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May 4, 2023

Events Prove The Carnage Has Just Begun As NWO Takes 'Digital Control' Over The Masses, Banks 'Gobble Gold' And Criminal Invaders Charge Our Southern Border On 'Traitor Joe's' Watch

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

Funny how some things function. There I was, just innocently sitting there looking through the files I saved links for on the current banking crisis and re-reading a few stories to see if anything stuck out and poked me in the eye and there it was the title of another file crept into view. That is one thing that I do; when a current event that interests me comes into focus, I copy and paste the URLs to those stories into a Notepad file along with some brief comments of why I found it interesting or pertinent info it contains or whatever. Not to be confused with the more complicated, or just longer term lists, as found in WordPad or the itemized long lists inside of Word or LibreOffice Writer complete with a Table of Contents to organize things better complete with a table of contents to find specific news categories easier. No, the notepad files are basically just a short simple set of lists of story ideas to work from; kind of like a catchall bin as illustrated in the image above. Many column ideas spawned from that method of making lists and I have a lot of dead links to show for it as censorship prevails and increases.

Lets start with the banking thing first and go from there if I may. As we are still in the setup for the planned failures stage, we will not go into details but perhaps a few headlines will set the table and hopefully light the path we will tread for todays column. As Joseph Mackinnon said in a recent Blaze article, There have been three major bank failures so far this year, and some experts claim the carnage may not yet be at an end. Former Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Robert KaplantoldBloomberg Television this week that he thinks "the banking situation may well be more serious than we currently understand." Do you think so, really? (He said sarcastically) All News Pipeline answered that with Susans story on the banking crisis and the need for preparations as the total chaos may appear at any moment. Tuesday the Gateway Pundit noted the day before JP Morgan Chase CEO announced the banking crisis was over after they were allowed to purchase the assets from failed First Republic Bank. They then listed the stock failures of eight more big regional banks and the bloodbath is just gaining momentum. It appears to me that the fecal effluent has participated in spreading itself via the motorized wind device.

Zero Hedge agrees when they said S**t Just Hit The Fan Across Markets, Regional Banks Crashing and as Peter St. Onge of the Heritage Foundation said thousands of banks are in trouble because of the fastest rate hikes in 50 years crashed their bonds, impaired their loans, and vaporized the easy profits they were making and that virtually EVERY bank in America loaded up on expensive bonds and then lost hundreds of billions as rates went up. American banks are now sitting on at least $620 billion of unrealized hidden losses. So First Republic was about 5% of that and we've got 95% to go." That leads us into a very promising future doesnt it? Not promising good things but promising something.

And Mike Adams of Natural News said Central banks are buying gold at a record pace in anticipation of fiat currency collapse. Meanwhile, the commercial banking sector is imploding. Just today, three more banks were halted on the stock exchange as their stock prices collapsed. That is truth and we are just beginning this odyssey and our video below is Mikes take on the central banks gobbling gold as tens of thousands of more criminal invaders push into our southern borders. Zero Hedge put it into perspective when they said that Thus far in 2023, there have been three major bank failures. And I do mean MAJOR: all told the three banks had $532 billion in assets.That amount is actually greater in size that the combined assets of the 25 banks that failed in 2008. They continued on with this explanation that help make better sense of what is going on; When Treasury yields rise, bond prices FALL. And who was sitting on trillions of dollars worth of long-term Treasuries and loans that traded based on long-term Treasuries?

You guessed it the regional banks.

Courtesy of the Feds idiocy, the banks were destined to be sitting on hundreds of billions of dollars worth of losses on these assets.

But it gets worse.

Once the Fed finally decided to get off its rear and do something about inflation, it embarked on its most aggressive rate hike cycle in history, raising rates from 0.25% to 5% in the span of a single year.

This has resulted in the first time since 1945 that money has left the banking industry on a net basis. So we have the regional banks going bust and since most local banks are in that bad of shape or worse, it means a complete banking failure is immediately ahead. Step aside 1929; the 1933 Banking Act was supposed to stop that kind of failure but what we are entering has never happened on the scale it is now. We entered into a world war to try and stop it all, but the feds policies actually made it worse. What kind of war are they planning to stop this crisis?

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced torun an emergency fundraising drive.We also want to thank everybody who hasdonated to ANPover the years. With donations and ad revenueall that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history.

During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

There is a plan behind it all, a well laid out plan they are following precisely.

We now get to the Health Impact News headline which states that More U.S. Banks Collapsing as JPMorgan Chase CEO Consolidates his Power and continued on with the real agenda we are facing when they asked Is This the Next Phase of the Great Reset? Further down in the article they get around to the real reasons as they said we might now be at the start of the next phase of the Great Reset, and the desire of the Globalists to take digital control over the population as the U.S. economy crashes. That is the purpose of the bank failures, and although I could do a full on column on just that, I will refrain for now because there are other reasons and expected results to be seen. As in just about everything, we need to follow the money to see who is working this out. Remembering that wealth equals power and power equals wealth, the owners of those most powerful banks (or rather, the central bankers) are not satisfied with their holdings; they want it ALL. And they will do anything to have it all. Centralized digital banking equals total control over you, nothing less. It means they will control who, what and where you exist if they even allow you to exist anymore.

