September 8, 2024
A Deep Dive Into How The Young Soros 'Demon' May Just Be The Real Ruler Of Ukraine, Pulling The Strings For The Insane Puppet Called Zelensky
While searching for something, I stumbled upon something else is not such a bad thing, as it happens to me often. This time, it is closely related, but still different enough to warrant its own searches for more. Without going through what the original search was for, lets get right down to business. I think this should have been more obvious to me originally, and although I did have some ideas this might be happening, the evidence seems to indicate it is a far bigger thing than I imagined to begin with.
The nation of Hungary seems to be just about our only friend left in the European block of nations as they are the ones that supported Trump and they still fight against the New World Order monkeys as we should be doing a much better job of. While researching to get more background on this to add to the knowledge already in my mind that it was George Soros that helped to destroy Hungarys economy and why that nation hates him so much. In his quest to conquer the world as a strong armed dictator, George has destroyed the economies of many nations, including that of Great Britain, and was trying to do so to the USA and now lets his son Alex finish the job.
In his quest of destroying economies and the resultant opening for him to build his own empire upon the ruins, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty last year said Soros Open Society Foundation would be cutting most of their support funds to Europe and especially to Hungary. With Hungary and Viktor Orban as the target of his attacks, they did say they will continue to fund human rights and democracy (that term actually means socialist dictatorship) in Europe and especially in the western Baltics region. This is the point where my research changed directions.
Aljazeera takes the opposite view from reality and claim that Soros and his foundation are pushing for a more civil society as they take the bait to claim the OSF are the good guys rather than the system he uses to destroy nations. The difference is noted that Hungary and Orbans Fidesz party are trying to stop the unregulated immigration (mass invasion actually) of muzlim terrorists into Hungary, thereby defeating Georges main objective in the invasions he supports all over Europe and, well, the USA as well. Good job Viktor and Hungary as six years ago you passed a Stop Soros law to curb this invasion by terrorists that are now infecting all of Europe with mass crime and murders that they commit.

While trying to decide on the best way to present all of the information I have on the rest of this topic, it appears that a time sequential form may be best; and as most of the dozens of stories I have decided were good for inclusion cannot fit, I will briefly mention some of them to give an idea of what I have discovered and see if it is enough to allow you to understand where I am going and perhaps why I am going there. So buckle up soldiers, this should be a fun ride.
In a story on Relief Web posted in March 4th 2022 titled Open Society Launches Fund for a Free and Democratic Ukraine they say an initial investment of $25 million is to support a civil society in Ukraine in defiance of Putins assault on democracy. As a side note, I use the term democracy in quotes because it is NOT what they are after and the definition they assume is not that which we use. They use it as a closed reference to a communist or dictatorial empire of slaves and masters, not one run by allowing the common man to have any say in any matters that pertain to his own life. "We have one simple message: we will never abandon Ukraine," said Alex Soros, deputy chair of the Open Society Foundations. "As Putin tries to wipe the country off the map, we will do all we can for the people of Ukraine. We urge others to step forward and join us." With that in mind, lets continue.
In a March 23rd 2022 story in USA Today they claim that in a Facebook post George Soros acknowledged in an interview with CNN that he actively contributed to the overthrow of former Ukrainian President ... making way for Zelensky (sic) who was born to Jewish parents and is the sixth and current president of Ukraine." They then claim that he made no such statement and this is linked to a disinformation campaign showing Soros is pushing for a regime change in Ukraine. Another story from that following April said the same thing and added that the theories that Zelensky and George Soros are related by birth and are cousins also rated that disclaimer and cite the Open Society Foundation as the source of their claim. The use of one ridiculous claim to discredit another that is likely true is a very common political hack that we see so often on our own election cycles.
Reuters said on May 24th that at that years (2022) Davos meeting Soros said Russia's invasion of Ukraine may have been the beginning of World War Three so the best way to preserve free civilization was for the West to defeat President Vladimir Putin's forces. The US Department of Defense said that since February 24th 2022 is when the US and its allies (think NATO) started to provide war supplies to Ukraine. This appears to be an acknowledgement that the US is obeying Soros directives or that he approves of what he has gotten the US to do.
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And at the same time as mentioned in an interview on CNN that he was denying his involvement in all of the dissident revolutionaries when they said One of the things that many people recognized about you was that you, during the revolutions of 1989, funded a lot of dissident activities, civil society groups in Eastern Europe and Poland, the Czech Republic, Zakaria said. Are you doing similar things in Ukraine?
