August 29, 2023
The American Public Is Ready To Go Off On 'The Biden Crime Family' And All This Ongoing Nonsense, What Is Hands Down The Worst Political Scandal In US History, Dwarfing Watergate

By James Howard Kunstler for All News Pipeline
While [AG Merrick] Garland seems incapable of imagining any crime involving the president, he has made a conclusive if unintended case for an impeachment inquiry. Jonathan Turley
Beach boy Joe Biden will be well-rested when the plan for his impeachment rolls out after Labor Day. Just because youre not hearing any news about it now, with the county fairs on all over the USA, and the pols busy scarfing corn-dogs and kissing heifers, doesnt mean that the key players arent confabbing among themselves. Hey, have you noticed, youre hardly hearing about anything else these dwindling days of summer, either? Got any idea whats up with that war in Ukraine? Of course you dont.
A preview for you then: Rep James Comers House Oversight Committee has already assembled a bundle of evidence tracking the exact ways and means of how the Biden familys global bribery operation worked. That includes the bank records, the emails and deal memos, the chronology of meetings, the FBI documents, the phone recordings, the photos of JB schmoozing with Hunters clients, and the famous video of Joe Biden bragging onstage at the Council on Foreign Relations about how he strong-armed Ukraine President Poroshenko into firing General Prosecutor Viktor Shokin.
ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
Next, Speaker McCarthy has to form an actual impeachment inquiry committee. (If he tries to demur, there could be a new Speaker of the House in short order.) That committee will entertain witnesses, including figures in Justice Department who have been reluctant to discuss these matters previously. This might entail a Part B of the inquiry: the blatant obstructions of justice by DOJ officials in the long-running case on various charges against Hunter Biden, as supervised by federal attorney in Delaware, now Special Counsel, David Weiss. Mr. Weiss dawdled so strenuously for five years that he let the statute of limitations run out on the major tax evasion charges, while he ignored all the allegations of Hunters FARA violations in seeking money from officials of many foreign governments.
Theres reason to believe that botching that case was well-coordinated with help from the Biden family DOJ mole, one Alexander S. Mackler, who had served as Senator Joe Bidens press secretary in 2007-08, was campaign manager in 2010 for the Senators son, Beau Biden (deceased 2015), when he ran for Delaware Attorney General, and from 2014-16 was Deputy Counsel to Veep Joe Biden. Mr. Mackler was later inserted into the Delaware US attorneys office as a prosecutor under David Weiss, from August 2016 to May 2019, while Hunter Bs case was under investigation.
Did he function as the Bidens consigliere? Mr. Mackler was logged-in as a White House visitor five times after Joe Biden came to occupy it in 2021. Mr. Mackler is alleged to be currently serving as Chief Deputy Attorney General of Delaware (since 2019), but his name has been scrubbed by the agencys website. See for yourself:

Perhaps all this will be reserved for the separate impeachments of Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Wray. Bribery, racketeering, and treason may be enough for a presidential impeachment. Would the gravity of an impeachment proceeding override witnesses refusal to testify on the grounds of an ongoing investigation? How could it not, if those investigations are themselves a subject of the inquiry? Would the mainstream news media ignore the spectacle to suppress it? They can try, and then maybe well get a test of how irrelevant theyve become. The House will surely televise the proceedings. There are too many other alt.channels that will broadcast impeachment hearings, probably led by X (formerly Twitter).
All of which raises the question: will Joe Biden really endure this ordeal? Or will the next thirty days be his window for exiting the scene? He is, after all, a mere prop in a show directed by others. Those others would include Barack Obama, who could easily be dragged into an inquiry about the Biden familys criminal adventures in global money-grubbbing when Joe was Veep. How is it possible that President Obama didnt know what the Biden's were up to? (The Intel Community cant be that incompetent.) You see how ugly this thing could get?
So far, the cabal running the Joe Biden show has avoided nuclear war as a distraction from what is hands-down the worst scandal in American history, way worse than Watergate. The four absurd Trump prosecutions are all ginned-up now, but may have peaked for distraction power months of dull procedural wrangling lie ahead. An awful lot of rumors are pinging around lately about a new Covid-19 operation to be sprung on the public any day, with the usual kit of masks, lockdowns, and mandatory vaccinations. Do you really think Americans will comply with another round of this malicious nonsense? Fuggeddabowdit.
ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.
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