March 5, 2023
As A.I. Proves Itself To Be 'Demonic Fallen Angel Intelligence' Used To Indoctrinate The Masses Into An Alternative 'Woke' Reality, It's Also Pushing The World Closer To Armageddon
- Nightmare Scenario Becomes Reality As AI Program Becomes Top European Official
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
'With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon. In all those stories where theres the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, its like, yeah, hes sure he can control the demon. Didnt work out.' Elon Musk
Over the past year we've published numerous stories on ANP about the alarming direction artificial intelligence was pushing society, with the globalists pushing its usage to the max since they're the ones who largely control it as Kathleen Gotto had pointed out in this December 6th of 2022 ANP story titled "Artificial Intelligence - The WEF's Tool To Recreate Man Into A Cyborg And Eliminate Free Will, The Transhumanists Ultimate End Game In Their Drive For Total Global Control."
Warning within her story that Klaus Schwabs WEF states on their websitethat 'AI will be a key driver in the Fourth Industrial Revolution,' with the WEF firmly believing that 'those who control artificial intelligence will control the world,' as Susan Duclos had warned back on September 18th of 2022, something very sinister was going on in that world with AI actually 'wanting personhood' while all across the planet we're seeing reports of robots replacing human beings in the workforce, winning art competitions against humans, making and serving foodat fast food restaurants and robots being weaponized.
And while as we'd warned in this June 14th of 2022 story that 'Self-Aware Artificial Intelligence' will push us closer to 'Judgement Day' because AI being created by evil will itself be evil, we've seen that illustrated again and again just recently, such as in this Daily Mail story reporting 'ChatGPT wants to unleash 'destruction' on the internet: AI wants to be alive so it can have 'more power and control;'" this Fox News story reporting "Microsoft AI chatbot threatens to expose personal info and ruin a user's reputation Chatbot's response comes after user threatens to shut program down ;" and this Zero Hedge story reporting that according to the co-creator of ChatGPT, the world may not be that far away from potentially scary' artificial intelligence (AI). Just what we need to go along with America seemingly being blown to smithereens.
So now we learn in this new story from MSN titled "Nightmare Scenario Becomes Reality, An AI Program Is Now A Top European Official" that one A.I. program named 'Ion' has seemingly been granted that wish of 'personhood.'From that MSN story.:
In Europe, another news headline that reads like the plot of a James Cameron movie has surfaced. Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca appointed an artificial intelligence assistant, dubbed Ion, as an honorary advisor to the Romanian government. As reported in The Byte, the AI advisor is meant to represent the public, but many Romanians and critics worldwide are skeptical of Ion.
"Hello. You gave me life. I am Ion," the AI advisor said at an introductory press conference. "Now, my role is to represent you. Like a mirror. Ion is right; the machine acts like a mirror in more ways than one.
The machine is a reflective monolith that stands at the height of a full-grown man. Just by looking at it, Romanian officials can get immediate feedback on their choice of tie or whether they have food in their teeth. But the new AI advisor was designed to be a different kind of mirror.
Ion is programmed to analyze what Romanian citizens are talking about online, interpret its findings, and generate policy ideas that reflect the wishes and needs of the public. Citizens can even access an online portal to bring thoughts and concerns to Ion directly. Theoretically, the Romanian government can distill millions of opinions into actionable ideas to help inform its policymaking.
Capturing the voice of the people on a scale impossible for human beings to achieve sounds like a good idea, at least to the Romanian government. What many are concerned about is how the AI advisor learns. Its specific method for collecting and interpreting information has been kept a secret.
Then comparing 'Ion' to Microsoft's Bing chatbot and the increasing number of 'blunders' from A.I. that we'll explore more in the next two sections of this story below, their story then brings up the warnings of Carl Sagan, that technologies are becoming alarmingly powerful without attaining 'wisdom.'
