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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

"The Best Mix Of Hard-Hitting REAL News & Cutting-Edge Alternative News On The Web"

July 2, 2022

NewsGuard's Partners Are Some Of The Same Groups Deagel Uses As Sources For Their Forecast Of Massive US Depopulation! Orwellian Censorship Being Used To Cover Up Genocide

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

We read on Friday morning this new story over at the Organic Prepper reporting the Orwellian-sounding and acting 'NewsGuard' had just 'red-flagged' their website due largely to their refusal to bow to their DEMANDS to 'make changes' to the website, changes that would have required the Organic Prepper to LIE in order to 'conform' to the DEMANDS made by NewsGuard.

Reporting within their story that they werent the only ones recently 'targeted', with other websites that were found to be 'lacking' in the eyes of 'NG' including,, far-left,, MintPress News, and a website called MindBodyGreen just to name a few, ANP is happy to report here that we are in very good company.

With one 'Valerie Pavilonis', a so-called 'analyst' for 'NG', reaching out to ANP just a few days ago on June 28th as seen in their email to us in the screenshot below, asking ANP for an interview because she was writing a report upon us, we responded bluntly, as also seen in our response in the below, holding no punches.:

Hi Valerie,

Sorry, we don't do interviews with people who push globalist propaganda outlets, such as CNN, MSNBC, etc.

As pointed out in this Gallup poll from July of 2021 (see below), Americans trust in the mainstream media, and just about all major institutions, SUCKS!

With our email to them then showing the 2021 trust ratings via the Gallup poll of the mainstream media outlets, aka totalitarian propaganda-pushers, including Newspapers at an abominable 21%, TV News at an even worse 16% and even the US Congress itself at an absolutely abominable 12%, we fully expect 'NG' to 'red flag' ANP as well, though that is a badge of honor in 2022 America, as practically every word that flows out of the mouths of Joe Biden and the MSM is outright fake news.

And 'NG' actually DEMANDING that the Organic Prepper change their tune in order to garner a 'trustworthy rating' from them sounds exactly like what the gatekeepers over at google recently did to ANP in removing their ads from our stories.

As Susan Duclos had reported in this June 15th story titled "Deplatforming ANP And Independent Media And The Latest Big Tech Commie Censorship Games Being Played - If They Can't Force Us To Conform To Their 'Official Narrative' They Will Try To Bankrupt Us" and I had reported in this June 16th story titled "Google Has A 'Kill List' Of Stories, Information, Knowledge And Opinions They Don't Want You To Know - This Is Part Of That List, Proving Google Is As Bad As Nazi Book Burners", google actually had the audacity to DEMAND ANP make changes to our stories in order for us to keep their ads upon them, making our stories more suited to the globalists narrative, something we'd never do.

With ANP reporting in that June 16th story on the kinds of stories they 'demanded' we make changes to, including our many reports on the 2020 election theft by 'fake president' Biden and Democrats, the eugenicist globalists 'depopulation agenda' and how it is directly tied to the 'death jab'and our February of 2020 story which featured an interview with Bioweapons Expert Dr. Francis Boyle titled "Bioweapons Expert Warns ANP: The 'Nazi Death Science Biological Warfare Work' Going On In America MUST Be Stopped!" within which he warned us COVID originated in a lab (long called a crazy conspiracy theory but something that now even the World Health Organization admits is a very real possibility), as that Organic Prepper story warned, websites like NewsGuard and their 'reports' are nothing more than information gatekeepers for the globalists.

And while google removing their ads from ANP stories for Susan and I was an extremely hard blow to take as nearly 50% of our monthly income came in via their ads, ANP readers have once again come through for us beyond our wildest dreams, taking away our fears of being evicted in the near future due to us being unable to pay our bills (and allowing us to focus our time on our researching and writing stories!) Also showing once again why your donations in this day and age of massive Orwellian censorship are so important to us, helping us to keep a roof above our heads, our bills payed and ANP online, we thank you ALL from the bottom of our hearts for everything that you all have done for us!

(ANP FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running a fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

With an ANP visit to the 'NG' website soon after we received their email finding that they're still pushing as 'fact' a long-discredited 'Russian disinformation campaign' during the 2016 election, (pushed by the 'Queen of Death,' Hillary, herself), they'll likely keep pushing globalist propaganda until they're run out of business themselves for pushing falsehoods, like the more than 360 newspapers that have gone belly up since the start of the 'scamdemic' according to this June 29th NY Times story, with newspapers folding at the rate of roughly 2 every week.

And with 'NG' making DEMANDS that they're definitely NOT in the position to make, especially with one globalist propaganda outlet after another doing their best 'dead man's float' imitation, going out of business at a time when Americans have hugely awaken to 'truth' as seen in the recent poll showing 85% of Americans disapprove of the job Biden and the devilrats are doing in 2022, including a whopping 78% of Democrats and 92% of Republicans, let's take an extended look at this Organic Prepper storyon NewsGuard that Steve Quayle had linked to on his websiteFriday morning.

Another day, another bloody siege against the alternative media.

Recently, The Organic Prepper website was targeted by an Orwellian judge-and-jury of the internet called NewsGuard. In a series of emails, the organization demanded that we make a variety of changes. While some changes seemed reasonable, others were completely out of line with our websites integrity. We arent the only ones so-targeted. Also found lacking by NewsGuard were,,,, MintPress News,, and MindBodyGreen, to name a few.

