September 10, 2022
With Warnings Of Mayhem Ahead As Our Energy Infrastructure Is Under Globalist Attack And Our Critical Infrastructure Crumbling, Remember This Is All By Design As You're Prepping For Winter TEOTWAWKI
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
While the NWO globalists continue targeting America with relentless weather warfare attacks as pointed out in this September 7th State of the Nation story, particularly targeting 'red states' such as Florida, most Americans are missing out on the 'big picture' when it comes to how 'weather warfare' plays a HUGE role in many of the problems America and the world faces now.
From catastrophic drought conditions to food shortages to the massive energy shortages just ahead that are just now beginning to come into focus, how different would your life be if suddenly and without warning, you no longer had any electrical power, and there were no answers when you'd be getting it back?
With Europe already facing potentially grave and deadly energy shortages this Winter that will surely bleed over into the US as Brandon Smith had pointed out in this new Alt-Market story, Business Insider published a story Friday morning which expanded on Smith's story even further. Titled "Get ready for blackouts from London to LA, which will force people worldwide to either pay more or put their health in jeopardy,"that story kicked off with the following two sentences hinting of disasters ahead.:
Stock up on batteries, candles, and non-perishable snacks. Blackouts are coming.
Warning within the next section of that story that it won't be just the UK and Europe that feel the sting from Russia holding back energy over the ongoing war in Ukraine and Western responses, but the US as well, while the grid going down long term in the sweltering heat of Summer time can cause quite a mess, the grid going down long term in the Winter time can be downright deadly as Texas residents learned back in February of 2021 after a blizzard caused their grid to go down, leading to at least 246 deaths and possibly up to 750 according to a Buzzfeed News story.
So with the very real potential that a long term grid down scenario in America could lead to a countless number of deaths as the masses suffer due to their lack of preparedness, the following excerpt from this Business Insider story lays it on the line for us, giving us another great reason to makes sure we're prepared.:
For the first time in decades, the western world is preparing for widespread and rolling energy shortages. The US, UK, and EU have all been squeezed by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, soaring costs for electricity and fuel, and record-breaking heat waves. While fall is just around the corner, the worst of the energy strain is likely still to come.
Even wealthy nations won't be spared, at least without broad broad policy change and private-sector overhauls. Add in the accompanying economic costs and extreme health risks, and you have a very difficult situation.
In California, it will materialize as outage warnings and restrictions on your air conditioning. Then in coming years, Texans, Illinoisans, and Missourians will join the suffering of their west coast peers amid sweltering heat and rolling blackouts.
So while that story speaks of 'the coming years,' as countless people in Texas found out back in 2021, they didn't have that long to wait to make sure they were prepared. And because that 'worst case scenario' of an 'electrical grid down' arrived with deadly cold weather along with it, those who put off getting an alternative power source or having an alternative heat source may have paid with their lives. So we'll be looking at making sure we're ready to survive whatever winter throws at us in this story.
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While according to this new story by Ethan Huff over at Natural News, one PhD economist says the energy and financial situation in Europe is much worse than many understand,with Tuomas Malenin PhD warning of utter mayhem in Europe in just weeks or months, while it's being warned right now that it could take trillions in US dollars to bail out Europes flagging energy sector because the bad policies that created the crisis are still in place, we could say the same thing about what's going on here in the USA.
As Mike Adams had warned in this September 5th Natural News story titled "DARK TIMES: Industry and infrastructure collapsing by the day across Europe and the USA," things aren't all that much better here in the US than in Europe, and they're growing worse every day under Joe Biden and Democrats. From Mike's story.:
In yet another truly astonishing announcement that demonstrates the desperation of this hour, German steelmaker ArcelorMittal, one of the largest steel production facilities in Europe, has shuttered operations due to high energy prices. (See their announcement here, in German.)
"With gas and electricity prices increasing tenfold within just a few months, we are no longer competitive in a market that is 25% supplied by imports, said CEO Reiner Blaschek.
This comes after announced closures of aluminum smelters, copper smelters and ammonia production plants over the last few weeks. Ammonia necessary for fertilizer is now 70% offline in the EU.
Adding to the misery, in just the last 24 hours, Russia announced a complete ban on natural gas exports to Europe until the Wests economic sanctions are lifted.This means the Nord Stream 1 pipeline is now shuttered for the foreseeable future, since delusional NATO countries are incapable of correcting their errors and backing down from Russia.
With steel and other industrial metals also offline, one wonders how Western Europe is supposed to function over the next six months of winter:
No steel = No industry (or industry jobs)
No fertilizer = No food
No natural gas = No electricity or heat
In essence, three of the pillars that allow a modern society to function are being severely crippled by economic sanctions and sky-high energy prices across Europe.
And its only the first week of September. The cold weather hasnt even arrived yet. No matter how much natural gas is already stored for the winter, Europeans are facing both sky-high costs and scarcity on a level that hasnt been experienced since World War II.
