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May 5, 2023

America Led To The Slaughter As The Biden Crime Cabal Gives Ukraine $300 Million More Taxpayer Dollars To Get Nuked While Americans Starve And U.S. Banks And Stores Meet Extinction

- Ed Dowd: '30% Of US Work Force Sick, Injured Or Dead' A Sign Of The Times

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

According to Robert Kiyosaki, the best-selling author of the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," anurgent situation is unfolding right now, with Kiyosaki telling us that with the Federal Reserve just warning the world to 'expect a mild recession this year,' we're really being told to 'expect all hell to break loose.'

Reporting in this story over at Politicrossing that the last time the Fed said inflation was transitory, it was actually not only totally out of control but here to stay, that story reminds us that back in 2008, nearly the same situation happened that is happening now, except the lying from America's talking heads is much worse now than it was back then, leading to Kiyosaki's conclusion that what's dead ahead is worse than 2008 as well. Briefly from that story.:

After the 85-year-old investment bank, Bear Stearns collapsed, the Treasury Secretary at the time, Hank Paulson stated:

Our financial institutions, our banks and investment banks are very strong. (ANP: Sound familiar?)

Shortly after, we experienced a huge financial crisis that affected the whole world for years.

And right now, heres the situation were in: The Fed hasnt been able to get inflation under control despite the record 10 consecutive rate hikes.

This has led to 3 banks collapsing, 186 other banks hanging on by a thin thread and Credit Suisse being bought for pennies on the dollar.

And as the Military Times reports in this new story, despite US banks already going under and signs and proof of plenty more problems on the way, joe biden is giving globalist stooge Zelensky and Ukraine another $300 million of US taxpayer dollars so they can get nuked, while banks here collapse, Americans starve and more and more stores go out of business thanks largely to insane leftist policies, we're seeing more and more proof America's 'compass' is not only long broken but irreparably shattered.

(ANP wants to thank our reader/commenter 'El Gato Blanco' for sending us this book titled "Sing The New Song" by Tucker Crusan and Victor Crusan, a study of the words of wisdom from Saint John's Revelation for all of us living here in America and Western civilization in the year 2023 as we move towards 2025 and watch the globalists 'end game' for America being carried out before our eyes.)

With biden and the increasingly insane left continually pushing 'trannies' in our faces despite the majority of America soundly rejecting that 'ideology,' and more and more companies 'going woke' then quickly 'going broke' as the American people nearly unanimously reject their ludicrousness, including now the Pentagon and US Navy 'committing suicide' by the Navy's decision to use a drag queen for their latest recruitment program, those moves are surely striking fear into the hearts and minds of Russia, Iran, North Korea and China (Heavy sarcasm!) as the biden crime cabal continues turning his administration and 'WOKE America' into the world's biggest laughing stock.

And with things on the war front looking like they're ready to get kicked up several notches in the days ahead after reports a Ukrainian drone (aka joe biden's drone) nearly struck the Kremlin in an alleged 'assassination attempt' upon Vladimir Putin just the latest proof the globalists are rushing full speed ahead into kicking up their 'depopulation agenda' several notches as their 'final solution,' as Expose-News reports in this new story, a Swiss lawyer suggested several years ago it was well past time we take a much deeper look at the Deagel Report's forecast for Western civilization looking much different by the year 2025 than it does today, so we'll do that and more in the final section of this story below, with the most alarming warning from Robert Kiyosaki in this Politicrossing story being the American people are right now, this very moment, being 'led to the slaughter.' Thanks for nothing but genocide, joe.

And as this new story over at Natural News reports, according to a survivor of Mao Zedong's reign of terror in China, the tyranny and oppression being unveiled by America's 'UniParty' and the 'biden crime family' reminds her of what she went through in China, although she has a very blunt warning for anybody in the US govt now carrying out acts of terror and genocide upon the American people. From that story.:

A survivor of former communist revolutionary Mao Zedongs regime of terror in China is speaking out about how she fears the very same oppression she once fled is taking hold in the United States.

Xi Van Fleet, who describes herself as Chinese by birth; American by choice. Survivor of Maos Cultural Revolution. Defender of liberty is making waves on social media for some tweets she fired at the Democrat Party.

Recognizing that todays Democrats are cut from the same cloth as Mao, Van Fleet shared a bit of history about Liu Shaoqi, the former president of the Peoples Republic of China who laid the tyrannical groundwork upon which Mao staged his cultural revolution.

