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May 13, 2023

The Full-Scale Invasion And Overthrow Of America Is Going Just As The Freedom-Hating Globalists Planned With Nothing But Lies Coming From The Pure Evil US Govt And MSM About Our Border

By Alan Barton -All News PipeLine

Oh no, not another column about our border, or about Biden. Really, it is actually about how bad the lies are regarding them both, or better said, about ones lies concerning the other. As is my wont to do, I shall begin with a quick story to give some reference; a quick wire frame to give this clay sculpture some kind of basic form you might say.

For over forty years now I have used a system to rid the yard of ants that works out wonderfully and is very simple and is pet safe as well. I dont remember where I first heard of it but may have been on the radio or in some gardening book or the like. We usually get a number of breeds of ants, with the small black ones and even smaller sugar ants, the large black ones and large red ones and a mid size red and black type as well. Nothing out of the ordinary I assume, and often three or four types around the yard on occasion, and it works well on all of those types with perhaps the best results when red ones are involved. The system works on the basis that ants are colonies led by one Queen and do not like competition for resources. To find a way to eliminate those colonies is easy; just follow human history and instigate a war between them and watch them kill each other off. Easy!

Take one shovel full of anthill from one colony and deposit it on another. Repeat as many times as needed to make sure a shovel full of a competing colony is dumped on each anthill. Then watch as the soldiers march off to war and attack the source of the invasion. Ants work by chemical tracers and they seem to recognize the enemy trails and know where to go to work the magic. The wars get very ferocious and bits and pieces of slaughtered enemy ants will be evident all over the place, covering the mounds of dumped dirt as well as the enemys hill. After a couple or three days the war is over as all of the anthills have depopulated the enemys fortifications. No chemicals, no poisons, no deep digging with just a simple shovel of loose dirt from one hill to the next. Keep that analogy in mind as we continue.

Lets start with a short video that is the first one below from InfoWars and make note of the mention of the bookUnrestricted Warfareby the communist Chinese Peoples Liberation Army where they say that the only way for the communist Chinese to defeat the US is by usingseveral levels of unconventional warfarebecausedirect military confrontation could not succeed. As we pointed out in the last column on how evil the traitorous Biden family criminal cabal is and how the communist Chinese PLA has complete control over the United States and the massive treason of so many of our agencies, they are waging war against every single American. As the American way of life has come to an end and there is no way to recover it now, we can thank the democrat party and the Rino Repubes for all of their service to the communist Chinese PLA. Spurred on by the elitist major bankers and industrialists that own and actually run things (think CFR who install our presidents no matter who actually would win the faked elections Joey Dementia did not get even half of the supposed votes they claim) and when we take a step back we can see what those evil creatures are doing. Yes, the massive propaganda they produce makes ferreting out the truth often difficult, but it can be done.

This border invasionplan to destabilize Americais proceeding full steam ahead. Old steam engines, whether locomotives or ocean going ships, use a lot of heat to produce the steam used to power the machines up hills, across continents and over oceans of waves and full steam ahead is the phrase used to indicate they are at maximum potential power levels to accomplish their goals. It is the same thing with the various evil secret societies and their goal of crushing mountains of resistance and oceans of people to meet their very destructive ends. The more common theory of why so many military aged men are illegally invading this nation is often stated as Replacement Migration as an offset to the declining birthrates and lower productivity levels we have been witnessing the past few decades. A report from 2001 by the United Nations titled Replacement Migration: Is it a solution to declining and ageing populations? and can be found at theimbedded link HERE.

Looking at the section that covers the United States, they discuss various scenarios of how the declining birthrate and longer life expectancy would make the potential support ratio valid for keeping up all of the retired civil employees and retiring Social Security payments to all the rest of us. They have a lot of charts and graphs to make it look oh-so-official and present a reason to make huge increases in the immigration numbers to compensate. Plus the fact that those living south of the US still have a higher birthrate they assume that replacement populations will keep them and their power structure functioning nicely. There is one major problem with all of that; the UN is also peopled by those in the New World Order that are pushing for massive population reductions all over the world as theDeagel reporthas shown. The population of the US in 2017 was listed as almost 316 and a half million, while today it is listed at over 331 million inhabitants. The population of the United States is supposed to end up at less than one hundred million by 2025, and that is a seventy percent reduction using 2017 numbers. So, how does that square with the idea of a support ratio being maintained by massive importation of new slave workers? It doesnt, to be blunt, not at all, not in any crazy dream is it even possible. And with all of that, we havent even begun to factor in the destruction of our fertility rates and the massive deaths caused by the biologic warfare agents pushed on us by the very people we are supposed to trust with preventing such thing.

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As a side note, the epicenters of slaughter to accomplish that feat is nested primarily in the US, UK and Germany so as the push for nuke war with Russia heats up, please keep that little tidbit in mind and since China is scheduled for a decline of only about 2.3%, that gives a good indication of who our masters are as well. One shovel full of anthill here, none over there. This past February theNY Post saidthat the number of single Chinese military aged men among the criminal invading army coming over our southern border had skyrocketed byover 700%compared to the same period a year earlier and I am wondering how that squares with the CCP PLA scheme ofUnconventional and Unrestricted Warfare. Do you remember what we have covered in earlier columns about the Chinese military used as airport security in Canada? Let that scenario sink in a bit. A couple weeks ago Fox had a man on that had filmed those Chinese invasion forces as seen in a video at thisFox News link HERE.