Warning then in his story of rolling blackouts in California aka Collapsifornia, an entire municipal water system failing in Jackson, Mississippi and much, much more, Adams concluded that story with the following dire warning that shows where America is headed, especially once you realize it's all by design.
Its all breaking down
All by design, globalists are decimating the pillars of civilization in order to cause collapse and depopulation. They are attacking:
- Food Energy Health (vaccines, bioweapons)
- Supply chains
- Elections (massive rigging / mules)
- Liberty and self-defense
- Weather / geoengineering
The overarching goal is to exterminate the vast majority of the human population, then enslave the survivors.
The oblivious masses are going along with it, having no clue that if they took multiple covid jabs, theyre probably already dead.
So with the main goals of the globalists being the complete destruction of our 'present reality' so that they can rebuild their satanic new world order in their own images, we continue to serve our families and loved ones best by preparing for whatever may be ahead, and surviving on our own, without ties to the 'critical infrastructure' of the nation being intentionally destroyed, is our best hope.
And doing so without a functioning electrical grid is the best chance that we have, especially with experts such as the late Dr. Peter Vincent Pry warning up to 90% or more of Americans would die in a long term, grid down scenario that led to skyrocketing crime, mass starvation and the complete collapse of society. The following extended excerpt comes to us from this story over at We Three Shanes.:
As someone who preps myself, I also use prepping for a grid down scenario as my gold standard. If you are prepared to be self-sufficient with the grid down, you are prepared for almost anything.
How to Survive When a Power Grid Goes Down
I have broken this emergency guide down into 8 categories. I start with what I think is most important and work my way down. But before we even start on the categories, there are a few things to think about.
If You Know the Grid Might Go Down
Not every grid down scenario has a warning, but if you have knowledge ahead that there is an event (like a large storm) coming your way that could compromise the grid, there are a few things I recommend you do ahead of time.
Fill up your gas tank. Filling up your gas tank ahead of a storm is smart for many reasons. If the grid does fail, the pumps at the stations eventually wont work. The storm may also cause delays in servicing gas stations even after the grid is restored because of bad road conditions. Also, a weather event big enough to disrupt the grid could also disrupt oil transportation. This can make gas prices surge.
Get some cash in small denominations. If you are in a grid down emergency, and you do venture out to try to buy something, many stores wont have the means to run a credit or debit card. And because banks will likely be closed, stores could also run out of change fast. You dont want a loaf of bread to be $20 just because they have no change to give you.
Check your preps, and fortify what you might be lacking. If you are lucky enough to have warning of a possible compromise coming, check for any deficiencies in your preps that might have been used lately, and will need to be replaced. What if your kids used all your batteries on their Wii remotes last week? Maybe you guys have eaten a lot of soup lately and now you are almost out? Could you use a case of water bottles? Did you use your grill a lot last week, and you know you are almost out of propane? If you have the chance to do so safely, use this time wisely to prepare.
#1 Lighting When You Have No Electricity
In any emergency, I would usually say the most important thing to start with is water. However, in a grid down emergency, you need to be able to see to get to the things you prepped safely. Because of this, I made lighting the first category. Lighting will be so important as you put your plans into action.
I recommend you have many different types of light. I really like solar and battery powered light because it is relatively safe. Candles with holders you can carry are great for backup too, but if you are using these types of light, remember to have a fire extinguisher in your home. No need to turn one emergency into two.
Have some light that can be easily carried with you if you have to move around the house. Also have some larger bright lights that can be stationary, like sitting at a table while you eat or play games. It can also be useful to have some light that can move with your hands free, like with a head lamp.
If you have stairs in your home, I also recommend you have some battery powered lights that dont have to be carried. We have ones like these in our home for everyday use, but when there is no light at all, stairs can be extra hazardous.
#2 Water When the Powers Out
We can not live long without water, it is just a fact. So why is water a problem if the grid is down? Water gets to our homes with pumps, so if there is no power, the pumps stop, and eventually the pressure goes with it.
The good thing is it usually takes a little time for the pressure to stop, so as soon as the power goes out, fill up any bathtubs, large pots, or containers you have in your house.
It is recommended that at a minimum, you should try to store 3 gallons of water per person, per day on your property (dont forget about your pets). This is to cover drinking, hygiene, and cleaning, and it can be stored in a lot of ways.
First, you can get cases of bottled water from your grocery store. These are good to have on hand for drinking.
There are also lots of options of storage containers you can get for your needs depending on the room you have to store water.
Water Bricks. Water Bricks are great for those that have smaller homes, like apartments or condos. They are smaller, and stackable.
5 Gallon Containers. I like and use 5 gallon containers, because they are easier for me to carry, fill, and use than bigger containers. They have handles, and you can buy spigot valves for them as well.
