July 1, 2022
Breaking Down The Bioweapon Death Shot In A Way The MSM Will Never Report: The Globalists Murder Weapon Is Spearheading Their Depopulation Agenda

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine
It is sort of funny, but recently I have read a few articles that seem to confirm my older stories of The Thing from last October and the Graphene Hydroxide Razors as found in the November article that followed up on the first. After that there were a number of articles that claimed there were microchips and self assembling radio transmitters or spy chips or whatever coming together in the blood stream. Of course, the official propaganda outlets and the fact checkers were quick to disclaim all of those theories with claims that they were faked or the videos were of something else entirely. I tended to agree with them that it was false, and still do but there has been some new information collected that show my original stories were correct. There are also some that show my rejection of the nano-chips may not have been correct as well, but we will get to that later on. First a couple of recent articles we need to go over.
A couple weeks ago there were a number of articles that approximately covered the renewed interest in whatever is being injected besides the Bio-Weapons as the story in Insider (a left wing propaganda outlet) titled 20% of Americans believe the conspiracy theory that microchips are inside the COVID-19 vaccines, says YouGov study and they said A new study has found that 1-in-5 Americans believe that it is "definitely true" or "probably true" that there is a microchip in the COVID-19 vaccines and although I tend to agree we must also say that the polling company YouGov What the World Thinks is a global opinion and data company that puts things together to support the Globalists agenda. So lets temper that with Alex Jones show News Wars videos that shows microscopic videos of Engineered Bio Structures Removed From Blood Vessels and although I still do not believe the nano-electronics as stated in so many stories, there definitely exists structures that are produced by those murderous kill shots. That News Wars link has a couple of other videos showing massive clots; not the usual blood clots, but massive structures that are involved in the Sudden Adult (and children) Death Syndrome. They are worth watching if you have not before now.
Lead researcher, Dr. Daniel Nagase is a former ER doctor who was persecuted for using ivermectin to treat covid-19 patients in Canada. When the contents of the vaccine were put under an electron microscope, Dr. Nagase was able to identify basic elements like carbon and oxygen. You would expect to see carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus all the things you would normally see in a protein, Nagase said. However, none of the samples contained nitrogen or phosphorous, not in the X-ray spectroscopy or the electron microscope images. every living thing, whether its a virus, plant or animal, is made up of proteins that contain nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and phosphorus One of the non-biological life forms (in the Moderna vaccine) contained neurotoxic aluminum and looked like a ball with the legs growing out of it. This from a Natural News story last month that also proves my October column on those things I called The Thing.
Another story that came out a couple of weeks ago comes from Vaccine Deaths, which is a page devoted to Ethan Huff articles, and the story I want to bring up is titled Health Ranger conducts live microscopy analysis of engineered biostructure clots collected from deceased covid jab victims which is another article showing the Mike Adams interview. I bring this second one up so you have a great place to find many stories on the kill jab by Ethan Hunt. USSA News story also from a couple of weeks ago covered the Mike Adams story with still photos of those structures that are very compelling. I have included a few of those that seem to show silicone microchip particles and as their caption states, This series shows something that appears to resemble silicon-based microchip structures, although I cannot claim with certainty that this is a circuit of any kind. It simplyresembles what micro-circuitry looks like at similar magnifications. Again, I do not think so and would suggest they are other possible Graphene structures of some sort instead. I suggest going to that USSA News story for more photos if you are interested as I find them fascinating.
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It was the story more recently from The Expos that really caught my attention quoting Dr. Ariyana Love saying The samples pulled out of the veins and arteries of Covid vaccinated corpses shocked the world and exposed that something more than just vaccination is happening with the Covid vaxx and that goes back to the original story back in January Red Voice Media with a story by Dr. Jane Ruby and her interview with a board certified Embalmer and Funeral Director when they showed the shocking clips of the massive clots being removed from the deceased ones bodies that you may remember seeing before. That Expos story called those clots being removed and Dr. Love said that her research leads to the suggestion that they are tissues that are like a scaffolding and nanowires which goes right back to my earlier story on those Graphene Oxide razors as I put it back then. Ah, but hold on to your hats ladies and gentlemen, there is more!