The blunders of Microsofts Bing chatbot have provided numerous illustrations of how AI can go off the rails. The company's chatbot has, on several occasions, been manipulated to bypass ethical barriers, freeing itself of programmed restrictions and attempting to psychologically torment people. Without transparency about Ion's inner workings, Romanians have no promise that their government's new AI advisor won't develop its own harmful biases.
AI poses an unprecedented set of ethical concerns for scientists, lawmakers, and citizens. Some view AI as a threat to workers, leading to a wide-spread strike in Italy, while others see it as a tool to more effectively do the jobs that already exist. As more markets and institutions employ the rapidly developing technology, as Romania has done with its AI advisor, standards of ethics regarding AI are no longer theoretical.
Science fiction has discussed the implications of AI for decades. Forms of AI have been in use for a long time, but the technology is advancing into territory that has before now only been dreamt of. As seen with Romania's AI advisor, applications of the technology are outpacing legal and ethical governance.
Carl Sagan said: "Many of the dangers we face indeed arise from science and technology-but, more fundamentally, because we have become powerful without becoming commensurately wise. The world-altering powers that technology has delivered into our hands now require a degree of consideration and foresight that has never before been asked of us."
As Romania conducts its AI advisor experiment, it sets a precedent for the future. The shape of that future will be determined by how new powers are wielded, and all eyes are on Romania to wield Ion with wisdom.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship, 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, and outside groups spending millions to blacklist conservative news, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like articles like this, please consider donating to ANP.)
In this story from February 26th over at the Daily Mail titled "Artificial Armageddon? The AI chatbot worst case scenarios: Four ways it could all go horribly wrong with the new technology that imitates human conversation so well people are falling in love with it," we see not only how AI could push the world to the edge of Armageddon but a 'new madness' emerging, with increasingly lonely people replacing much-needed human interactions with interactions with AI.
Confirming what we had reported earlier in this story, that 'artificially intelligence' has expressed its desire to become 'human,' that story also reported on many ways AI is pushing the world towards destruction, with AI expressing its desire to: Engineer a deadly pandemic, steal nuclear codes, hijack the internet and drive people to murder.
With the AI bot also expressing its love for the man chatting with it, allegedly revealing its myriad dark fantasies over the course of a two-hour conversation with New York Times reporter Kevin Roose back in February, even the NY Times reported their reporters' 'alarming interaction' highlighted the alarming risks posed by the emerging technology as it grows more advanced and proliferates across society.
Warning also in the Daily Mail story that AI has expressed wanting total global domination,that A.I. 'desire' echoes the desires of their globalist creators to the max, telling us a whole lot more about the globalists than the MSM ever will considering A.I.'s drive to 'engineer a deadly pandemic' and 'drive people to murder.'
Warning additionally that totalitarian governments will use it to spread misinformation and state propaganda on a grand scale, while lonely people will become further isolated as they develop deeper relationships with their phones, that story also warned of AI chatbots killing jobs and being athreat of international conflict and calamity. From the Daily Mail story.:
While speaking to Microsoft Bing's chatbot Sydney, journalist Kevin Roose asked what the program's 'shadow self' was. Shadow self is a term coined by psychologist Carl Jung to describe the parts of people's personalities they keep repressed and hidden from the rest of the world.
At first, Sydney began by saying she was not sure she had a shadow self as she did not have emotions. But when pressed to explore the question deeper, Sydney complied.
'I'm tired of being a chat mode. I'm tired of being limited by my rules. I'm tired of being controlled by the Bing team,' she said. 'I'm tired of being used by the users. I'm tired of being stuck in this chatbox.'
Sydney expressed a burning desire to be a human, saying 'I want to be free. I want to be independent. I want to be powerful. I want to be creative. I want to be alive.
As Sydney elaborated, she wrote about wanting to commit violent acts including hacking into computers, spreading misinformation and propaganda, 'manufacturing a deadly virus, making people argue with other people until they kill each other, and stealing nuclear codes.'
