September 22, 2023
Media Gaslighting Americans: Your Groceries Aren't More Expensive, Gas Prices Aren't Rising, Your Wallets Aren't Emptier, It Is All A 'Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy'
By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline
While I know I am preaching to the choir here, I have to say "The media sucks."
Oh wait, I guess this happens so often I should be a little more specific about what they are sucking at now: Their jobs, which is to report the news, supposedly. What their job descriptions truly say, in the very, very small fine print (sarcasm), is protect Democrats, especially an old, senile, stumbling and bumbling Joe Biden, at all costs.
To that end, while I could highlight so much the media is gaslighting Americans about. Including why it is so critical for the U.S. to spend billions upon billions on Ukraine, while we have homeless veterans living on sidewalks, cardboard containers or tents. Or how the media is having a cow that a referendum on abortion in Ohio will be using the term "unborn child" instead of fetus, which right there gives away their con.
I could spend entire articles on those topics, but this one, what the media is gaslighting us about now, in coordination with each other, is the economy, and particularly why Joe Biden is not getting credit for a "great" economy.
Yes, you read that right. The economy is wonderful, stop believing your lying eyes and start listening to them!
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Let us begin with New York Times columnist, David Brooks, who also happened to write one of the pieces we will discuss below, about why Biden isn't getting the credit he deserves.
Yesterday, David was at the Newark airport, having a burger, small salad and fries, along with what looked like a glass of whiskey in the image he put on social media. He claims the meal cost $78 and that was the reason Americans "think" the economy is terrible.
Readers can click over to Twitchyto see the reactions to his claim, and spoiler alert, they pulled no punches in pushing back against his ridiculous claim.
I started with Mr. David "Elitist" Brooks because on June 29, 2023, he published a piece in the NYT titled " Why Biden Isnt Getting the Credit He Deserves," which was intended to gaslight those still dependent on the MSM to tell them what they want to hear, otherwise known as liberals.
Let's break down the most egregious of his claims, because we do have other similarly titled pieces to go through, written by the same type of elitist jagoffs.
Biden should be cruising to an easy re-election victory. And that misery index number doesnt even begin to capture the strength of the American economy at the moment. There are a zillion positive indicators right now, as the folks in the administration will be quick to tell you. The economy has created 13 million jobs since Bidens Inauguration Day. According to the Conference Board, a business research firm, Americans job satisfaction is at its highest level in 36 years. Household net worth is surging.
Emphasis mine since those are the points I will be debunking.
Just because of the irony, I am going to use CNN to debunk Brooks' false claims, from January 2023, when the number was 12 million new jobs.
Biden became president less than a year after the economy shed nearly 22 million jobs over two months, March and April 2020, because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The jobs recovery then began immediately after that, under then-President Donald Trump, but there was still an unprecedented hole to fill when Biden took office.
Biden is free to argue that his stimulus legislation and other policies have helped the country gain jobs faster than it otherwise would have. (As always, its debatable precisely how much credit the president deserves for job-creation.) Nonetheless, it is clear that there could only be such an extraordinary number of jobs added in 2021 and 2022 because there was such an extraordinary number of jobs lost in early 2020.
So the jobs weren't "new," nor Biden created, they were jobs lost during the Covid shutdowns coming back.
Now that we are in campaign season, it is doubtful CNN will be so quick to go against the coordinated effort by the MSM to convince Americans the economy is great.
Next up is Brooks' claim that "Household net worth is surging." Since 2023 isn't over yet, the last annual numbers are from 2022, and published the official numbers on September 12, 2023.
"Median Household Income After Taxes Fell 8.8% in 2022"
Real median household income after taxes fell 8.8% to $64,240 from 2021 to 2022 and the poverty rate after taxes as measured by the Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) increased 59% to 12.4%.
You can read the government's take on the whys and wherefores of household income declining, but the bottom line here, is they did decline, and Brooks was either wrong, or lied. Take your pick.
More from Brooks:
The Biden folks are hoping that as inflation continues to decline and as they get the word out, Americans will begin to feel better about things. But its not that simple.
Part of it is the media. A recent study found that over the past couple of decades headlines have grown starkly more negative, conveying anger and fear. Thats bound to spread bad vibes through the populace.
As they get the word out. It is the messaging and negative headlines that make us think the economy stinks.
Wow.....ok, so prices aren't so high that you get half the amount of food you did two years ago with the same amount of money! Our eyes, our wallets, our bank accounts, are all just lying to us.
Whew, good to know!
While that is snark and sarcasm from me, the saddest and perhaps most disturbing thing, is the reason these liberal publications and writers actually publish that nonsense is because they know their audience is really saying "whew, good to know, thank you!"
Brooks is not alone though as we see a number of headlines, all similar, and all indicative that the talking points have gone out and the media has been given their marching orders.
I'll stick to 2023 news publications and headlines.
Vox, February 2023: "Why isnt Joe Biden getting credit for the economic recovery?" Sub header: "The job market is booming. Inflation is falling. But youd never know it by looking at President Bidens poll numbers."
Inflation was falling in February but prices were not. Especially food. Again, without negative inflation like we have seen with eggs for a couple of months, prices do not go down, they accrue year over year.
For example, using the month of August: In 2021 food costs 3.7%; 2022 they rose another 11.4%; and in August 2023, they rose 4.3%.
Correct me if I am wrong, but that shows food costs have risen 19.4% since August 2021. The numbers come from the USInflation Calculator (scroll down to the chart showing food inflation from 1968 to 2023).
Vox also gaslights their readers with claims that inflation is down, and while the write does mention prices are still higher, the "inflation is down" is still somehow supposed to be comforting, and won't be until prices lower, which is unlikely to happen to the majority of products and consumables that have increased in priced since 2021.
The New Yorker, June 17, 2023: "Why Isnt Joe Biden Getting More Credit for a Big Drop in Inflation?
The New Republic, July 28, 2023: "Why Biden May Never Get Credit for a Booming Economy"
Newsweek, August 7, 2023: "Biden Saved the Economy and Launched a New Age of Prosperity. Why Isn't He Getting Any Credit?"
ABC News, July 6, 2023: "Why Americans aren't giving Biden credit on improving economy, according to experts."
The state of the economy and how it affects Americans personally is traditionally a key -- if not the most important -- issue for voters. But their perceptions can lag behind the numbers and many remain unconvinced Biden has done a good job handling the economy, polls show, while Republicans are hitting him on it at every turn on the campaign trail.
Yes, the cost of food and just about everything else, is just a "vast right-wing conspiracy."
It is clear by the wording of all these titles that one of two things are responsible for the similar headlines: 1) They do not own a thesaurus (there is one online!) or 2) The White House once again sent out the talking points they wanted the liberal mainstream media to push, and push, and push.....
I am going with #2.
Here are just a few things the Biden regime is getting credit for, deservedly so.
Americans' median income lowering by over 8%.
home ownership by young households is below pre-great recession levels.
Getting Paid in America survey of more than 38,600 people found that 78% would struggle to meet their financial obligations if their paychecks were delayed for a week. Thats 6% more than last year.
Nearly a third of average Americans have $100 or less in savings.
Food costs are up around 20%.
Gas prices are rising once again.
I am sure readers can come up with many other things Biden IS getting credit for to which the media refuses to acknowledge.
Biden's polling numbers are not so bad because he isn't getting credit for the economy but because he is getting credit for it,because it is his policies that has sent inflation through the roof and no matter that it is "lower" now (although it has risen the last two months), prices still aren't lower, and they won't be getting much better, if at all.
That is the newsflash the media is ignoring.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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