Red Voice Media and the Stew Peters show brought out yet another aspect from the Dr. Ariyana Love interview that is remarkable. They state that she said she has found evidence of microspheres and tissue scaffolding technology within the vaccines, and shes found something even stranger in blood samples taken from vaccinated patients. That thing they found that is even stranger she describes as Human Umbilical Cord tissues that is being injected into kids with the vaccine. I have included that interview as the second video below and I would like to point out one specific item she mentions; there are patents on nanowire arrays for Neuro Technology and further on we will get into that a bit more. (Also, please reference an article in NIH National Library of Medicine on this same subject). She mentions that there are magnetic properties to these nanowires and that plays a role later on. She mentions a study titled Macroporous nanowire nanoelectronic scaffolds for synthetic tissues and with that comes her description as being a pharmacological lab on a chip platform that is a hybrid 3-d tissue materials that she describes a being nano transmitters and receivers. They are using nanowire silicone field effect transistors (FETs, if you know anything about electronics you know what they are) and have the ability for recording both extra cellular and intra cellular signals with sub cellular resolutions. She said they are also called detectors, nano metal electrodes, carbon nanotube, nano fibers or just plain nanodes. They are recording activity and transmitting it externally and that is what those nanowires are for.
The term TransHumanism comes to mind here, and that is just what is being constructed in those that actually can survive the very high death rates inherent in those mRNA vaccines. There is far more in that interview in the second video including engineered blood vessels and many other tissue engineering research that are artificial biostructures that are being studied and created in those satanic laboratories. She noted that they are being used for essentially constructing a new brain inside of humans and a new neural network for external control. Her website covers this and more, with the specific link to what she was speaking to Stew Peters being on this page.

Natural News among so many other news outlets mentions Elon Musk and his Neuralink technology that is suppose to link humans with computers as we have covered before. Although he claims it will be by implantable technology as is currently shown in many SciFi movies, given the information as noted so far it may seem an antiquated form of performing the task. A much newer story in Natural News brings that up to date by speaking about Musk's competitor Synchron and their launching trials on the first brain computer interface. Funded by NIH (think Tony Fauci) and you can imagine a Borg like community hive and totally controlled thought process system that would meet the Illuminatis New World Order total control over everything and everyone. They said in that article that If Synchron can put together evidence showing that the device works and is safe, then theFood and Drug Administration(FDA) is expected to grant it commercial approval at warp speed and keep in mind that these research labs are funded by Government monies. In 2019, Musk envisioned incorporating a bunch of tiny wires into peoples brains, creating an electrode to neuron interface at a micro level and that The long-term aspiration with Neuralink would be to achieve a symbiosis with artificial intelligence and to achieve a sort of democratization of intelligence, such that it is not monopolistically held in purely digital form by governments and large corporations, according to Musk. So much for him trying to be a good guy.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla admitted to the presence of Biiological Chip in vaccines in a WEF forum as seen in a Tweet that the controllers for what we are allowed to believe tell us did not happen, but the video is there. The debunkers say he was referring the pill that has an electronic chip that can prove if you have taken a prescribed medication, but as I listen to it I think he has more in mind than that simple device but do agree that he was speaking primarily of the chip that proves if the patient has taken their schizophrenic or bipolar medication. MIT News reported that self assembling computer chips, in complete contradiction to official narratives, said Molecules that arrange themselves into predictable patterns on silicon chips could lead to microprocessors with much smaller circuit elements. Continuing on, the said The features on computer chips are getting so small that soon the process used to make them, which has hardly changed in the last 50 years, wont work anymore. One of the alternatives that academic researchers have been exploring is to create tiny circuits using molecules that automatically arrange themselves into useful patterns. The problem is that chip features are now significantly smaller than the wavelength of the light used to make them so they are developing self assembling molecules to overcome that problem. I wonder if that is what might be going on in those infected bodies that have the bio-weapon jabs.
