If we wanted to get a good look at where this bizarre future of ours is rapidly herding us, all we need to do is take a look at this recent story at CNN reporting the US Department of Agriculture just gavegave two brands, Upside Foods and Good Meat, approval to start producing and selling 'cultivated chicken.'
Yet as CNN reported in that previously referenced story, we're already witnessing 'cultivated chicken tempura' about to be on the menu at the Bar Crenn restaurant in batsh*t crazy California, served with a burnt chili aioli and garnished with greens and edible flowers,following Chef Dominique Crenn having taken REAL meat off the restaurants menu back in 2018, allegedly because of the impact of factory farming on animals and the planet.
And with the left/globalists in America seemingly following the state of California wherever it goes, no matter how outrageous or crazy, as we're warned in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, this is another setup for 'vaccines,' aka 'bioweapons,' to be 'grown into' our food supply, a 'recipe for disaster.'
Just the latest reason why Susan and I are absolutely thrilled to be living out here in 'farm country USA,' where we can stop by our local butcher shop less than 2 miles away to stock up on fresh beef, chicken, pork, lamb, turkey and more, meat which we can confirm from our own conversations with that farmer that has NEVER been injected with such 'poisons,' as Snyder warns in this story, be prepared for such 'meats' to 'become the new normal' all across the country before too long with it already being touted by 'the left' as the 'environmental-friendly replacement' to 'normal meats.'
Yet as Futurism reports in this new story, according to one recent study that was conducted by researchers over at UC Davis, the so-called 'carbon footprint' of 'lab-grown beef' is actually far worse for the environmentthan that of 'traditional farming,' though the globalists will never report this.:
Researchers at UC Davis have made a startling discovery that could change the way we view lab-grown meat.
As detailed in a yet-to-be-peer-reviewed paper, they found that the meat alternatives environmental impact appears to be orders of magnitude higher than retail beef you can buy at the grocery store.
If confirmed, the research could be damning: lab-grown meat, long seen as a greener alternative to meat products that dont involve the slaughter of animals, could be more harmful to the environment than the products its trying to replace.
And with the 'Biden crime cabal' fully backing lab-grown meats as was reported in this Newsweek story, putting out this executive orderin which biden claimed theU.S. government is dedicated to investing in biotechnology that will advance the U.S.'s food security, including the promise of "cultivating alternative food sources" including those 'created' through 'new technologies,' take note that biden's EO specifically references 'COVID vaccines' within it as a 'selling point' of why these 'new technologies' will be 'so beneficial,' despite the fact the globalists are using them to carry out genocide. From Biden's EO.:
Biotechnology harnesses the power of biology to create new services and products, which provide opportunities to grow the United States economy and workforce and improve the quality of our lives and the environment. The economic activity derived from biotechnology and biomanufacturing is referred to as the bioeconomy. The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the vital role of biotechnology and biomanufacturing in developing and producing life-saving diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines that protect Americans and the world. Although the power of these technologies is most vivid at the moment in the context of human health, biotechnology and biomanufacturing can also be used to achieve our climate and energy goals, improve food security and sustainability, secure our supply chains, and grow the economy across all of America.
For biotechnology and biomanufacturing to help us achieve our societal goals, the United States needs to invest in foundational scientific capabilities. We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers; unlock the power of biological data, including through computing tools and artificial intelligence; and advance the science of scale‑up production while reducing the obstacles for commercialization so that innovative technologies and products can reach markets faster.
Yet with VP Kamala Harris recently telling us exactly what their so-called 'societal goals' are in her 'Freudian slip' in which she told us the biden crime cabal's goals include 'reducing thepopulation,' as Michael Snyder also warned in this recent story, "I can only imagine the new dangers that this sort of meat will bring to our population."
Because with most US politicians and the globalists proving to us over many years that they could care less about what happens to the American people, even going so far as to launch bioweapons upon us to ensure they steal political elections and to 'cull the masses,' watch closely what's happening both here in America and all across Western Civilization in the coming months and years, with political hacks in Germany pushing a plan to reduce the maximum daily intake of meat for Germans to just 10 grams.