One great sign of a pathological liar is the inability to keep stories straight, to jump from one lie to another with complete abandon without even acknowledging what lies were told before. As Title 42 expired, DHS Secretary Mayorkus went from claiming thatall migrants are gone from the Southern borderto pledging more pathways into the US for the invading army of criminal invaders as is shown in the second video below. As Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security he is filling the job that is called for by the elitists that run this nation. It is Treason yes, but legalized treason according to the criminal organization that the DHS really is. In one breath he tells migrants (actually criminal invaders)do not comewhile at the same time as wassaid on CNNBecause our border is not open, Mayorkas told CNNs Dana Bash on State of the Union. What happens now is individuals are either expelled under the Title 42 authority or they are placed in immigration enforcement proceedings. And they are removed if they do not have a valid claim under our law to remain.

Theoretically the US Customs and Border Protection last weekraised the limit of number of peopleadmitted to the US across our southern border from 740 per day to 1,000 per day using some kind of mobile app. Must be one hell of an app as the real numbers are in the tens of thousands per day invading over our southern border.ABC News saidMayorkas, on his second day of a visit to the Rio Grande Valley, said smugglers were deceiving migrants and luring them on a dangerous journey. The border is not open, it has not been open, and it will not be open subsequent to May 11, he said. Going from there are no illegals crossing to the reality of tens of thousands per day is a staggering miscount indeed. Or just a plain old regular massive lie, you choose.

But I guess we must be off track becausehe also said toa question byBreitbart News regardingthe criminal invasion Sir, we are a nation of immigrants. And we are a nation of laws. Individuals who qualify for relief under our laws have a basis to remain in the United States. Well, OK, if you say so. Why is it that claiming that no one is at our borders crossing to only legal numbers and at the same time many times that number are entering daily and he said that all are given court dates to show why they should remain butvery few are even asked for their name? What is wrong with this picture? There has been a massive increase in invaders since Title 42 ended, and Biden has said he has new orders in place to slow the growth (actually the same ones he stopped when he entered office that Trump had in place) while at the same time INCREASING those criminal invaders numbers? AsCBN News said, amid a million man surge at our southern border, Mayorkus pledges even more pathways into our once great nation.

Even though aFederal judge gave court ordersagainst Biden allowing any migrants into the nation without court dates, that is not being followed. Rather, it seems just exactly the opposite is occurring. According toFox News, Judge T. Kent Wetherell II placed a two-week restraining order on the policy that would release migrants on parole with conditions.

I think thatThe Gateway Punditreport by Wayne Root said it well enough, This open border disaster is not a Johnny-come-lately story.It is a plan that was created many decades ago by leftist radicals intent on destroying America.I should know. I was there. I am a witness.I am a blue collar S.O.B. (son of a butcher) from the wrong side of the tracks- Columbia University was filled with spoiled-brat, Lucky Sperm Club,privileged white kids who were obsessed with hatred for America. These radical nutjobs bragged about being communists and Marxists. They bragged about their hatred of white people (even though they were white themselves). They bragged about hating rich people (even though they were from rich families themselves).

This was one gigantic guilt trip. My classmates hated themselves, their country, their parents, their wealth, and most of all- their whiteness.

They talked all day long about their plans to bring America down; destroy the economy; bankrupt white businessmen; and create equality and fairnessby turning America into a socialist/Marxist/communist country.

Its important to note that one of my classmates at Columbia was Barack Obama.

My classmate Barack Obama and I graduated on the same day in Spring of 1983. This very month is the 40th anniversary of our Columbia graduation.

These Columbia University radicals (and traitors) had a plan named Cloward-Piven. It was named after two Columbia University professors- the husband-and-wife team of Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.

The plan was actually simple- get everyone possible in America on welfare, food stamps and a hundred other government welfare programs.Get so many on the government dole that the economy is overwhelmed, destroyed and collapsesunder the weight of the exploding national debt.

Yes they are well on their way to that goal with one major exception; the real plan is to destroy most of the population of our people in that process or in the war that their overlords, the New World Order, were planning on. At that time I am not sure many even had an idea that was the real case. What we are seeing is Cloward-Pivan updated for 2023, it is the planned elimination of the USA as a viable entity and we get the front row seats to watch it happen right before our eyes. Not even the Texas National Guard installing Concertina razor wire seems to be slowing the flow of criminal invaders; the literal military invasion of our once great nation.

Our government is working alongside the drug cartels and communist China in not only importing Fentanyl and other deadly drugs as we covered before, but alsoimporting criminal invaders to destroy this nation. I have a difficult time realizing the reality of this evil situation, but as we get closer to the final end times days that is to be expected. I cannot prove absolutely that China is working with our government to destroy us, but the circumstantial evidence is so overwhelming that it cannot be ignored any longer. The evil left as personified by Biden and operated through the Queen ant by Satan himself operating as the de Rothschilds world empire is shoveling enemy ant hill dirt on us as fast as they can and we are in realty are in an actual and deadly war, not just as the nukes are ready to fly in eastern Europe, but on our own home ground as the evil Satanists of this world destroy this once great, proud and free nation. May God bless us all. We really need that blessing to survive the looming apocalypse which is surely coming rapidly.

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