July 6, 2022
Beware Of The 'Trojan Warriors': Infiltrators In Prepper Groups Are Targeting Patriots For The 'Red List' - How To Spot These Paid Trolls And Government Agents
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
Periodically through the years we have seen what we dub "infiltrators" flood patriot groups and prepper websites, talking about how violence is the only way, we have to act "first," arm up and take to the streets, yadda, yadda, yadda....basically encouraging the type of violent behavior we see from groups like Antifa and BLM.
This was noticed by an ANP reader recently, who stated:
Has anyone else noticed that there are a lot of "new names" showing up all of a sudden calling for things like "immediate action", "shooting", "anarchy", "war", and the like? I get the feeling someone (pick a few letters and string them together) is attempting to set up ANP (Susan & Stefan & their writers) and their readers (us).
So, listen up, all you "new names":
I am PRO US Constitution and Bill of Rights - YES. HOWEVER, I AM anti-war-mongering, anti-hatemongering, anti-"basically-you-people-who-come-on-here-to-rile-people-up".
Our reader offered tips on things to do that doesn't include the "kill them all" mentality the infiltrators are trying to incite, which you can read at this link.
I'll call them "Trojan Warriors."
Patriot groups have been under attack by federal government agencies for years, being called "white nationalists," labeling preppers and patriots as "domestic terrorists," calling them the biggest threat to America, all the while ignoring the rioting, looting, vandalism, arson and destruction by Antifa/BLM, and other groups used as the militant arms of the democrat party.
And yes, these rioters the government agencies basically ignore are full of liberals and democrats, and you know this by looking at what they protest, who they choose as their "poster children" to be offended on behalf of, whether it is LGBT issues, gun control, police shootings, abortion.... all liberal agenda issues, so again, yes, they are liberals and democrats.
Let me provide some examples from someone recently banned from ANP for refusing to stop attacking our other readers and be civil. Some who joined Disqus on June 15, 2022," according to their profile, and going through it's comments on other sites, show the mentality of those attempting to incite rioting and violence, on prepper and patriot websites, while pretending to a patriot:
(Note) Each comment is linked to the original discussions on multiple Independent Media websites, just in case they decide to make their profile private.
Its time for the Free People of the world to Unite! And TAKE UP ARMS!!!
Today We shall declare our Independence! Its time to TAKE UP ARMS!!!
They are going to do it! And its up to US now to make sure they pay with their lives for this Treason!
This is Soviet crap, its time to water the Tree of Liberty!
The clot shot is going to take care of most of them, We will deal with whatever is left!
We need to start shooting back! WE need to take some scalps now!
Why don't you cowards Fight???
They are as weak and stupid as thet drooling-retard they installed as their leader! Its time to TAKE UP ARMS! WE could push them over with one finger!
We need to kill them now!
Its time to TAKE UP ARMS against the criminal, stolen "government"!
Those are examples from just the past two days, and not even all of them.
So, how does someone like that, an obvious infiltrator and/or troll trying to incite violence, know who to target or who to add to what has been dubbed the "red list," of patriots to be targeted by the government in a SHTF scenario?
Easy. Those that interact using the same rhetoric (some of which could also be his little merry band of agents as well to pull more people in) and those that "vote up" the comment because when you leave your mouse on the "vote" button, it shows all the other registered Disqus users that are agreeing with his/her deliberate attempt to incite violence to make patriots look like domestic terrorists.
Screenshot example below:
(ANP FUNDRAISER:Due to the google ad services just dropping ANP articles,we'rerunning an fundraising drive this very moment and into the near future.We also want to thank everybody who hasdonated to ANPover the years.
Withdonations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
Not difficult for whichever ABC agency in question to now red list those that are voting up the violent rhetoric.
Another tactic infiltrators use is to disrupt the normal types of discussions or debates on a website. In other words, using ANP as an example, we allow videos, images, and links to other websites so readers can share news, which they do all day and evening, with mini-threads of users discussing links they found interesting.
So while regular readers are discussing, debating, and sharing news they find worthy, with lurkers clicking away at news they find interesting, a troll aka infiltrator will come to try to start arguments, attack readers, basically anything they can do to take attention away from the normal workings, and focus said attention on themselves.
Here are a few red flags to note when trying to spot a paid troll aka infiltrator, using what we have noticed on ANP and another few patriot/prepper websites that we frequently visit:
If they cannot get you to join their violent rhetoric, they will post irrelevant information, or snide comments, or attack other readers to prevent others from commenting or following the thread.
They never address any of the actual topics presented, whether within the article or any of the links that readers post. Agents will rarely ever say anything intelligent about the material itself, and will avoid it at any cost.
Infiltrator/paid troll comments will attack others with name calling, ridicule, and other bs attacks, or just any nonsense. Often they are incapable of even the slightest bit of critical thinking.
The more of those types of antics, the more they get paid. Usually per post, but I would speculate that some may get paid for each person they can get "red listed," by inciting them to violent rhetoric online.
They have two basic goals... one to sow discord, and the second is to incite violence and threats, in order to make the patriot/prepper movement seem like they are full of potential "domestic terrorists."
WikiHow has a list of ways to spot a paid troll which includes:They use anonymous or throwaway accounts; They leave hateful or negative comments; They make outrageous or questionable claims; They wont let a topic go; They constantly post, and; They use bad spelling or grammar
Related:72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered Potential Terrorists In Official Government Documents
Beware of the 'Trojan Warriors.'
The one thing to remember is that category header. A patriot doesn't go online and threaten violence against others, but they are more than prepared to defend themselves against those that do.
A patriot won't scream "TAKE UP ARMS" because most patriots are already armed and prepared to protect their homes, their families, neighbors and communities, and see absolutely no need to try to incite violence when we have groups like Antifa/BLM and paid infiltrators already doing so.
Bottom line: A patriot is not going to attack first and "start" the war, but they are prepared for those that do, and they will end it.
ANP FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP. All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.
Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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