July 5, 2022
Globalists Hold Humanity Hostage And Crank Up The Genocide Level As They Plan The Next Clot Shot For The 'Midterm Variant' While Expert Warns Post-Jab Cancer Explosion Killing Countless People

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
For those who weren't already scared enough by the 'comeback of COVID' this fall and winter, a new Yahoo news story will push them past that 'point of no return' with a title that'll have the most timid Americans shaking in their boots:
"'The worst version' of COVID is spreading. Can we update our vaccines in time?"
Warning within the opening of their story that, while the BA.1 variant of Omicron is 'extinct,' the BA.2, BA.2.12.1, BA.4 and BA.5variants have taken over and comprise the majority of most US cases, we're not surprised that they haven't yet named one of these the B.S. variant, because that's what we're being fed a hefty load of.
With this Daily Mail story also reporting on BA.4 and BA.5 claiming 'many experts are fearful of their spread as they are believed to have the ability to evade natural immunity provided by previous Covid infection,' while that Yahoo story claimed these 'versions' would likely evade the current 'vaxxes and boosters', too, the two top-voted comments on that DM story pointed out the obvious about BA.4 and BA.5 and all the rest of them.
BetYouCantMakeMe, A ville of some sort, United States: "If the vaccine works then why doesn't it work?"
SmellyDeplorable, North Dartmouth MA, United States: "AKA the November election variant."
With that top-voted comment obviously referring to the fact that highly vaxxed and boosted Dr. Anthony Fauci STILL got 'the COVID' after being vaxxed and boosted, the #2 comment gives us a hint of what's to come if Joe Biden and Democrats get their way, another 'scamdemic' that they can use once again to steal another election via massive fraud via encouraging a massive number of mail-in votes.
And with two more of the top-voted comments on that DM story echoing those two comments, with 'Joe Jaymes' writing "This must be the mid term variant. Cheat by mail is reborn" while a commenter from Atlanta claimed "Oh go away!!!! The only people getting covid are rabid lefties who insist on getting tested every day and have been quadruple boosted, jabbed or whatever. Normal people are getting on with their lives!!!!," don't say that you weren't warned once November arrives, Biden gets his wish of 'another pandemic' and they've locked down the country once again (except for themselves, of course, as they insanely believe they don't need to follow the same 'dictates' as us 'little people'!)

So while it took more than two years after this All News Pipeline report from February 10th of 2020 for the 'prestigious medical journal' the Lancet's COVID Commission chair,Jeffrey Sachs, to admit 'the deadly virus did not come out of nature' and likely 'originated in a US biolab', it's clear that the mainstream media will keep pushing this COVID boogeyman upon us until they've scared half the country to death into taking their next 'concoction.'
As we'd reported back on February 10thof 2020 after we interviewed Bioweapons expert Dr. Francis Boyle, who was the author of the US Bioweapons Act of 1989, Dr. Boyle directly warned us "the 'Nazi Death Science Biological Warfare Work' Going On In America MUST Be Stopped!" because "In A 'Worst Case Scenario', Coronavirus Could Collapse America's Heathcare System."
Yet the 'Nazi death science bio warfare work' Dr. Boyle warned of continues to this day and at this point, nearly 2 1/2 years later, half the country still thinks COVID emerged 'naturally'. Talk about the complete and utter failure of our mainstream media to 'truthfully inform us' in this day and age.
So we'll be taking a look in the final section of this story at some stunning numbers that have recently come out that show 'the cure' has been much worse than 'the disease'.
And while we here at ANP are NOT medical doctors, nor would we ever give 'medical advice' to anyone as it is absolutely each and every individuals choice as to whether they decide to get 'vaxxed' or 'wear a mask' or whatever health precautions each individual decides to take, we won't hold back from reporting what other medical professionals have found, no matter how much the globalists threaten us.
(ANP FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running a fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
Before we continue, our thoughts go out to the family of recently deceased Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, one of the earliest pioneers of alternative COVID treatments and the innovator of the Zelenko Protocol. Dr. Zelenko recently died from a rare form of cancer. You can hear Dr. Zelenko's final words to us in the final video below.Read much more about Dr. Zelenko here.
So while Democrats are unveiling their 'midterm election variant' just in time to steal more elections, while so-called 'experts' are claiming we're about to hit the highest levels of COVID cases per day, ratcheting up the fear factor to 'go get jabbed' even more, we've got to take a closing look at this story over at the Epoch Timestitled "Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects" within which we're immediately warned:
The DMED, one of the best databases in the world, shows a disturbing trend with post-COVID jabs dramatic increases in medical visits for malignancies, neurological and autoimmune diseases, and infertility. But after being exposed, DMED was shut down and its data spikes washed clean.
Dr. Ryan Cole, an anatomic clinical pathologist with a subspecialty in skin pathology and postgraduate Ph.D. training in immunology, has been on the frontlines exposing the fraudulent COVID narrative.
Since 2004, hes been operating his own business, a pathology laboratory, which gives him rare freedom and flexibility to comment on what hes seeing. Most others would lose their jobs for speaking out the way Cole has.
Truth Telling Is a Risky Business
That doesnt mean he hasnt paid a price for speaking out about and defending real science though. Hes triple board certified and has 12 state licenses, and because of his stance against COVID recommendations, some of the credentialing organizations have taken action against him.
