January 4, 2024
One Year Away From The Deagel Report's 2025 Forecast Date, 'Death By Government' Is Still The #1 Cause Of Death In The World And Ready To Explode As Global Govt Rushes To Impose Itself
- 'Power kills, absolute power kills absolutely'
By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline
For nearly the past 10 years now, dating all the way back to October 22nd of 2014, All News Pipeline has been reporting on the absolutely bizarre 'forecast' for America and nearly all of Western Civilization being made by a mysterious website called the Deagel Report, a website which we've proven has ties to the military industrial complex, global government entities and the CIA, and a website which back in 2014 made a 'forecast' predicting that by the year 2025, the USA would have a population of 69 million people.
With that 'forecast' showing that in the present day (back then,) the USA had a population of 316 million people, we asked in our 2014 story how exactly they knew that our population would get all the way down to only 69 million by 2025, when it was then 316 million, a drop we pointed out would be a whopping 78.2%.
Also showing economically, America would be a 3rd world nation by the year 2025, with Deagel forecasting that by the year 2025, our GDP per capita would be ONLY $13,591, a HUGE drop from our GDP per capita back then being $54,627, we're not quite there yet but we're flying in that direction.
So with ANP asking our readers all the way back in 2014 to please contact the White House at 202-456-1111 or reach out to their Congress members to demand some answers, we'd also reported in that 2014 story that we found it quite interesting that a deep state sourced website was predicting such a huge drop in America's population at the same time that Barack Obama's so-called 'Ebola Czar,' Ron Klain, was making a claim that 'overpopulation' was the world's biggest problem, and Klain quite literally calling for 'depopulation' of the planet as a 'solution' to that problem.
With the Deagel Report also making some incredibly bizarre forecasts which we reported on in April of 2015in which we showed many other western nations, including the UK, France, Spain, Italy, Australia, Greece, the Netherlands, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland and Norway were ALL showing a decline in their expected populations, sometimes huge population drops such as in the US and in the UK, even the mainstream media eventually took looks at Deagel's forecast, but called them a 'crazy conspiracy theory.'
Though as we've pointed out in numerous stories on ANP, such as this September 26th of 2021 story, Deagel's sources are the 'Deep State' and 'Global Government' as seen in the image below that was screenshot from their website, including the US Department of Defense, US Department of State, the CIA, the European Union, World Bank as well as all of the branches of the US military.
So as we move forwards to today and America and the world now being less than 1 year away from 2025, as Mike Adams of Natural News points out in this recent Brighteon videoas also seen in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story, the destroyers of America are behind schedule. Still having a LONG way to go to get down to that 69 million number in only a year, we see in this Natural News story by Ethan Huff that even heavily censored Pfizer documents prove this 'depopulation' plan is real, and that, coincidentally or not, it was supposed to be reaching its completion by the year 2025. Some coincidence, huh?
With even members of the US military now seeking to court martial their leaders for forcing their members to take what amounts to an experimental bioweapon injection, while in the state of Florida according to this new Substack by Dr. Peter McCullough, their Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo, a Harvard-trained MD, PhD, and arguably one of the top experts on COVID-19 in the world, has just called for a COMPLETE HALT to Pfizer and Moderna mRNA 'vaxxes,' how long will it be until the US govt apparatus puts a stop to these death shots, too? We'd venture the answer to be 'never'. And since 'government' will never stop the genocide, when, if ever, will MOST people finally come to the realization that their own government is working to kill them? Let's take a look at this Natural News story before we continue.:
A startling prediction about what will soon come upon the world in the form of genocide is backed by the infamous Pfizer documents, which outline the five-year plan starting in 2020 to massively depopulate the world by the year 2025.
In the confidential documents that Pfizer submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the forecast by Deagel, a global intelligence and consulting firm, is mentioned. It points to 2025 as the year when mass genocide from Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccination" becomes apparent.
A minor branch of U.S. military intelligence, the Deagel corporation is somewhat secretive in that it operates behind the veil to collect data and other intelligence for high-level decision-making purposes throughout the military-industrial complex.
Deagel works with names like the National Security Agency (NSA), the United Nations (UN), and the World Bank. It also contributed to the Stratfor report on North Korea.
Because of this, Deagel would seem to hold legitimacy as a player in the intelligence community. It appears unlikely, in other words, that Deagel is a disinformation asset spreading fear without basis.