How would YOU react if joe biden and his talking heads put out a new Executive Order limiting your meat consumption to only 10 grams a day? As Snyder pointed out in his story, if this plan does get implemented in Germany, he believes there will be riots because "Nobody wants our politicians dictating what will and will not be in our diets. But most of our politicians are control freaks that love to play god, and the same thing is true for many of our scientists."
So as Michael Snyder also reports in this recent story, with a whopping 2.4 BILLION people all across the planet ALREADY not having enough food to eat, we serve our families and loved ones best by stocking up on all the food we can, now, with this story specifically focusing on REAL meats.
Quoting a major British news sourcewhich recently had reported we are facing environmental breakdown and food system failure simultaneously, with The Guardian reporting we face an epochal, unthinkable prospect: of perhaps the two greatest existential threats environmental breakdown and food system failure converging, as one triggers the other,their story also reported that despite 'crop losses which threaten our survival, the ultra-rich never-the-less find ever more creative ways to maintain the status quo."
So with all of the good meats still widely available at our local butcher store PROVING this 'environmental breakdown' they spoke about isn't as bad as they continually push, and any 'environmental breakdown' we're witnessing actually largely being CAUSED BY 'geoengineering programs' themselves, rather than people eating meat or driving cars or using gas stoves or hot water heaters, the following bulk storage meats are all available now for anyone who hasn't yet stocked up.
Fully Cooked Bacon, Ready to Eat, 80 Slices Per Pack / Case, 10 Year Shelf Life, Superior to Canned, Real Thick Cut, 2+ Pounds, No Refrigeration Needed, Grocery, Long Term Storage, Camp, Hunt, Lunch
Nutristore Freeze Dried Ground Beef | Pre-Cooked Hamburger Meat for Backpacking, Camping, Meal Prep | Long Term Survival Emergency Food Supply | 25 Year Shelf Life | Bulk #10 Can | Made in USA (4-Pack)
Nutristore Freeze Dried Beef Dices | Pre-Cooked Meat for Backpacking, Camping, Meal Prep | Long Term Survival Emergency Food Supply | 25 Year Shelf Life | Bulk #10 Can | Made in USA (4-Pack)
Nutristore Freeze-Dried Chicken | Emergency Survival Bulk Food Storage Meat | Perfect for Lightweight Backpacking, Camping & Home Meals | USDA Inspected | 25-Year Shelf Life
Nutristore Freeze-Dried Grilled Chicken | Premium Quality Pre-Cooked Chicken Breast | Survival Emergency Food Supply | Home Meals & Lightweight Camping | USDA Inspected | 25-Year Shelf Life
Nutristore Freeze-Dried Sausage Crumbles | Emergency Survival Bulk Food Storage | Premium Quality Meat | Perfect for Lightweight Backpacking, Camping, Home Meals | USDA Inspected | 25 Year Shelf-Life
Nutristore Freeze Dried Pulled Pork | Pre-Cooked BBQ Meat for Backpacking, Camping, Meal Prep | Long Term Survival Emergency Food Supply | 25 Year Shelf Life | Bulk #10 Can | Made in USA (4-Pack)
ReadyWise Emergency Food Supply, Freeze-Dried Meat, Dehydrated Survival-Food Disaster Kit for Hurricane Preparedness, Camping Food, Prepper Supplies, Emergency Supplies, Meals Variety-Pack Bucket, 110 Protein Servings
As mentioned previously, in the first video below we hear more about 'vaccines' being grown into 'lab grown meats,' as good a reason as any to avoid them as far as we can throw them, while in the 2nd video below, The New American discusses lab grown meats and examines whether or not they're 'safe,' with the answer to that question something we should look at 'below the surface'and found in this joe biden Executive Order.
How 'safe' have we since found out the 'vaccines' are that they're still pushing as being 'safe,' and are also referenced in that EO? And in the final video below from Mike Adams of Natural News featuring an interview with Jim Gale of Food Forest Abundance, we learn about 'decentralizing' our food supply, transforming our own yards into a bountiful food supply that biden and the globalists can never take away from us short of hunting us down and taking it by force, something we can guarantee, with the 2nd Amendment still alive and quite well in America, would immediately blow up in their faces.
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