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July 15, 2015

Will Jade Helm Be Used To Carry Out 'White House Kill List' And 'Final Judgement'? JH15 Expands And Special Alert Goes Out In Texas


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

With US Special Forces now unleashed across America with the official start of Jade Helm 15 having begun at midnight last night, a shocking SQAlert awaits us this morning below 1st video that shares a citizen's report of a series of strange events that recently happened in Amarillo, Texas, the day prior to the JH15 kickoff.

We also take a look at the 1st video below from Dave Acton as he tells us about a 2011 Washington Post story called "'Top Secret America': A Look At The Military's Joint Special Operations Command", the group of Americans now spreading out through Texas, Florida, California and much of the rest of southern/southwest America. Meanwhile, we also learn in the 2nd video below from the MSM's kxan in Texas that Jade Helm has been expanded beyond the original reported states to include Mississippi, Florida and Lousiana.

Screenshot_from_2015-07-15_061942.jpg Screenshot_from_2015-07-15_061952.jpg

While Ceyk Uyger of The Young Turks tells us that the 'Counter Jade Helm 15' Operation is an example of 'white privilege' in the 3rd video, telling us that these exercises are 'normal', Acton reminds us via the Washington Post story that the one thing that Special Forces excels at is killing people and we find out here they've been using the cell phones of their known targets to hunt them down and dispose of them. As the Post story tells us, they're not trying to just 'capture' targets, but eliminate them.

The president has given JSOC the rare authority to select individuals for its kill list and then to kill, rather than capture, them. Critics charge that this individual man-hunting mission amounts to assassination, a practice prohibited by U.S. law.

One innovation was called the Electronic Divining Rod, a sensor worn by commandos that could detect the location of a particular cellphone. The beeping grew louder as a soldier with the device got closer to the person carrying a targeted phone.

With a recent leaked document telling us that more than 238,000 US Veterans have DIED while waiting for healthcare, we hope that the entire Chain of Command of the JSOC KNOW EXACTLY who their REAL ENEMIES are, and their REAL enemies ARE NOT the American people! Sadly, the Post story also told us that special forces often failed in finding their correct targets and many of their 'kills' were the wrong person in places like Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere overseas. From the Washington Post:

Since 9/11, this secretive group of men (and a few women) has grown tenfold while sustaining a level of obscurity that not even the CIA has managed. Were the dark matter. Were the force that orders the universe but cant be seen, a strapping Navy SEAL, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said in describing his unit.

The SEALs are just part of the U.S. militarys Joint Special Operations Command, known by the acronym JSOC, which has grown from a rarely used hostage rescue team into Americas secret army. When members of this elite force killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in May, JSOC leaders celebrated not just the success of the mission but also how few people knew their command, based in Fayetteville, N.C., even existed.

The president has given JSOC the rare authority to select individuals for its kill list and then to kill, rather than capture, them. Critics charge that this individual man-hunting mission amounts to assassination, a practice prohibited by U.S. law.

Despite the secrecy, JSOC is not permitted to carry out covert action as the CIA can. Covert action, in which the U.S. role is to be kept hidden, requires a presidential finding and congressional notification. Many national security officials, however, say JSOCs operations are so similar to the CIAs that they amount to covert action. The unit takes its orders directly from the president or the secretary of defense and is managed and overseen by a military-only chain of command.

Following up on a recent story from Susan Duclos called: "Major Red List Alert! SPEC-OP Power Center Operation To Begin - By The Time Your Power And Phone Lines Go Out It Is Too Late", we get the special alert below from the website of Steve Quayle from a former police officer and Christian in Amarillo, Texas, who shares with us some strange events that took place near his own home.:

AMARILLO TEXAS-Last nite 4a.m., woke by alarms, men with flashlite, blue led, searching, house to house, hiding, acting strange. they came to my house, hid behind a blk suv, threw rock , hit my camera system.

I am retired Law Enforcement, current pastor, and law business owner and Outspoken. Last nite 4a, woke by alarms, men with flashlite, blu led, searching, house to house, hiding, acting strange. they came to my house, hid behind a blk suv, threw rock , hit my camera system. several other men a block away in white panel van, prowling, acting strange. two blocks away more men, same activity, this went on for almost 3 hours. it was not police. It caused me great concern. there was also a strange noice on the videos, can't explain, a humming noise that would peak then go low, be quiet, start up again. could not explain. I had the impression they were doing surveillance or? they would hide, then 20-30 later start shining flashlights. I honestly thought they had come to take my family away, as we have patriot, conservative, outspoken Christian views. God Bless, keep up the good work. Charlie

This next video is a brand new update from the mainstream media on Jade Helm 15. Does anyone else get the feeling that they're cheering on these 'exercises' after watching this video?

Is 'white privilege' behind the 'counter Jade Helm 15' exercises that will also be happening across Texas and much of southern and southwestern America or is Uyger of the Young Turks simply dishing out more New World Order propaganda like the mainstream media? Why are neo-liberals like Uyger absolutely terrified about Americans mobilizing across the country to counter JH15? Is Uyger even in the position to issue a 'final judgement' as he declares in the next video below?

Of course, we all know that NO mere man or woman is in such a position, not even those sitting in the White House or Washington DC wield that kind of power over humanity no matter what they might like to think. Our personal message to Uyger; let's ask people ALL OVER THE WORLD what they think about Obama's 'kill list' and his Nobel Prize...garnered for inflicting DEATH and destruction all across the planet.



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