"This means its population predictions for 2025, as well as its industrial output predictions on a nation-by-nation basis, are not mere fantasy but instead based on strategic assumptions which are shared and well understood by other players in the intelligence community," reports The Expos.
(Related: Did you know that the CIA is behind Deagel's shocking 2025 depopulation forecast, which is more of a target rather than an estimation or prediction.)
So while back in 2020, the Deagel Report finally removed their 2025 forecast after it got a huge amount of attention for the absolutely bizarre nature of their forecasts, it is still to this day onthe Wayback Machine and Internet Archiveand as that Natural News story points out, not only are a HUGE number of people expected to die in the next year+ but we can verify the Deagel Report's ties to Pfizer.:
You will notice from the archived report that Deagel expects the population of the United Kingdom (UK) to drop by 77.1 percent come 2025. That is a lot of people who are expected to die in just two short years. As for the United States, Deagel expects population numbers to drop by 68.5 percent by 2025.
As for Germany, its population is expected to decrease by 65.1 percent by the end of 2025, along with a 34.6 percent population decline expected in Australia by the year 2025. There is a complete list of all the population declines predicted for 2025 all around the world.
"Sadly, the confidential Pfizer documents coupled with staggering deaths among children suggest Deagel's depopulation figures were not just an estimation, but a target," reports The Expos.
This is more than likely one of the reasons why the FDA, operating on behalf of Pfizer against the interests of the American taxpayers who fund its existence, plotted to delay the release of the Pfizer documents for a full 75 years because by then, nobody still alive at that time would even remember COVID, let alone the 2025 genocide event that is shaping up to follow.
The Pfizer documents have since been on a delayed-release schedule, thanks to a January 2022 order from federal Judge Mark Pittman, whom at that time ordered the FDA to release 55,000 pages of the documents per month.
As of now, all of the documents are available at the PHMPT website. (ANP: That link is now showing broken page but it is saved right here at the Wayback Machine. Link still working as of present.)
The COVID depopulation agenda is now well underway.
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And while time and again we might be asked by one of the 'sheeple' who still gets their news from the mainstream media if we "really believe 'the US government' would intentionally kill so many Americans?," our answer takes them by surprise: "How could ANYONE really believe they WOULDN'T?"
With 'governments'all through time PROVEN BY HISTORY to be the all-time leading 'mass murderers,' with various governments through the ages having killed a staggering number well into the hundreds and hundreds of millions and even billions, of course governments in this day and age wouldn't be able to get away with the traditional methods of mass murder they used to massacre their own citizenry in the past and would need to find another way to do it that wasn't so blatant and in our faces as things like firing squads, hence 'big pharma' and 'bio-weaponized pandemics' came into the picture.
As historian R.J. Rummel had reported in this 1994 entry titled "Death By Government"about all of the people murdered by governments over the years, "Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. Finally, given popular estimates of the dead in a major nuclear war, this total democide is as though such a war did occur, but with its dead spread over a century."
And while of course, Rummel's 1994 article didn't cover COVID, it made note that NO government is 'immune' to carrying out such atrocities, reporting something that could easily apply to the 'Biden crime cabal' and his uni-party killing machine and their attacks upon Americans today:
"The less freedom people have, the more (government) violence, the more freedom the less (government) violence. I put this here as the Power Principle: power kills, absolute power kills absolutely."
So with COVID offering our genocidal government, a government that is dead set upon 'depopulation' and 'saving the planet,' the 'crisis' and 'opportunity' to 'deliver' the next rounds, over and over again, of bioweapons they convinced millions into believing were 'vaccines,' all one needs to do is to take a look back at the past several decades of leftist/globalist 'talking points' about 'manmade climate change' and needing to 'save the Earth' and see them as nothing but state propaganda pushed by eugenicists and their enablers.
And with those goals of the globalists seen perfectly for decades on the 'monument' called the 'Georgia Guidestones'from 1980 to 2022, inscribed on the granite behemoth in eight different languages, proving its' 'global nature',remember that Guideline #1 was Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
And while such a goal might sound benign, remember that the Earth's population back in 2022 was over 8 billion people, meaning that for the world to ever get a population down to 500 million people as inscribed upon the Guidestones, that would mean that 7 1/2 billion of us would 'have to go'.
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