December 18, 2022
2023 Is Going To Be Replete With 'Excess Death' That Smells A Lot Like Mass Murder With The Biden Cabal Carrying Out A Genocidal War To Exterminate The American People
- The US Govt supported coronavirus gain-of-function research from Ukraine to Wuhan, China
By James Howard Kunstler for All News Pipeline
I would advise the more-sciencey-than-thou to not pivot from Covid directly into climate change bullying just yet. 2023 is going to be replete with excess death, and you are gonna have a lot of splainin to do. Lots of apologetic to push, in support of the Narrative. The Ethical Skeptic on Substack
Even if NBC, CBS, CNN, The New York Times, The WashPo, and the rest of the Big News Media mafia ignore the Twitter Files story, the revolution at Twitter is going to shake their windows and rattle their walls. There will be free debate in 2023 on this social media platform. News and ideas will be set loose across the landscape, and, for the first time in years, reality will have a chance to compete with the bad faith narratives of a regime at war against its own people.
Well have to see how long this lasts before the Intel Community tries to shut Twitter down, ramp up a campaign to defame it, or blow it up as a viable business. Or make a move to, shall we say, neutralize the person behind the revolution there. The more that free speech is actually permitted on Twitter, the more every other platform will look like a lame organ of propaganda, especially when it comes to issues that really matter such as the deadly consequences of the mRNA vaccines, the shady doings around recent US elections, the actual condition of the US economy, the perilous folly of Joe Bidens war in Ukraine (and the family grifting operation that prompted it), and the evil machinations of the Intel Community itself.
In about three weeks, the Party of Chaos will be swept out of power in the US House of Representatives. Their opponents will take control of all the House committee chairs, with subpoena power to compel the testimony of public figures who have managed to avoid answering questions for years. The Big News Media may not be able to avoid reporting on it, especially with Twitter loosened up, and their lying attempts to spin events is going to look pathetic when it is instantly contrasted with free analysis and informed debate in the public arena.
You cant overstate what an advantage the insidious takeover of social media gave to forces seeking to wreck the country, though the effects have not been adequately explored yet. The people remain bamboozled over the Covid-19 operation especially. It certainly wasnt some random act by Mother Nature, not with US public health agencies supporting gain-of-function research on coronaviruses from Ukraine to North Carolina to Wuhan, China. And the subsequent damage caused by the governments response to the outbreak was either an epic fiasco of inept officialdom, or something that smells like mass murder.
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Dr. Anthony Faucis little trick to so far avoid answering questions about these matters was simply to not use the term gain-of-function in his correspondence arranging grants for it especially after President Barack Obama banned that type of research by its name in 2014. So when asked about gain-of-function, he could just lie with abandon. After that simple ruse is exposed, the patent and royalty benefits enjoyed by Dr. Fauci who doubled his net worth after 2019 will be dragged into the light of day.
Its doubtful that Merrick Garlands uber-corrupt DOJ would follow-up on any referral for criminal prosecution issued by a House committee. But guess what? There are fifty states attorneys general who have standing to prosecute Dr. Fauci over injuries to their states citizens. It appears that Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, for one, has noticed the possibility and this week asked Floridas top court to convene a special grand jury to consider exactly that.
The other players involved have plenty to answer for, too. Rochelle Walenskys CDC has deliberately concealed, misled, obfuscated, or opted to not even collect information about injuries and deaths from the Covid vaccines. Her agency did nothing to update the inadequate, difficult-to-use VAERS reporting system, or even communicate the very bad news that managed to land on it. The CDC is still aggressively pushing vaccines on children, knowing full well that it damages young hearts, brains, immune systems, and probably the kids very DNA.

Probably few would recognize the name Dr. Robert Califf in his second go-round as Commissioner of the FDA (served one year 2016-17 under Obama; confirmed again in Feb. 2022). Dr. Califf has been a tool of the pharma companies for decades. Earlier in his career as a professor at Duke University, he specialized in organizing drug trials. His operation there was supported by over $150-million in grants from pharma. Even despite Deep State control of social media prior to Elon Musks cleanup of Twitter, a lot was already known about the botched and faked drug trials that led to the FDAs conditional emergency approval of Pfizer and Modernas mRNA Covid-19 products along with the official suppression of existing anti-viral drugs that could have saved a million lives, which was done strictly to preserve the vaccines liability shields. A finding of fraud in all this would vitiate the Pharma companies protection against lawsuits, and there was fraud galore in the whole wicked business.
Others have to be called to face the new music in Congress: self-styled humanitarian Bill Gates, whose fingerprints are all over the Covid-19 story, from the pandemic war game (Event 201) he sponsored, held in the fall of 2019, to his vested interests in pharma, to his connections with the shadowy operations of the World Economic Forum and its stated population-reduction initiative. Dr. Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina, indisputably the preeminent expert on Coronavirus gain-of-function research, and knee-deep in the Covid-19 episode who has magically been able to hide under rock the past three years could shed a lot of light in public testimony on what happened. And Peter Daszak, head of the CIA cut-out org, EcoHealth Alliance, which helped enable the move of gain-of-function research to the Wuhan lab, explicitly, Daszak himself explained in a notorious recording at a symposium, to create opportunities to profit from a pandemic response.
There are countless high officials of the deputy director and commissioner rank, unknown to the public, who could be called to testify about their agencys contribution to the catastrophe that the Covid-19 response turned out to be. Almost all of them have been laying low since the whole thing started.
Meantime, Mr. Musk has announced that Twitter is preparing release of all its archives containing communication with federal agencies that sought to control and suppress discussion of the pandemic 2020 to 2022. He added snarkily that his personal pronouns are prosecute / Fauci in case theres any misunderstanding about what hes learned from the files.
Whats liable to come out of all this in 2023 is a grotesque spewage of info about official corruption and misconduct that will make the projectile vomiting from The Exorcist look like a mere Satanic loogie in comparison. You have to wonder how the nation will handle it, especially along with the extremely uncomfortable fact that Joe Biden still occupies the White House.
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