55 Gallon Barrel. The 55 gallon barrel is probably what is most commonly thought of when you think of water storage. These are great for storing large amounts of water if you have the space for them. I like the ones that stack and have spigot for easier storage and use.
Rain Barrels. Rain barrels are great to have to replenish your water supply, or to use on your garden when you dont have an emergency. Just remember if you are using water collected from outside it is not clean, so it will have to be boiled or you will need a good water filter like the Lifestraw for personal use, or the Berkey for a whole family.
#3 Food Prep for a Black Out
If the power grid is down because of a large storm, you might not be venturing out to the store. Even if you did, with no power, they will most likely be closed. So it will be up to you to feed your family with just what you have in your home.
The first thing you should do is use your perishables before they go bad. If you dont have a generator, the food in your fridge and freezer will not last long. Start with using any meat, eggs, or dairy since they will spoil first.
Food will last 4 hours in the fridge as long as the door stays shut. You have 48 hours for a full freezer and 24 hours for a half full one before food begins to spoil.
Next, make sure you keep enough staples in your pantry to get you through that week. There are tons of freeze dried meal companies to choose from if you want packaged, freeze dried meals. They are great and easy to make (just add hot water), but they are expensive. Build cheaper staples first, then add some freeze dried foods as you build your preps over time.
For staples, make sure you have a good supply of rice, beans, pasta, oats, and honey. All of these are fairly inexpensive, and will last for years. Peanut butter is great to have since it adds protein and much needed fat to your diet, plus it just taste good. Try to have some canned fruits, veggies, and pasta sauce to throw in the mix.
Next, I would suggest adding a drink powder that has a full days worth of vitamin C, and a multivitamin. After that is when you can choose to start adding powdered milk, butter, and cheese to your preps. Last, some of those freeze dried foods we mentioned earlier.
Dont overlook special food needs. If you have a baby, or pet, make sure you plan for the food they would need during an emergency as well. You might even want to keep a little supply of special food items in the house to boost moral, like candy.
Cooking With The Power Out
One thing to keep in mind when deciding what foods to build up in your emergency storage, is how you are going to cook them. If you have a gas stove and it is still working, then you can of course use that.
What if you have an electric stove? If its warm enough outside and you have a grill or propane camping stove, you can of course use those.
If its cold and you are stuck inside, make sure you have a way to cook your food so that it doesnt produce large amounts of carbon monoxide. One fuel that is relatively safe indoors is denatured alcohol, so a small alcohol stove and grill used for camping could boil your water, or heat your food. We also have a stove that runs on butane that is safe to use indoors.
#4 Temperature
If your emergency grid down situation was caused by weather, you are probably having to deal with some extreme temperatures. Here are some tips for dealing with those extremes when you have no power.
Keep Warm in Extreme Cold
If you have the funds, the first thing you might want for extreme cold is an indoor safe propane heater like the Little Buddy, or the larger Mr. Heater Buddy. But there are other things you can do to help keep you and your family warm in the extreme cold that cost very little.
You can make a small hand warmer using an old empty peanut can with tea lights in the bottom. Those little tea lights build up enough heat in the can to warm hands and fingers held over it (just be careful not to touch the hot metal).
Next, dress warm. Make sure you have warm socks, beanies, and gloves for each member of your family. Also dress in layers. Use blankets with your clothing to create more layers.
Create micro climates in your home. Pick one area close to the kitchen to be your main space. Close doors that lead to other spaces to try to contain heat where you are. Use painters tape and plastic sheeting to stop drafts coming in from outside doors or windows.
Open blinds or curtains during the day that get direct sunlight, but make sure curtains and blinds are closed in all other circumstances to keep out drafts.
You can also create an even smaller micro climate with a tent. This can be especially helpful when sleeping. Set up a tent, kept off the ground with a mattress or blankets, and stay in there together to build body heat.
Third, eat warm foods and drink warm drinks. Hot cocoa, and warm herbal tea can keep your hands warm, while making your insides warm as well. Heating up cans of chili, stew, or soup can be a nice, warm hearty meal to take the chill and hunger off. So if you live in a colder climate, these would be good to add to your food stash and rotate through on a regular basis.
*A few things to keep in mind for a blackout during extreme cold. Foods that contain water , and your water storage can freeze, so dont keep these items in the coldest parts of your house.
A few space heaters to start off. While these run via electricity, these things come in handy!
Dr Infrared Heater Portable Space Heater, 1500-Watt
PELONIS PH-19J 1500W Fast Heating, Programmable Thermostat, Easy Control, Widespread Oscillation, Over Heating & Tip-over Switch Protection, 17.767.72inch, White
For both cooking and heating, this item could come become incredibly handy in a grid down scenario.
