My wife and I were married in 1990. For the first year of our marriage, we lived in a small, one-bedroom apartment building. Rent was $300 a month there, which at the time, being young, and me having just started a brand new business, was hard on our budget. Today, that same apartment is renting for $800 a month.
After a year, we were able to buy our first home. A starter home modest, three bedrooms, one bath but it had good bones. We paid $29,000 for that house, and yes, I put a lot of work into fixing it up while we lived there, and did most all the work myself.
We lived in our starter home for 14 years, until our family was getting too big and we needed something larger. It was a bittersweet time, selling our first house. Id put so much blood, sweat and tears into fixing it, improving it and maintaining it and it was our first house. After we sold it, I would drive by it every single day for over a year. I guess I had an emotional attachment. But bottom line, having purchased that house for $29,000 in 1991, fourteen years later, we sold it for $129,000. That was in 2005. Today, that same house is valued at over $200,000.
And by the grace of God, we were able to find a much larger house that was way over our budget, but it was in foreclosure and the bank was willing to sell it to us for the exact same price: $129,000. We had immediate equity in our second home because it was worth well over that amount, but the bank wanted a quick sale. We lived there for thirteen years before moving to a different town. Now, we purchased our second house for $129,000. I didnt have to put nearly as much work into this one, and that was a good thing, because by this time I was in full time ministry work with Wisconsin Christian News, and we were on an extremely tight budget; not to mention being in the midst of raising our children. But having purchased that home in 2005, in 2018 we sold it for $229,000... a $100,000 increase.
And once again, by the grace of God, we were blessed to be able to purchase an even nicer home in the new town. Weve now lived here for only five years, but in that five years, the value of our current home has more than doubled.
I tend to keep an eye on housing costs, because housing costs are indicative of the overall economy. So, I watch the local real estate listings on a somewhat regular basis. The cost of homes has skyrocketed over the past five years. Theres no way in the world wed ever be able to afford to live in our current home at the price its valued at now. At the same time, the cost for renters has also increased dramatically. The average cost to rent an apartment is now $2000 a month where I live, plus utilities. Thats for a modest, 2-3 bedroom apartment. House rentals and duplexes cost even more.
Now, have all the homes really increased in value that much? And what does that even mean? In reality, its a stark indicator of super inflation. Because our money isnt really money anymore its fiat currency, as its been for decades. Federal Reserve Notes, based on nothing. In the last few years, weve continued to print money at a constantly accelerated pace, and this has caused the highest inflation rates weve seen in over forty years.
In the 1990s, I remember we used to be able to go to Arbys and feed the whole family for $5. They had their Five for Five deal five roast beef sandwiches for $5. Today, being empty nesters, when my wife and I go to Arbys, we can get two of those same sandwiches for $10.32. Thats just one example. And we very rarely eat out, but at the grocery store, price increases are just as drastic.
Let me share with you some of the figures I was able to locate online at Now, these numbers are already two years old. Its basically impossible to find real data on the cost increases for basic necessities thats up to date. I assume the powers that be are censoring and hiding this information, because if we really knew the truth, and were able to see it all in one place, Americans would be furious.
So this information is from 2021, and the increases are what we saw in just one years time. The cost of milk was up 8% in 21 compared to 20. Apples were up 7%. Citrus fruits up 10%. Fuel oil was up 45%. Propane was up 18% in 2021 over 2020, but I can tell you it has since more than doubled in price. Gasoline was up 45%.
The cost of washers, dryers, stoves, and other household appliances increased by 30%. Mens pants increased 11%. Womens dresses increased 16%. And the cost of used cars and trucks went up 45%. Car and truck rentals went up a whopping 88%. Hotel rooms were up 17%. Mind you, once again, these figures are two years old. But suffice to say, when prices go up, they dont come back down, so the numbers are even higher today.
I was able to find some reliable information on the cost of healthcare from In the last three years, the cost of medical services has increased by 114%. And remember when the so-called Affordable Care Act was forced upon us? Obamacare. We were told we would be able to get excellent health insurance for less than the cost of our monthly cell phone bill.
Prior to the start of Obamacare, we did have good health insurance that we were able to afford. Then we got the letter from our insurance carrier... the cost of our monthly premium was going to increase to $1800 a month for just myself and my wife, and the new policy would include a hefty increase in our deductible and limit where and when we could use it. Now, since we couldnt afford to pay the equivalent of two additional mortgages for something we likely could never, ever use, we went without health insurance.