When surrounded by the Red Guard mobs, Liu Shaoqi tried to reason with them: I am at least a citizen. Why am I not allowed to speak?'

This was Liu speaking at the time when he was being purged by Mao. Prior to this, Liu himself was persecuting countless people, Van Fleet said, ruining or ending peoples lives. And by the time Mao came along, Liu had become a victim of the very tyranny that he helped create.

The Leftists are so committed to the destruction of rule of law & our Constitution, Van Fleet warns. They need to prepare to be the victims of their own lawlessness one day!

Those who go against Gods law and oppress Gods children will one day become the subjects of their own tyranny.

These are stories that todays Democrats would do well to consider as they build the worlds largest surveillance state, and initiate their plans for a global genocide. It just might end up being the case, as Van Fleet is also promising, that these villains of modern-day America will end up succumbing to the very fate they have planned for all of us.

With 'Van Fleet' echoing the warning from this new WND story, that the Biden crime family's Secretary of State Antony Blinken is quite literally 'digging his own grave' with the endless lies he told the American people about joe's endless corruption, remember that telling the 'big lie' is the devil-rats and Rino's strategy, learned from none other than Joseph Goebbels, and as commenters over at Twitter responding to Van Fleet's statements pointed out, it's not just the devil-rats but plenty of Republicans who've betrayed America to enrich themselves and push America into outright tyranny, too.

"As if the Republicans are not just as bad as the Democrats, one commenter noted about how these two political parties are just opposing wings on the same bird.

I might remind everyone it was the Republicans that gave us TSA, which shredded the 4th Amendment. It was Republicans that kept us in war in Afghanistan for 20 years. It was Republicans that murdered millions of civilians in Iraq. Republicans are just the controlled opposition in the UniParty.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to a heavy censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we'rerunning an emergency fundraising drive in an attempt to stay online while the 'devils that be' in Washington DC try to silence us. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years.With donations and minimal ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)     

As we've reported previously on ANP, while the globalist gatekeepers the mainstream media continue to call the Deagel Report a 'crazy conspiracy theory,' the globalists are right now pushing us into the slaughterhouse that the Deagel Report forecast had warned us was coming by 2025, just as Kiyosaki had warned.

With their 'method of execution' seen perfectly in this recent ANP story titled "Tidal Wave Of 'Turbo Cancers' Strike America At Same Time As Doctors Warn Of An 'Accelerated Disease Process' And 'The Greatest Crime In History' Being Carried Out Before Our Eyes," as we reported in that story, my own doctors told ANP of an explosion of neurological diseases unlike anything they'd seen before in history, this on top of ALL the young and healthy Americans 'dying suddenly,' genocide being carried out before our eyes.

And as we'd also warned in this April 23rd ANP story titled "As 'A Diabolical Experiment' Is Carried Out Before The Blinded Eyes Of The American People, Absolute Proof America And Western Civilization Are Targeted For 'Elimination',"we were told what was coming back in 2014 if we had just paid attention, when Obama's talking heads called for depopulation as the best 'answer' to the problems the world was facing, so we can't say that we weren't warned.

So as Susan Duclos had reported in this story she published back on July 6th of 2022 titled "Beware Of The 'Trojan Warriors': Infiltrators In Prepper Groups Are Targeting Patriots For The 'Red List' - How To Spot These Paid Trolls And Government Agents," whenever ANP has been 'over the target' with our stories, government paid 'disinformation specialists' suddenly appear in our comment sections, attempting to steer the conversation in different directions, and as several ANP readers have pointed out, we seem to be witnessing something just like that right now. Your thoughts on that possibility are welcome in the comment section below.

So with the map seen above showing us what the Deagel Report had expected the world's population would look like by the year 2025 showing us 'Western Civilization' greatly 'depopulated,' just as the Obama talking heads had alluded to, and that map quite literally showing an 'America' that had been led to the slaughterhouse, as Alan Barton warned us in this May 4th ANP story, current events prove 'the carnage' has only just begun, just as we hear in the 2nd and 3rd videos below.

So the wise will continue to arm themselves heavily, preparing to defend their families and country when needed, and completely prepared for the unveiling of full-scale tyranny worse than any government in history, because as Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann of the Hagmann Report warn us in the 1st video below, the America we knew and grew up in is long dead and gone, replaced by tyranny, utter insanity and mayhem, with much worse to come if joe biden and the globalists get their way.

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All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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