July 15, 2023
The Truth Comes Out As Kamala Harris's 'Freudian Slip' Reminds People Of The Deagel Report And Georgia Guidestones: Secretly Killing Off 'The Masses' Has Always Been Their Primary Goal
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
For nearly 10 years ANP has been reporting on one of the key goals of globalism, 'depopulation,' but for nearly 10 years, 'depopulation' has been called a 'crazy conspiracy theory.'
Despite the fact that 'they' engraved that key goal into stone on the Georgia Guidestones, where their #1 guideline, "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature," must have sounded like an ideal goal for the global eugenicists considering the population of the world is over 8 billion, meaning 7 1/2 billion people will need to be 'eliminated' for them to ever hit that number, HUGE 'depopulation' was also forecast on Deagel.com for years for Europe and the 'good ole USA.'
And while the mainstream media and politicians will never talk about 'depopulation' because, at its core, it means KILLING PEOPLE, and the global government terrorists sitting in the White House and the Capitol and the Pentagon and NATO overseas never want 'the masses' to know that they're in the business of 'eliminating human beings' because if that happened, they themselves might soon be the ones to be 'eliminated,' we just got another Freudian Slip from one of those brain-dead, Washington DC traitors that ties right into the subject at hand.
While we reported on ANP back on March 26th that 'Braindead Biden,' while giving a speech to Canada's Parliament, accidently thanked China instead of Canada, now we get this story from the Daily Mail which reports Vice President Kamala Harris, while giving a speech in Baltimore on combatting 'climate change,' accidently said they need to REDUCE POPULATION, instead of 'reducing pollution.'
So while the White House went and corrected the transcript of Harris's remarks as seen in the screenshot taken from that Daily Mail story below, crossing out the word 'population' and replacing it with 'pollution,' Americans need to remember just what a 'Freudian Slip' is, and the message one sends.
According to Dictionary.com, a 'Freudian Slip' is an inadvertent mistake in speech or writing that is thought to reveal a person's unconscious motives, wishes, or attitudes, with such 'slip-ups' giving the listener or reader a much better view of that speaker or writers' TRUE motives, wishes, attitudes and thoughts.
So think about that! With 'global warming' and 'climate change' the topic of Harris's speech, her Freudian Slip about 'reducing the population' tells us exactly where the globalists truly stand.
So while the Daily Mail story claimed the White House transcript corrected 'the obvious error,' while also claiming Harris's remarks 'fed a frenzy of conspiracy theories,' the commenters on the story were having nothing of it, with all of top-voted comments we've republished below showing Americans see EXACTLY what Kamala Harris meant to say, the exact words that she said. Those top-voted comments.:
Jerm85, Indianapolis: We all know she said what she meant.
Wake.Up.Yall, LosAngeles: It's called a Freudian Slip
atti2ood, DFW: Same as when Old Joe said he sold some state secrets? These two should be Impeached. Neither are equipped to do their job.
Cece452, Seattle: Strange that they are talking about reducing population and at the same time, rolling all these people into the country.
Go Jab Yourself, Australia: Had enough yet America?
Nylon12, maplewood: Said out loud what she's thinking.
King Xi, City of London: Told you so. Years ago. Biden/Obama administration is a huge Chinese tool of war stealthily revamping USA for its new owners.
Kris Porez, new york: It's called a Freudian Slip, it's when a person speaks what they are thinking without intending to.
NordNorth, Saint Paul: Truth always comes out. Population control has always been the goal. Plandemic being one.
With all of those top-voted comments more proof that people see what's going on and largely agree as a whole that the Biden/Harris administration has been an absolute disaster for the American people as well as for people all across the planet, as the final comment seen above pointed out of 'population control' always being the goal, the 'plandemic' clearly helped them out in a huge, multipronged way.
With the first video below giving us Kamala Harris's 'Freudian slip' for America and the world to see and as she bluntly states, 'reducing the population' while continuing on as if she had said nothing wrong, we've long warned on ANP that the globalists sinister 'depopulation agenda' means 'mass death' for the populace who expects the psychopaths in Washington DC to 'govern,' not wage war upon us.
So while the mainstream media and globalists will continue to call the depopulation agenda a crazy conspiracy theory, we're seeing it being carried out all around us now in 2023 as we move towards 2025, the year the Deagel Report had long 'forecast' America's population to be well below 100 million people, meaning well over 200 million people had to be 'killed off'.
And we're seeing that 'agenda' being played out in many different ways. As Natural News had reported in this April of 2023 story titled "DEPOPULATION: Maternity wards across America are closing down as birth rates collapse," birth rates all across the country are collapsing. Meaning way fewer people. And as they had reported in this December of 2022 story titled "Miscarriage, stillbirth rates exploding worldwide as depopulation continues unabated," there are a countless number of alarming deaths happening when women actually do get pregnant, leading to even few living babies being born.
And with the Democrats/globalists long pushing 'abortion,' all of that ties in nicely with their evil agenda. Because as Natural News also reports in these two recent stories, the 1st one titled "DEPOPULATION: Over 2 million excess deaths recorded globally since the rollout of the covid-19 injections" with the 2nd one titled "Depopulation agenda: Government tyranny plus COVID jabs caused more than 13 million DEATHS worldwide, doctor reveals,"nearly everything they did to 'fight COVID' led to massive numbers of deaths and injuries instead via 'the vax.' And nowadays, with govt carried outweather modification proven, it's easy to believe that what they're doing to 'fight climate change' and 'global warming' is also really being done to kill off 'the masses,' especially considering Kamala's remarks.
So below Kamala Harris's remarks about 'reducing the population' in the 1st video, each of the videos following take a look at the globalists depopulation agenda, even in their own words, more proof that they want to get rid of as many of us as they possibly can before this all blows up in their own faces.
ANP Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.
Their war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP. All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.
Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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