What do we all have in common? Were all willing to question the official narrative. And in 2022, under the current administration, thats simply against the rules of the powers that be. Questioning the establishment is akin to treason, a crime that must be punished, and voices that must be silenced lest others be led into the dark, disturbing corners of thinking for themselves.

Let me tell you what happened.

Despite politely corresponding with the person who contacted us and updating some of the things requested, we were given a poor rating and a red warning flag in a move that could damage our credibility and our ability to do business. Why? Well, in part because we refused to cede to their demands, and we instead chose to offer both sides of the story. In a tale of audacity that reminds me of extortion schemes and enforced protection by the Mob, our unwillingness to get in line puts at risk our very existence.

Waitboth sides of the story? It turns out that apparently, such open-mindedness is no longer acceptable in the United States of America.

DISCLAIMER What follows is my OPINION AND PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE on what occurred. (Even if NewsGuard is mad about our opinionated language, at this point, we still live in a country in which opinions are protected speech. Well, sort of, as youll see.)

In short, a self-appointed Ministry of Truth that publicly purports to help sites that support certain narratives make more money while downgrading sites that question the official line combed through ten years of articles on The Organic Prepper website and requested we make a number of changes and correct our errors. When the organization failed to prove to me that we had, in fact, published erroneous information, I posted additional links into the articles in question, providing readers with a variety of opinions on the topics at hand.

This was insufficient, as youll see from screenshots I took from NewsGuards write-up on this website. My refusal to correct information that I still do not believe to be incorrect was deemed a deliberate and repeated publication of false information. NewsGuard, a corporate arm of censorship enforcement with ties to the United States government, doesnt think that the readers of this website are capable of reading information and ascertaining what they believe to be correct. They seem to feel that readers must be spoon-fed one narrative without any questions, or those same readers will be blithely led down the path of confusion and falsehoods.

However, dear readers, I have more faith in you. I know that you can consume a plethora of information from a wide variety of sources and have the intelligence and good judgment to make up your own minds about what is true and what is false.

Interestingly, other sites that were allegedly guilty of the same journalistic crimes scored far higher and received a green flag. Upcoming articles will address these conflicting ratings and will provide the timeline for our correspondence with NewsGuard. Weve been warning for ages that our website and any other site posting viewpoints that arent in lockstep with the mainstream narrative are being targeted and censored.

Weve been telling you that its only a matter of time until alternative views are just a whisper in the darkness of a propagandized, government-controlled media.

And just check this out! With that Organic Prepper story reporting on the 'partners' of NewsGuard including the US Department of Defense, the US Department of State, the US Department of Digital Culture, Media, and Sports, the World Health Organization, Microsoft, Bing, MSN, and many others,. that list sounds AWFULLY FAMILIAR to the 'sources' used by the Deagel Report in their 2025 forecast of a greatly depopulated America and the Western world looking like 3rd world nations, with Deagel's sources also including the US Department of Defense and the US Department of State among others, with others being the CIA, the European Union and the World Bank as seen in the graphic above showing 'NG's partners and the Deagel Reports sources.

Can you see just how 'NewsGuard' is akin to an Orwellian 'Ministry of Truth'? We wouldn't trust any of their 'reports' on the trustworthiness of news outlets as far as we can throw them and in fact, thanks to this Organic Prepper story, we have even more proof that 'NewsGuard' is just another globalist propaganda pushing outlet, just as we had bluntly called them out as being in our return email to them.

So with ANP ready for the fight as 2022 moves on into the 2nd half of the year thanks to your amazing donations to us at a time when the globalists are trying to shut us down and silence us, and the American people awakening in huge numbers to the never-ending lies we're being told, the fight of our lives is ahead of us though we've seen some amazing things happen in the past couple of weeks.

Yet we can never forget the globalists 'big picture', their 'end game' that the global eugenicists would never admit to, nothing less than outright 'genocide.' And we all know they will never admit to carrying out such an agenda, nothing less than mass murder, as they continue to pushtheir deadly 'clot shots' upon us.

(See related - read in full for free at the Epoch Times: "Moderna Vaccine Increases Myocarditis Risk by 44 Times in Young Adults: Peer-Reviewed Study")

And with 'NG' also 'red-flagging' Mike Adams website Natural News back in 2021 showing once again that the Organic Prepper and Zero Hedge and Lew Rockwell and others are in very good company in this Orwellian age we live in as websites like 'NG' try to turn propaganda and lies into fact, remember what then head of the US Department of State,Hillary Clinton, had said back in 2011 to Congress.:

"We are in an information war, and we are losing that war."

So with even Hillary herself admitting 11 years ago that the US Department of State and all of their 'minions' were 'losing' an information war (because they weren't telling 'the truth' and many Americans could clearly see that!,) and all of this happening at a time when Joe Biden is absolutely disintegrating into little bits and pieces as Susan Duclos had reported in this July 1st ANP story, (sure to be called 'misinformation' by outlets like 'NG' despite the fact that 'little joe' is falling apart before America's eyes,) as Susan pointed out in her story, 'joe' is the biggest national security threat America faces in 2022.

Each of the videos below take looks at the numerous topics discussed within this story, with Infowars in the final video below dating back 3 years warning way back then that NewsGuard would be a globalists gatekeeping outlet, just as we're watching unfold now in 2022, when "we are free to be a drunkard, an idler, a coward, a backbiter, a for-nicator; but you are not free to think for yourself" and the globalists push us to the time when:

"Who controls the past controls the future"and "who controls the present controls the past."

Hey NewsGuard, "1984 wasn't supposed to be an instruction manual!"

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ANP FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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