Soros responded: Well, I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia. And the foundation has been functioning ever since. And it played a an important part in events now.
This comment is the crux of the claim that Soros admitted hes behind upheaval in Ukraine. Itsnot a secretthat Soros Open Society Foundations funded projects in the 1980s aimed at undermining the Communist Partys grip on power, as Politico put it several years ago. The provable falsehoods in this are shocking as it is absolutely proven that he is indeed responsible for those activities and many more than those stated. A good look at all of the riots and groups pushing dissent in our own nation proves that is just what he has been up to.
Moving on to February in 2023 we see he claims that a Ukrainian victory in the war with Russia would result in the collapse of Moscows empire and other captive Russian states are looking for their release as well. That preceded the June announcement that his younger son Alex assumed the top job replacing the retiring of George as master of the revolutionary democracy forces they run all over the globe. With Alex now in power things start to accelerate when in August of 2023 it was announced that the OSF and Soros are not leaving Europe as had been claimed earlier. Indeed, it appears that the pressure on Europe, especially Eastern Europe is increasing rapidly. Alex said (through the OSF offices) that We will also keep up and dramatically increase our efforts to secure equal treatment for Europes largest ethnic minority, the 12 million Roma and that means the Baltic and the other eastern Europeans including his own Hungary and places like Kosovo and other Balkan states.

Ukrainska Pravda said in November 2023 that they were announcing new projects to support the full scale war in Ukraine, and on that same day the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak met with Alex and determined that the importance of seizing Russian assets and transferring them to rebuild Ukraine was the subject of prime importance. One article suggested that it is already apparent that it is not only speculators and big military industrial groups that are profiteering in Ukraine, but investment funds are also lining up in a bid to get a slice of the cake. Some say that Ukraine's leadership is selling out Ukraine to BlackRock.
And Larry Fink, the very evil magistrate of Blackrock, said that I told the president that our job is to make sure that the new Ukraine is an open society, open economy, that if they are looking for that type of capital, the capital will be there, and we had many dialogues with them, and we'll have another dialogue with them later today. This means that Soros OSF and Blackrock are working together; one a revolutionary funding system and the other a capitalist oligarchy working to take over complete control of the Ukraine. They claim this is for after the war, but this is already accomplished as far I can determine it. Remember that an open society in these evil monsters vocabulary means absolute and total control of every man woman and child.
Next we see in the Magyar Nemzet publication in the Ukraine said in mid November 2023 that Alexander Soros in Kyiv Puts in Appearance As EU Negotiator on Ukraine's Accession and that Alexander Soros has long been active in world politics, and to illustrate his ambitions, it will suffice to recall his recent talks in Ukraine. In early November, the new political and financial leader at the helm of the Soros empire paid a two-day visit to Ukraine, where he also met with members of the national parliament, as shown by photos uploaded to social media. Some of the images create the impression that Alexander Soros represented not only himself or his network, as the European Union flag also appears in the pictures, suggesting that George Soros's son could be facilitating preparations for Ukraine's accession to the EU. Several photos taken of the meeting in Kyiv feature the EU flag side by side the Ukrainian flag. Ambitious little bastard isnt he?
His own Open Society Foundations web site just a couple days later stated that Open Society launched the$50 million Ukraine Democracy Fund to expand international support for Ukraine. The International Renaissance Foundation (another Soros enterprise active in Ukraine) quoted Alex as saying Ukraine is the place where my father, George Soros, spent a lot of time and where he directed many of his efforts to build the Open Society. I came to express my solidarity. Our support for Ukraine remains steadfast. It doesnt matter what happens on the battlefield. It doesnt matter what happens in the US. We will continue to support Ukraine and the International Renaissance Foundation, which works here.

Showing that Soros and the criminal regime infesting our White House are working hand in glove we see Laura Loomer in her November 9th blog in 2023 blog said that Biden Administration has sent Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the city of Kyiv and that Alex Soros also attended that meeting with the following very interesting tidbit; Soros and Pete Buttigieg, a Biden Administration official, met while they were in Kyiv, but of course, neither of them posted photos of their meeting because, after all, why would the Biden Administration want the American people to know that they sent one of their officials to meet with a billionaire Democrat mega-donor just eight days prior to a congressional funding deadline debate centered around a discrepancy over funding for Ukraine.
