January 31, 2023
Biden's 'Day Of Judgement' Awaits: As His Eugenicist Friends Carry Out A Premeditated Holocaust Upon The American People, They've Induced Mass Starvation By Killing Off Our Food Supply
By Kathleen Gotto - All News PipeLine
Republicans need to move at least as fast as the illicit Biden regime moved after they stole the 2020 election, and get those impeachment articles drawn up and delivered to Congress now. This is not a tennis match with the Democrats; this is war. They declared war on the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the American people, common decency, honesty, and truth when they steamrolled their way into Washington, D.C. under a stolen 2020 election. We dont need payback as much as we need justice.
Speaking of justice, the DOJ, FBI, CIA, IRS and all the other bloated alphabet agencies need a housecleaning from top to bottom, if not a closure, including cancelling all the worthless and phony so-called climate change programs.
Climate change, the lefts cash cow, is a bunch of bull hockey being sold as a global emergency. The leftists had tried global cooling, global warming, and then decided on climate change since the previous programs were too fraught with contrary reality. Climate change is just a cheap vehicle to sell to the gullible public as something new and caused by all kinds of ridiculous and downright stupid assertions such as cow emissions, human expirations, and now gas stoves. Lets see how that plays out with the ladies (and gents who do their fair share of the cooking)!
Being a good steward of the earth that God created and set man over as caretaker is a noble undertaking. But demented minds decided to flaunt God by interfering with the natural order of creation, and are thus creating dangerous and potentially catastrophic climate disruptions with new geoengineering tricks like solar radiation management. Whatever unusual or pervasive climate issues we have experienced, you can be sure that the feds geoengineering practices are to blame one way or another.
When the new House of Representatives takes either previously prepared articles of impeachment and adds to them or starts over, there are two huge issues that need to be at the top: illegal immigration and COVID-19.
Illegal immigration is a de facto invasion of hordes of unvetted and undocumented people from all over the world who are pouring into our country by the millions! Bidens policy has been no immigration laws need to be applied; just come right in courtesy of the man occupying the White House.
More than 5 million people from 2020 to year to date have not only crossed our southern border illegally, but many were even escorted over and flown all over the U.S. Now our northern border is being invaded.
Anyone who disrespects or denigrates a countrys borders has no business being in a top leadership position. The leader who ignores his countrys laws and allows illegal aliens to invade and occupy his country can only be called a traitor. We need to start speaking truth to power. Joe Biden would be hard pressed to defend against a charge of treason and branded as a traitor to the U.S. Constitution and to all American citizens that he has harmed physically and economically since occupying the peoples White House.
We know that Biden is a puppet, but he is allowing himself to be one and he needs to pay the price for allowing his hand, his pen to set this country on fire by bringing in millions of aliens from around the world, ensconcing them in expensive hotels, building elaborate holding centers for them, providing medical care, education and housing for them all while sucking up billions of taxpayer funds to do it and ignoring the needs of American citizens.
It would be easy to go on with an immigration article of impeachment, but there is another big one: the non-stop COVID-19 saga.
The COVID-19 bioweapon/engineered illness, the COVID-19 poison jab masquerading as a vaccine, and the never-ending Emergency Use Authorization order that keeps the COVID-19 operation going must be addressed and resolved before more people end up dead or injured from the jab. Its not as if there are no medical and scientific voices being raised and demanding the withdrawal of the shot.
The federal government and complicit private parties will have no defense when their day of judgment comes. They cannot plead ignorance of the COVID-19 consequences of deaths and devastating injuries they inflicted upon millions of Americans and other people all around the world. Experienced and educated scientific minds have been shouting from the rooftops on the C19 dangers.
Besides the usual doctors who have been publicly interviewed on their expert opinions re the COVID-19 shots, there is no lack of other specialized medical and scientific experts examining the gel-like substance in the various COVID-19 vials. Scientist Mike Adams, biotech analysts Dr. Jane Ruby and Karen Kingston, GP doctor and dark field microscopist, Dr. David Nixon, and Alexandra Sasha Latypova of Team Enigma, and Dr. Michael Yeadon (and here, here) are just a few of qualified scientific experts who have put themselves on the front line of truth about the COVID-19 poison jabs.
For the Biden regime to continue the EUA as cover for more kill-off from the COVID-19 bioweapon is a crime against humanity, the likes and level of which the world has never known until now. One can reasonably conclude that there is a level of hatred and evil at work in this world that has been unleashed and is being embraced by people devoid of love for their fellow man. That is a dark subject for another time.

At any rate, it appears that the EUA is needed as an excuse for all the deaths (Died Suddenly) that are happening, especially to young and healthy people, all around the U.S. as well as the world. The list of so-called omicron variants is a rapidly evolving compilation of something. Are these variants the products of the initial injections that were dumped all around the world in the last couple years? Are they the delayed results from different formulas in the jabs that were somehow timed to present at different intervals?Are the variants not variants at all, but are actually adverse effects from shot 1, 2, 3, or 4, etc.?Or are the variants brand new poison concoctions which the world is only now experiencing? Stay tuned, stay alert.The demoniacs are likely brewing up their next and more deadly injections even now.
The COVID-19 questions are endless because even though examination on vials of the shots have revealed graphene, lipid nanoparticles, micro-circuitry, polyethylene glycol, snake venom, luciferase, quantum dots, heavy metals, etc., (as shown on the websites of those scientists previously mentioned herein), the shots have not been pulled for the safety of its citizens.Instead the federal government through DOD, NIH, FDA, DARPA, BARDA, HHS, et al, continues the COVID-19 mission in what can only be described as a premeditated holocaust against its own citizens and the worlds population.
Why would the federal government want to kill off as many people as possible? Oh, maybe to wipe out the more than $31 trillion dollar debt by reducing the number of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security beneficiaries? Is that why the elderly were given priority for the poison shots when they were rolled out?How about this: to help the globalists depopulation plan by reducing useless eaters, inducing mass starvation by killing off millions of chickens and cattle, destroying food processing plants and distribution centers (here, here), and the ongoing fertilizer problem for farmers.
Whatever nefarious reasons the wanna-be earth kings have for global depopulation, one thing is sure and it is this: God will not be mocked by His creation and will instead destroy them. In His time, in His way.
Well leave the senior and junior Bidens stash of classified material scattered hither and yon and their CCP love fests and entanglements for another day.Seems to me, the House of Representatives can have its pick of impeachable offenses to get the impostor out of the White House, with plenty left over for any other leftist hell-bent on destroying what is left of America.
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