' they should start off with themselves, showing the rest of the world just how it's done, allowing us 'useless eaters' to make our own decisions. Then the 'meek shall inherit the Earth.'
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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