Instead, we joined a Christian health-sharing program, that covered a lot and cost about the same as what we had been paying previously. But over the years, the cost for this has increased dramatically as well, and very few hospitals and clinics will accept it. But its still the best deal we can find, and we maintain our membership in that program in case of something catastrophic that may happen.
But over the past year, weve learned a lot about how hospitals and emergency rooms work, and our experience should alarm everyone. Last December, while visiting our daughter and her family in Texas, my wife fell and hit her head on a curb. There was a massive amount of bleeding, and it looked like a horrendous amount of trauma. I rushed her to the closest emergency room, where we waited for about two hours before anyone came to see us.
They did no testing, not even an x-ray, but instead advised us to have that done once we returned home. Essentially, they cleaned up the wound and put a bandage on it and sent us away. Id estimate my wife was actually treated by a nurse for no more than 20 minutes.
This Baptist hospital did not accept our Christian health-sharing program, so they put us down as a self-pay patient. We got that bill, for several thousand dollars, and somehow, we paid it, and received a statement saying, Paid In Full. Fast forward nine months. In September, we got another bill, for the same services, at the same hospital. But this time, they had run the bill through our health-sharing plan, which gave us a $1200 discount, but this bill is still $4700. This is in addition to the paid in full bill we already paid.
We have all the documentation, we have the original paid in full receipt, but the hospital is still insisting on payment on this second bill, and offering absolutely zero negotiations; they wont even acknowledge our first enormous payment that supposedly covered everything at that time.
Bottom line, were being double-charged. And the facility has no one not one single employee that we can go to with our dispute of the charges. We have two options: set up a payment plan or be sent to collections.
The original bill (which we paid) was less, but still enormous for 20 minutes worth of a nurses time and a bandage. That was the self-pay charge. Now that theyre apparently accepting our Christian health-sharing plan, theyre charging us again, but now theyre calling the cleaning of a wound and the application of a bandage surgery to the tune of $4700.00.
I should note, that while we waited to be seen by someone in our little curtained-off cubicle, we were surrounded by patients in the other emergency room cubicles and none of them spoke English. I can only assume that these were some of the millions of illegal aliens that had crossed the border and were there being treated there for FREE. So, I guess the hospital needs to recoup the cost of free healthcare for illegals somehow, and I guess were the ones directly paying for it.
This is happening all over the country now. Hospitals and clinics are very deceptive with their pricing and billing, charging those with insurance much more than self-pay patients, but now, theyre even double-billing patients like us.
The cost of everything is increasing daily. When Klaus Schwab stated that by 2030, we will own nothing, I wondered how the Globalist Communists would make that happen. Now its becoming more clear. As interest rates continue to rise and banks are getting more restrictive with their lending every day, its very difficult for people especially young married couples to afford to buy a home. The days of the $29,000 starter home are gone. Starter homes now start at an average of $160,000 and need a ton of work. And thats with a 30-year-fixed interest rate near 8%.
When the Green New Deal was announced, stating that all existing homes and buildings would be replaced with modern sustainable buildings, I wondered how that would ever be possible. Now we see the Globalists burning things down and destroying essential infrastructure, just so they can build back better. Theyre so invasive, they even want to ban your gas stove. Just remember, every time you hear the words renewable, sustainable, clean or green, you can replace those words with the word CONTROLLABLE. Its not about climate change and never has been. Its always been about obtaining complete control and domination over the world population.
And they cant even have an honest debate on these subjects because the Leftists ban, censor, scrub, mock, ridicule and delete all those who offer an opposing opinion, even when its backed up by real science. They tell us to follow the science. But of course, were only allowed to follow their science. Things like basic biology of male and female are, of course, disinformation.
Last year, our government passed the Inflation Reduction Act which was supposed to help everyday Americans and fight the hyper-inflation were in the midst of. So how has that worked out for us? Prices of necessities like food, shelter and clothing are still on the rise. Interest rates are still on the rise, and this new multi-billion dollar credit card is being spent primarily on the following: reducing carbon emissions, lowering healthcare costs (yeah, right), and funding the IRS to improve taxpayer compliance.
I smell a Great Reset coming Americas been bankrupt for a long time, so Central Bank Digital Currencies will be necessary, resetting our entire economy, and moreover, our entire way of life. When that happens, the last of our few remaining freedoms will be stolen from us once and for all, and we will truly, as Klaus Schwab has told us, own nothing.
ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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