Further on they say Is it a coincidence that Ukraine was the Nation in which Joe Bidens son, Hunter Biden, held a board position with a state-affiliated energy company called Burisma, a position for which he had zero qualifications or experience for? Ukraine has been a hub for political classes of all kinds to outsource their corruption for years.
Congressional Democrats are attempting to tie-in funding for Ukraine with additional funding for border security along the United States Southern Border. Could Soros visit with Buttigieg and Zelenksy be part of the ongoing negotiations? Remember the Soros family istheprimary funders of Democrats throughout Congress. The Soros Familys ability to sway votes cannot be understated.
A couple of weeks later we read in VOA News that as Hungary threatens to block EU aid for the Ukraine, and to veto Ukraines bid for membership, I am deeply convinced that we must say no to the Brussels Europe model. We must say no because it is unsustainable, because it has no future. I am convinced that today, in Brussels, Europe is being destroyed and led to its ruins, Orban told supporters. And as the world tilts closer and closer to total nuclear war we see that Orban is in the right while we are in the wrong.
As a side note, in addition to making Ukraine the battle ground for anti-Russian warfare, as a money laundering facility for nations worldwide for truly immense quantities of wealth, for a place to develop biological warfare systems and so much more, we read on December first that the Soros family made a deal with Kiev to use Ukrainian land as a toxic waste dump. Yeh, perhaps Europes finest expanse of prime agricultural land turned into a putrid hell hole for the sake of power and wealth. The two commodities that make the insane even more insane, the quest for absolute power and wealth combine in Ukraine. That is pure, one hundred percent evil. No other way to describe it.
A few days later the newsletter of the President of the Ukraine, the President Mr. Yermak thanked Alexander Soros for participating in the inaugural meeting of the International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children, which took place on Friday in Kyiv. So, lest we forget that Ukraine is also a major hub of child trafficking, we note that Alex Soros was told Your family does a lot for Ukraine and I must suspect that includes the known child trafficking networks.
And, of course, Alex also met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the first lady, Olena Zelenska, in Kyiv on Saturday to speak at a meeting regarding thousands of Ukrainian children in Russian-occupied territory. And they announced abn open partnership with the Open Society Foundation securing their place in Satans cabal forever.
Breitbart called this set of meetings in Kiev with Alex and the OSF and their network of international influence schemes the largest independent financier of Ukraine. Not mentioned, but I suspect Blackrock is in that coalition of evil.
J D Rucker commenting on an America First Report deriving from a Breitbart article the same day said For the Globalist Elite Cabal, the stakes in Ukraine are far greater than making a quick buck. It is the cesspool of corruption from which they're able to launch their most important initiatives in Europe. This is why it was so important for Barack Obama and the Deep State to initiate the color revolution in the nation in 2014. And it's why Alex Soros is working hard to keep the money and weapons flowing in. Their primary mission is to keep this war continuing as it generates such massive wealth and opportunity for satanic graft.
Then just a few days ago a place called Menafn (AsiaNet News) said Amid one of the heaviest days of Russian shelling targeting Ukraine's power grid, Alex Soros announced his return to Kyiv, where he engaged in critical discussions with key Ukrainian officials about the country's future amidst the ongoing war. That article was titled 'George Soros Is Kalyug's Raavan': Outrage Erupts As Son Alex Visits Ukraine Amid Escalating Russia War which I find very interesting because Raavan is the mythic Demon King in a Hindu sci-fi horror movie. A very telling choice of comparison I would say.
All of the preceding is to set the stage for my epiphany that I have a strong feeling that the real ruler of Ukraine just may be Alex Soros pulling the strings for the littlie homosexual and insane puppet called Zelensky. I also am entertaining the thought that he may be one of the Three Eagle heads in the Ezras Eagle prophecy and perhaps, although I really doubt is, a candidate for the anti-Christ himself. Time will tell, but I still feel that Yuval Noah Harari has a better chance at being that one explicit evil that brings on the almost total annihilation of Humanity before our Christ comes to change the world. We will see soon enough, but the ranks of candidates are becoming better or more fully populated.
The two videos I put at the bottom I found while looking to see if I could find anything approaching my ideas. Close, and worth listening to I think. I also note that they are very recent as is my current working theory.
God Bless
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