Ive seen 500,000 patients diagnostically in my career through the microscope. So, I have a long track record of diagnostics. I have not had a patient care complaint against me in 26 years of being a physician, he says. I still dont, and this is whats fascinating.
Of those 12 licenses, four were under attack, three are still under attack in Washington, Arizona and Minnesota [yet theres] not a single patient care complaint. All the attacks against me have been political complaints to boards of medicine, which is not legal for them to do. Not a single one of those complaints is from a patient.
And then really the most egregious thing was ex parte, without me being present, without even sending a certified letter, the College of American Pathologists removed my fellowship status, which is defamatory.
I went back and found their complaint and looked at what they did, and I actually have a wonderful defamation lawsuit against them, because everything they did was anti-scientific. So, they can either restore [my fellowship] now, or just pay me a big check down the road. One or the other.
Hes also lost about half of his business, as two insurance companies canceled him for unprofessional behavior, i.e., for sharing and discussing the science of COVID, and one of his best friends, whom hes worked with for 12 years, canceled their business relationship as he didnt want Coles outspokenness to affect his business. All because of the defamation by the media, so to tell the truth in this day and age is a dangerous thing, he says.
Warning within that story that he immediately became very suspicious of 'the vax' because I thought, wait a minute, you cant vaccinate against corona viruses! he says. This family of viruses is not amenable to vaccination, based on mutation rates. So, my concern was very high, early on, he warned that there is now a post-jab cancer explosion of epic proportions.:
Post-Jab Cancer Explosion
One of the apparent side effects of the COVID jab that Cole has been warning and talking about is cancer. He explains:
Obviously, during COVID, we saw some parameters change in blood tests. There was a concern about clotting. We saw elevated clotting factors. We know that the early variants were pretty severe in terms of inducing clotting, which was a shame because the whole world should have been simply using anti-inflammatories, steroids and anti-clotting agents, and so many more people wouldve lived.
My colleague, Dr. [Shankara] Chetty in South Africa, was having phenomenal success with antihistamine steroids and anti-clotting agents. So anyway, that first year, we saw drops in white blood cell counts, we saw decreases in certain subsets of T-cells. But when the shots rolled out, things changed.
At first I noticed kind of an innocuous little bump that we see usually in children. Its a little virus called molluscum contagiosum [that causes] a little white bump.
Usually, by the time youre a tween or early teen, youve built immunity to that and you never get them again, or rarely get them again. But after the shots rolled out, all of a sudden, in 80-year-olds, 70-year-olds, 60-year-olds, 50-year-olds, I started seeing literally a 20-fold increase in this little innocuous viral bump. And I thought, Uh oh, this means theyve lost immune memory
Those subsets of T-cells that keep viruses in check are very important for keeping cancer in check. And this is where immunology jumps into the picture. All of us have some atypical cells, and we have the Marines of our immune system, our natural killer (NK) cells. Theyre on the frontline circulating. We have about 30 billion T-cells circulating in our blood, many of which are killer cells and NK cells.
Our other innate cells are our macrophages, monocytes and dendritic cells. Theyre on that frontline. Theyre shaking hands with every cell in your body all day long saying, Friend or foe? Friend or foe? Oh gosh, this one has some mutations, its now a foe. Theyll poke a little hole in it, throw in a little enzyme called a grandzyme a hand grenade blow up that cell, and were good.
But what happened after these shots rolled out is that many of those cell subsets started decreasing in number. The first cancer I saw uptick was cancers of the uterus, endometrial cancers. Usually, I would see maybe two endometrial cancers a month. All of a sudden, a few months after the rollout of the shots, I was seeing two or three a week.
Another subspecialty area of focus for me is melanoma. And I started seeing melanomas, not only in younger patients, as the shots dropped down in age cohort, but they were thicker. The other fascinating thing was theyre more aggressive in terms of how many dividing cells was present in each tumor. Im still seeing this.
Beyond that Ive been traveling the country and the world quite a bit and wherever I go now, I have doctors and nurses approach me saying, What youre saying, weve been seeing.
I was having a conversation with a chair of a large oncology department in Tallahassee, and he said, I usually see an aggressive brain cancer in a young patient maybe every decade. After the boosters rolled out, he saw five astrocytomas, five aggressive brain cancers, in one month.
Then, Im in Jacksonville the next day, having a conversation with a family doctor. He said, Gosh, its strange, I usually see a kidney cancer in a young patient every decade or so. Ive seen five in the last month.
Then I was in the UK a couple weeks ago. I had a doctor from Ireland whos been a practicing family doc, GP, for 36 years, and he said, I have seen more cancer in my young patients ever since the shots rolled out, and the booster, than I have ever seen in my entire career.
Same thing, a nurse that works emergency department in the UK, [said shes seen] not only the heart inflammation in young children, but cancers in young patients and aggressive leukemias. So everywhere I go, I have doctors confirming my observations Ive had many of them approach me and say, Hey look, Im seeing what youre saying, but I cant say it because Ill get fired.'
Just the latest evidence that 'the cure' has been much worse than 'the disease', each of the videos below take a look at the dire circumstances that Americans now face with the globalists pushing their 'death shot' to younger generations while every indication are they're rolling out all of these new variants just in time to steal more elections in November. You can read that entire story from Epoch Times here.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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