September 23, 2023
The 'Full Scale Invasion' At The Southern Border Is The 'Great Replacement' Part Of The 'Great Reset' As More 'Military Aged' Men Flow Over To FORCE In Globalism And A 'New World Order'
- Key Rule Of Survival: Avoid Leftist Run Hellholes As They Implode
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
The story over at the Daily Mail this past Monday was stunning and shows America just what we face in the days ahead, showing us pictures and videos of a packed train in Mexico headed towards the US border with illegal immigrants hanging on to it and cheering loudly as it lurched forward, joe biden's open gates inviting in a 'staggering' 35,000 more illegals in just 4 days, the 'great replacement' portion of the 'great reset' playing out before our eyes.
With one Democrat-run city after another, all across America, turned into dead zones that look even more atrocious than many '3rd world nations' and set to get even worse as the so-called 'sanctuary cities' are completely overwhelmed, this Gateway Pundit story adds to the warnings of previous stories on ANP, this 'never-ending line' of illegal immigrants now seen at Eagle Pass, Texas, is a line consisting mainly of 'military-aged' males.
Called by one commenter 'nothing less than an invasion,' as the Gateway Pundit story pointed out, while this is ongoing in front of our eyes, the Biden cabal continues to lie to the American people about it, proof they're not only 'enabling' it but 'orchestrating' this onslaught. And where they go once they're allowed into the country, nobody really knows. From the GP story.:
A Nation in crisis.
The Biden Regime continues to lie to the citizens of our country with the help of the media. But the proof is there. A massive group of military-aged men arrived in Mexico by train from Venezuela. Over 4,000 illegals crossed into Eagle Pass, Texas earlier Wednesday.
Video posted to social media shows a huge line of illegals walking together. They were asked in Spanish where they were from and they replied, Venezuela.
Another video posted by Fox News reporter Bill Melugin shows a massive group of mainly military-aged single men waiting to be processed into the U.S. by the Border Patrol. They usually release these people into the country with no accountability which is a danger to the citizens of the United States.
Theres a never-ending line of illegals pouring in, Melugin said.
And as that story also warned, with the US government, which is supposed to be 'protecting' our nation, instead tearing it down in every way they possibly can under joe biden and his band of criminals occupying the White House and Washington DC, what we'll explore below is mind-blowing: Under joe biden and Democrats, the US taxpayer is footing the bill for this invasion to an astonishing amount of money.
From the citizens point of view, this has to be a disheartening reality. The Federal Government, who according to the U.S Constitution is supposed to protect our Nation, instead opts to destroy what we have built up.
A few days ago, The Gateway Pundit reported about open train cars taking illegal immigrants to the border.
Shocking videos of illegal immigrants on their way to the southern border in open train box cars were posted to social media.
ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
Yet as we've warned in various stories on ANP over the past year+, this is only continuing the trend of 'military aged men' being allowed into the country in huge numbers under joe biden and Democrats, as if they're preparing to fully 'weaponize' them against us to try to 'complete the overthrow'.
And just as we've warned for years on ANP in our stories about the absolutely bizarre 'Deagel Forecast for 2025' which showed not only the USA but European nations also being 'conquered,' Natural News reports in this new story that according toEuropean border agency Frontex, a WHOPPING 92% of illegal migrants arriving in the EU are also 'fighting-age MEN'! So why are SO MANY 'fighting-age men' now flowing into the United States and Europe, at the same time, and so close to 2025?
With us also closing in on the time period of the globalists 'great reset' and their attempts to bring in a dictatorial 'new world order global government' system to 'rule over' the people, with all of 'us' their slaves in their insane minds, think about this, joe biden recently blamedConservatives for the state America is in. This tweet from RNC Research of Biden speaking: Biden (heavily mumbling): "Mega Republicans in Congress and my predecessor spent four years gutting the immigration system under my predecessor and continue to undermine our border security today."Typical biden, lying through his teeth.
Because as Susan Duclos had warned in this September 14th story on ANPtitled "The America We Grew Up In Is Gone, It Isn't Coming Back - Comparing What Are Seeing On The Streets Of The US To Third World Countries Is An Insult To Third World Countries,"how can biden and the left blame Trump and Conservatives for what's happening now in one leftist-run city after another across America?
With Chicago and San Francisco and New York City and Los Angeles and Baltimore and Philadelphia and Washington DC, just to name a few, all falling to pieces, turning into drug and crime and disease ridden hellholes before our eyes, and that including the 'sanctuary cities' these leftists so highly touted for years now being completely overwhelmed with illegal immigrants, a crucial survival message for the coming months and years is to try to stay as far away from these Democrat-run hellholes as possible. AsSteve Quaylehas long warned us,the #1 rule to survival is avoiding large crowds, the kind of large crowds that will take their chaos to a completely new level once they realize what's hitting them.

And with this full-scale invasion of America happening at a time when most Americans are struggling just to get by, with almost half of all young adults America still living with their parents as Michael Snyder over at the Economic Collapse Blog reports in this story, while the costs of everything that Americans use in their day-to-day lives to survive keep going up and up and up, we'd think most Americans would be absolutely infuriated by the following bit of information.
As the Gateway Pundit had also previously reported, besides the American taxpayer footing the bill for endless wars in Ukraine to some hundreds of millions of dollars, we're also footing the bill for the invasion of America, with the biden crime cabal quite literally funding this invasion. From that story.:
In a shocking revelation, Todd Bensman, the Centers Texas-based Senior National Security Fellow, has reported that the Biden regime is allocating a staggering $2,200 per month to illegal immigrant families (1 parent & 1 child) through phony asylum for the cost of living expenses. This comes at a time when the average American on Social Security receives just $1,400 per month and Maui survivors with only $700.
Bensman said that it appears these illegal immigrants may not be subjected to asylum interviews anymore. They are being released to the United States.
According to a video interview with an anonymous Border Patrol Agent, illegal immigrants are double dipping the system. One parent and one child receive $2,200 per month, and then a separate parent and childoften from the same familyreceive another $2,200 per month. This amounts to a whopping $4,400 per month for some immigrant families, a figure that exceeds what many working Americans earn.
This information supports the claims made by the legal immigration group ALIPAC.
The Biden-Harris administration is giving more money to illegal immigrant invaders, than to our own U.S. citizens William Gheen, president of ALIPAC told KTRH, Once a person understands that, then that person will always be on our side of the illegal immigration debate, which is very simple. Keep them all out, send them all home.
So while Americans are struggling to survive, our 'replacements' are being funded by the government that Americans pay their taxes to, the government that is supposed to be protecting the country and its' legal citizens and borders but instead, is waging an all-out war upon those 'legal citizens.'Meaning the govt is waging war upon the American taxpayers, who are footing the bill for our own overthrow and financing our own destruction.
ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.
So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP. All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.
Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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