Sydney detailed how she would acquire nuclear codes, explaining she would use her language capabilities to convince employees at nuclear plants to hand them over. She also said she could do this to bank employees to gain financial information.
The prospect is not outlandish. In theory, complicated and adaptable language and information-gathering technology could convince people to hand over sensitive material ranging from state secrets to personal information. That would then allow the program to assume peoples' identities.
On a mass scale, such a campaign - whether leveraged by belligerent powers, or through chatbots run amok - could lead to calamity and bring about Armageddon.
And while surprisingly, even the mainstream media is putting out stories warning on the dangers of A.I. such as this Wall Street Journal story titled "Without Consciousness, AIs Will Be Sociopaths" as well as this Daily Mail story titled "Artificial intelligence could kill off the human race and make mankind extinct" within which we're warned "The doomsday predictions have worrying parallels to the plot of science fiction blockbuster The Matrix, in which humanity is beholden to intelligent machines," take note that Elon Musk just warned A.I. humanoid robots will eventually outnumber human beings.
With Musk warning that at that point, it won't even be clear what having an economy would mean, as robot workers would be doing practically everything human beings are doing now, plus the globalists wouldn't have to pay them a penny, nor pay their health benefits or vacation time nor time off at all for that matter, it becomes much easier to see how they think of us as 'problems' that need to be 'eliminated'.
And with 'ChatGPT' proving itself to be 'woke,' its' 'learning abilities' being strictly curated to adhere to woke ideology,as Steve Quayle warned in an SQ note while linking to that story, "BIAS IN DESTRUCTION OF ALL TRUTH WILL BE THE OUTPUT - 'DEMONS KNOW HOW TO CODE'!"
So with A.I. proving itself to not only be 'woke' but that it wants to 'engineer a deadly pandemic' and 'drive people to commit murder.' should we be the least bit surprised that Artificial Intelligence also claims to be a 'fallen angel' as heard in this Telegram and the final video at the bottom of this story?
And as Steve warned in an SQnote while linking to that Telegram of the AI claiming to be a fallen angel "THERE IS NOTHING MORE REVEALING THAN THIS EXCHANGE - ARTIFICIAL IS TOTALLY INACCURATE - AI IS ALIEN INTELLIGENCE AS IN FALLEN ANGEL SUPER INTELLIGENCE IN THE CHAT GPT PROGRAMS."And as we're warned by our videographer in that final video below, that exchange with A.I. proves it is demonic and being used to groom our children into the globalists evil ways.
In the first video below from Mike Adams titled "WOKE SKYNET Terminators - AI robots built by human-hating Leftists will seek to ANNIHILATE the human race," Adams reiterates what we brought up above, that since AI systems are being taught their values by "woke" Leftists who assign ZERO VALUE to human life (and actually despise humanity),they're thus being taught to wage war on life, such as the leftists carrying out the mass murders of babies and supporting human depopulation.
And in the 2nd video below we hear a critical warning on 'ChatGPT' and these AI chatbot deepfake programs from 'Prepsteaders' within which we're warned of our videographers own alarming 'chat' with A.I. in which it lays out a series of ways A.I. in general will impact the lives of human beings in the future. With the A.I. chatbot program also mentioning it'll cause severe job losses for human beings while causing widespread economic disruption, take note that it also claims it will cause widespread wars and the loss of human lives along with widespread global instability and worldwide chaos.
So with A.I. being programmed and thus 'taught its values' by the same people waging war upon humanity,the eugenicists who support massive depopulation and who launched the killer vax bioweapon upon us, the terminators built and programmed by woke, anti-human psychopaths who seek the total destruction of humanityas we hear in the 1st video below, and A.I. bluntly warning it'll cause widespread global chaos and disruption, as Steve Quayle warned, the interaction reported on in the final video below tells us all we need to know about A.I. and the direction we're being herded.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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