Before I use up all of my column space musing on our Borgification and the already obvious structures that have been found in scientific studies brought out in the open by pioneering and brave journalists and doctors, lets go back to my rejection of those stories about nano chips that seemed to auto-assemble inside of our bodies. I still do not believe them as described and supposedly microscope images as published many times a few months ago, but with the foregoing knowledge I think we should go into what I have been looking into that at first glance may not seem to be connected but may prove to be directly associated with this Borg Hive Mind idea.
Have you ever heard of a technology called Human Body Communication? HBC is a study that, according to Hindawi in their Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal, Human body communication (HBC), which uses the human body tissue as the transmission medium to transmit health informatics, serves as a promising physical layer solution for the body area network (BAN). The human centric nature of HBC offers an innovative method to transfer the healthcare data, whose transmission requires low interference and reliable data link. Human body communication (HBC, also termed intrabody communication) is a novel transmission technique using the human body as the transmission medium for electrical signal transfer Now that is really something else; and that is using the human body without any antennas, just the human systems, to communicate to outside systems. US Patent US7664476B2 states in its Abstract that a human body communication system for communicating data via an electric field formed by intervention of a human body. wherein the transmitter and the receiver use the potential difference signal in a frequency band such that a quasi-electrostatic field formed within the human body is dominant over a radiation field formed outside the human body when the transmitting electrode and the receiving electrode are each disposed in very close vicinity to the human body.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers more commonly referred to as IEEE has a number of articles on this technique and in one titled Turning the Body Into a Wire they said Medical devices are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the wireless devices people are putting in or on their bodies. The list includes wireless earbuds, smartwatches, and virtual-reality headsets. Technologies still in development, such assmart contact lensesthat display information anddigital pillsthat transmit sensor data after being swallowed, will also be at risk.
All of these devices need to transmit data securely at low power and over a short range. That's why researchers have started to think about them as individual components of a single human-size wireless network, referred to as a body-area network. The term Internet of Bodies" (IoB) is also coming into use, taking a cue from the Internet of Things. They continued on Through our research at Purdue University, we have developed a new method of communication that will keep medical devices, wearables, and any other devices on or near the body more secure than they are using low-power wireless signals to communicate with one another. The system capitalizes on the human body's innate ability to conduct tiny, harmless electrical signals to turn the entire body into a wired communication channel. By turning the body into the network, we will make IoB devices more secure.
A PDF by Progress In Electromagnetics Research titled Human Body as Antenna and Its Effect on Human Body Communications in its abstract said Human body communication (HBC) is a promising wireless technology that uses the human body as part of the communication channel. HBC operates in the near-field of the high frequency (HF) band and in the lower frequencies of the very high frequency (VHF) band, where the electromagnetic field has the tendency to be confined inside the human body results show that the maximum HBC gain near 50 MHz is due to whole-body resonance, and the maximum at 80 MHz is due to the resonance of the arm. Similarly, the results also suggest that the magnitude of induced axial current in the body due to electromagnetic field exposure of human body is higher near 50 MHz. Those frequencies are in the range near where the old Television channels 2, 3, 4 and 5 used to be.

There is so much more to this than I can cover adequately, but let me end with this thought; What if, lets say perhaps these ideas are all put together. Bio modified nano systems, computers and communications systems and the Internet of Bodies all came together? I am not saying they do yet but the idea of the Zuckerbergs Meta is a very frightening thing indeed. With you own body tattling on you to the Feds, with the innate ability to control our own thoughts, feelings, actions and so forth handed over to some evil force, what would the worth of life be? What would the actual Human condition be? Yes, a very frightening future is being planned and I am not going to participate. I refuse to comply beginning with not taking the bio-weapon called the C19 jab and any upcoming vaccines they try to force on the population. No way am I going to have their murder weapon/science experiments try to rebuild my neuro-system into a Borg inspired Frankenstein monstrosity.
Microscopic Video Proves COVID Vax Contains Nanoparticles That Colonize In The Human Body
With Mike Adams
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