SOON CAMP INOUT PORTABLE STOVE For Indoor Outdoor Versatile Wood Burning Camping Stove, 3-Types Transfromer Portable Brazier At Camping, Picnic, Indoor, Outdoor, Anywhere for BBQ, Grilling, Cooking Includes Storage Bag, Grilled Pan, Cookware tray
And should the grid go down like it did in Texas during that February of 2021 storm, each one of the items listed below could have saved lives had people down there been prepared ahead of time.
Flame King YSN-CHS20 20,000 BTU Propane Space Radiant Portable Heater Indoor* & Outdoor Great for Camping, Garage, Ice Fishing, Patio
BLUU Propane Heater for Outdoor and Indoor Use 10,000 BTU with Thermostat, Portable Gas Heaters Great for Camping, Patio, Tent & Garage, Tip-Over & Overheat Protection for Safe CSA Compliance (Orange)
Golden Flame Resort Model Outdoor Propane Patio Heater | 40,000 BTU | Round Spiral-Flame Glass Tube | Anti-Tilt and Safety Shut-Off | Residential and Commercial | Includes Wheels | Anthracite Grey Finish
Mr. Heater F232000 MH9BX Buddy 4,000-9,000-BTU Indoor-Safe Portable Propane Radiant Heater, Red-Black
Sengoku KeroHeat CV23K(H) 23,500-BTU Indoor/Outdoor Portable Convection Kerosene Heater, Black
Avenlur Outdoor Patio Propane Heater - 48,000 BTU Pyramid Patio Heater with Color Changing LED Lights - Great for Outdoor Party, Restaurants, Outdoor Socializing w/ wheels, Includes Protective Cover
For those who use fireplaces to heat their homes, all of the following can come in handy.
GASPRO 8FT Firewood Rack Outdoor with Cover, Adds Sturdy Middle Upright, Heavy Duty Steel Log Rack Wood Holder, Easy to Assemble
Stormann 8ft Firewood Log Rack with Oxford Fabric Cover Combo Set Outdoor Indoor Waterproof Firewood Stacking Log Holder Heavy Duty Wood Rack Storage Black for Patio Deck Fireplace Tool
Koutemie 4Ft Outdoor Firewood Rack Holder for Fireplace Wood Storage, Adjustable Fire Log Stacker Stand, Black
Mofeez Outdoor Firewood Log Storage Rack Bracket Kit,Fireplace Wood Storage Holder-Adjustable to Any Length
PHI VILLA Heavy Duty Firewood Racks Indoor/Outdoor Log Rack with Kindling Holder, 30 Inches Tall, Black
Firewood Log Rack Bin Log Holder with Fireplace Tools Set Brush Shovel Poker Tongs for Indoor Outdoor or Backyard Garden Firepit - No Screws are Required for Assembly!
Koutemie 2 Tiers Small Firewood Log Storage Rack Holder for Indoor Fireplace or Outdoor Patio, Black
FEED GARDEN Fireplace Tools Set 5 PCS Modern 32Inch Outdoor Wrought Iron Fireplace Accessories Set with Log Holder Poker, Tong, Shovel, Brush, Base, Black
RAPICCA Leather Forge/Mig/Stick Welding Gloves Heat/Fire Resistant, Mitts for Oven/Grill/Fireplace/Furnace/Stove/Pot Holder/Tig Welder/Mig/BBQ/Animal handling glove with Extra Long Sleeve
And as always, when the weather gets brutally cold, having some good, warm clothes always helps.
OZERO Winter Gloves Ski Mittens 3M Thinsulate Insulated Snow Work Heated Glove Thermal for Men and Women
Caterpillar Men's Heavy Insulated Parka (Regular and Big & Tall Sizes)
GEMYSE Women's Mountain Waterproof Ski Snow Jacket Winter Windproof Rain Jacket
WEERTI Thermal Underwear for Men, Long Johns Base Layer Fleece Lined Top Bottom
Thermajane Long Johns Thermal Underwear for Women Fleece Lined Base Layer Pajama Set Cold Weather
Hot Feet Outdoor 8-Pack Thermal Socks for Men, Reinforced Heel and Toe, Hiking Crew Socks, Mens Shoe Sizes 6 12.5
Sireck Cold Weather Balaclava Ski Mask, Water Resistant and Windproof Fleece Thermal Face Mask, Hunting Cycling Motorcycle Neck Warmer Hood Winter Gear for Men Women
KAWAHOME Sherpa Fleece Blanket Queen Size Super Soft Extra Warmest and Heavy Thick Winter 500GSM Bed Blankets for Couch Sofa Bed, 90" X 90" (Dark Grey)
You can read the rest of that story's excellent advice for grid down prepping here.
Both of the videos below take a look at the situation that America now faces with the globalists intentionally and by design destroying America, our aging critical infrastructure already falling apart and the very real potential that the days ahead will be dark and dangerous, especially for those who aren't prepared.
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