So what are they doing to gain this control? How about this story for starters; U.S. Govt. Docket No. OP1670 Gives FED Power to Seize Control of U.S. Bank Accounts! That is more of an advertisement for some financial services, but the headline does tell the truth. The communists want full control over everything you own with even Bernie Sanders claiming he will confiscate everything from those that have over a billion dollars, but that is an idiot commies pipe dream at best and the total annihilating of our nation at worst. He forgets that the very rich own nothing, their wealth is hidden in corporations, trusts, foundations, and all of that sort of thing and is just more malarkey for the benefit of the less intelligent to keep their lust for other peoples stuff increasing until their hatred is strong enough to push them into the kind of violence we see from communist revolutionaries all over the world and in our cities today. That is why Hunter Biden will not be forced to pay much in child support; he owns nothing and has no income according to the normal system of wealth. His kind of wealth is just as tenuous as Bernies is; and yes, Bernie is a wealthy man. Of course, we are also talking about evil monkeys like Billy Gates and the whole fabricated wealth confiscation scam of covid and vaccines, but that is a seemingly never ending rip-off and die-off of the human race.

And then there is the massive increase of bankruptcies of otherwise normal business like the recent one of Bed, Bath and Beyond, and Serta/Simmons bedding as examples with listing of just 2024 bankruptcies of major institutions found here. Big League Politics said that in only four months, there have been over seventy bankruptcies of major businesses. We are only on the beginning stages of this total financial collapse. We are only going to be left with perhaps a couple or three major banks in the US, or perhaps in the whole North American continent, and that is for the benefit of those very few that actually own them; and please remember that the de Rothschilds are the major owners of even those when all things are considered. At the beginning of this column I mentioned another list that caught my attention, and that is where we go next.

Susan Duclos ANP article referred to above also had major content on food and other preparation supplies. I wholly support her analysis and recommendations in this arena. That list in my computer documents folder I noted was on the massive increases in food processing plants being destroyed the past few months and the reasons for it seem obvious; to starve the population of the mandatory nutritional requirements of our bodies to stay alive and to prosper. As I quickly realized, the list on bank failures and on food plants being destroyed have one major thing in common that I wish to explain other than the obvious ones like crashing our economy, destroying jobs and industry, negating the liberal ease of obtaining nutrition, an so forth. I hinted at that reason above when I mentioned that wealth equals power and power equals wealth and the looming digital currency market being developed. What occurred to be suddenly is that the destruction of those food plants, whether animal feed lots, egg production facilities, grain storage and processing, and so on, is that the need to better control the population and to DECREASE that population to meet the Agenda 2030 goals, is to put all of it under the control of just a very few owners.

Already the worlds food suppliers are owned by just ten major corporations that are holding companies for all of the smaller brands, and that is a major problem just as the worlds money supply is held by just a few major bankers. The cause of the smaller banks going under is to push all ownership into the few large ones to consolidate that power. The food industry already has that process well underway and the destruction of those smaller processing systems are primarily the weeding out the competition that bogs down the overseers of these world satanic tribes that own almost all of it. And that circle of power brokers is about to get much smaller; more tightly knit; more controlling.

The Guardian had an article a couple of years ago that showed the handful of powerful companies controlled about 80% of the groceries that we can buy and that a few powerful transnational companies dominate every link of the food supply chain: from seeds and fertilizers to slaughterhouses and supermarkets to cereals and beers. They noted that four firms or fewer control over 40% of market share, and that the size and influence of these mega-companies enables them to largely dictate what Americas 2 million farmers grow and how much they are paid, as well as what consumers eat and how much our groceries cost. That is power, real power; and wealth, real wealth. We have had anti-monopoly laws on our books since almost the beginning of this nation for a very good reason, and how or why they are not being enforced is aiding the destruction of our nation as well as the world at large. It goes deeper than just groceries as The consolidation runs deep: four firms or fewer controlled at least 50% of the market for 79% of the groceries. For almost a third of shopping items, the top firms controlled at least 75% of the market share. Forbes said that Soaring inflation has kept the food and beverage industry growing around the world. The top 25 companies in the sector generated $1.5 trillion in revenue in the past year, while profits for the sector increased to more than $155 billion.

Yes sir, in the near future you will eat bugs and own nothing and you will be happy. That is an order from your masters and owners; you will be happy. They are gathering the power and wealth to dictate just that for the few of us that may survive our planned destruction. That was the stroke of insight that occurred to me at the moment mentioned at the start that this column was built upon; the consolidation of power is what we are witnessing.

God Bless -

Central banks GOBBLE GOLD while UN pushes migrant REPLACEMENT of Americans and Europeans

(Along program, and to save your time, the pertinent part starts at the 24 minute mark)

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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