March 24, 2023
Countless Mysterious Deaths And Illnesses Indicate 'Weapon Of The Apocalypse' Is Also Being Used Upon Americans As Events Quickly Cascade As America Is Under Judgement
- HAARP has been claimed to be a tool for depopulating the world

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
According to this story over at Infowars that Steve Quayle linked to on his website on Wednesday, the HAARP superweapon is still in use in 2023 and being used for 'Geowarfare,' that according to a Romanian General, possibly was used to cause the 'killer quake' of February of 2023 in Syria and Turkey that left over 57,000 dead, though the mainstream media will never report that.
With that HAARP geoengineering superweapon still called a 'crazy conspiracy theory' by most of the mainstream media despite proof that what was at least at one time the most powerful HAARP installation was actuallylocated here in the USA up in Gakona, Alaska, their story reported the alleged 'closure' of that HAARP facility back in 2014, allegedly to allow it to 'officially' go under the purview of the University of Alaska at Fairbanks, was just a huge cover-up, with General Emil Strainu, a Geo-engineering expert,claimingthis was a cover by the U.S. Army and the Central Intelligence Agency to continue HAARP operations there.
Claiming in a recent interview that HAARP was never shut down but instead has been continuously improved and upgraded over the past 9 years, Gen. Strainu warned members of the media in Serbia that HAARP was 'the weapon of the apocalypse,' quite a strong claim when talk of a civilization-ending nuclear war fills the air, with the Russian envoy to the US recently warning of the UK's decision to provide depleted Uranium to Ukraine that"The West has 'brought humankind to the brink of nuclear Armageddon'."
And with Romanian General Strainu telling journalist Dragan Vujicic that HAARP can potentially be used for economic warfare, climate change and population control,think of that claim as we go forward in this story, with Strainu also claimingsome of its applications include causing explosions similar to those caused by nuclear bombs; modifying the environment and creating hurricanes, tornadoes, waterspouts and tsunamis in areas where they do not normally occur.
Also claiming the weapon can be used to generate earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, "It can also alter brainwaves and control peoples thinking" we're told, with some experts believing the mysterious 'Havana Syndrome' experienced by American diplomats in China and Cuba was caused by HAARP-like 'microwave weaponry.'Below is an excerpt from this December of 2020 NBC news story.:
The mysterious neurological symptoms experienced by American diplomats in China and Cuba are consistent with the effects of directed microwave energy, according to a long-awaited report by the National Academies of Sciences that cites medical evidence to support the long-held conviction of American intelligence officials.
The report, obtained Friday by NBC News, does not conclude that the directed energy was delivered intentionally, by a weapon, as some U.S. officials have long believed. But it raises that disturbing possibility.
The report was transferred to Congress after bipartisan calls led by U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen, a Democrat from New Hampshire who is a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committees. She issued the following statement:
"The health effects from these mysterious injuries have tormented those afflicted. Their illnesses and suffering are real and demand a response from Congress. American public servants and their families who have been targeted have requested that Congress receive and review this report, so Im glad the State Department heeded our bipartisan call so we can get to work.
......A team of medical and scientific experts who studied the symptoms of as many as 40 State Department and other government employees concluded that nothing like them had previously been documented in medical literature, according to the National Academies of Sciences report. Many reported hearing a loud sound and feeling pressure in their heads, and then experienced dizziness, unsteady gait and visual disturbances. Many suffered longstanding, debilitating effects.
The committee felt that many of the distinctive and acute signs, symptoms and observations reported by (government) employees are consistent with the effects of directed, pulsed radio frequency (RF) energy, the report says. Studies published in the open literature more than a half-century ago and over the subsequent decades by Western and Soviet sources provide circumstantial support for this possible mechanism.
While important questions remain, the mere consideration of such a scenario raises grave concerns about a world with disinhibited malevolent actors and new tools for causing harm to others, as if the U.S. government does not have its hands full already with naturally occurring threats, says the report, edited by Dr. David Relman, a professor in medicine, microbiolology and immunology at Stanford, and Julie Pavlin, a physician who leads the National Academies of Sciences global health division in Washington.
So while those 'attacks' upon US diplomats overseas were most certainly caused by some kind of secretive microwave weaponry, and of course, the State Dept and intelligence officials blamed Russia and China, (and it very well could have been them), as we'll explore more in the next 2 sections of this story below, we know for a fact the United States govt and US military have directed energy weapons with quite similar uses, and 'Havana Syndrome' proves such weaponry is able to be used 'covertly' against its targets. Here in 2023, would anyone put it past them carrying out such attacks upon Americans?
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As Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann warn us in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, under biden and the Democrats, ALL THE GOOD that America has long stood for has been totally abandoned, America now looked at all around the world as a mess of insanity and evil rather than the good America once stood for, with the US govt actually making it an official policy to carry out mass murderas they wage war upon the American taxpayer using prohibited bioweapons, spending a whopping $50,000 per life extinguished.
With the biden crime cabal quite literally waging war upon 'the Truth' and 'the Laws Of The Universe,'America's suicide entwined with the death of Western Civilization as the globalists seek to complete their 'great reset' and bring their 'new world order' to completion, a 'new world order' that reeks of tyranny and that proverbial 'boot stomping upon our human faces forever,' there's never been a more important time for Americans to be completely prepared for anything and everything in the days ahead.
And that includes the strong possibility that those who 'dissent' will be covertly targeted by such 'superweapons' as HAARP and other microwave weaponry which we've seen can be used in so many different and prohibited ways. And as we also read in this story featuring the warnings of Romanian General Strianu, he is DEFINITELY NOT alone in believing the existence of a geoengineering weapon that is now being used upon humanity by the evil ones. His fellow Romanian, Sen. Diana Iovanovici Sosoaca, argued during a speech at the Romanian Parliament that the earthquake in Turkey may have been the result of a geoweapon the globalists deployed against Ankara, because, according to the legislator, Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogans defiance of the globalists did not sit well with the latter.
Sosoaca pointed to 150 aftershocks of [the] devastating earthquake, the second larger than the first as proof of the tremors being artificial in nature. She added that geoweapons have existed for a very long time and have been used so far without causing too many casualties, probably for experiments.
Now it has been put into practice, the senator remarked. But no one thought that people would have to die so many people and in such a terrible way.
Numerous social media posts have claimed that HAARP is used to engineer storms and heat waves. Some have even suggested its use as a tool to hype climate alarmism and make people more receptive to climate lockdowns. Worse, HAARP has been claimed to be a tool for depopulating the world.
And while the globalist-controlled media will still call 'depopulation' and the 'genocide' we've been watching unfolding the last several years in so many people 'dying suddenly' a 'crazy right wing conspiracy theory,' as Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann show us conclusively in that 1st video below, it's being carried out upon the human race RIGHT NOW, before our very eyes!
So is the 'globalist crime cabal' now using secretive microwave weaponry against America as they continue this war upon us, the COVID bioweapon and killer vax all part of 'population control'? With the biden crime family getting paid MILLIONS of dollars by China, and now MILLIONS of young, military-aged men from China just flowing over the southern border as also discussed by Steve and Doug in that video, we're also watching the overthrow and invasion of America being carried out before our eyes.
And if anyone reading this STILL believes that HAARP is just some 'crazy conspiracy theory' we suggest you visit the ACTUAL University of Alaska at Fairbanks HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) websitewhich gives us 100% proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that HAARP is no 'conspiracy theory' as also discussed in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story in depth.
As mentioned in an excellent comment by ANP reader 'Pureblood Jan' in this ANP story:
"Scientists warn that Earth could run out of conspiracy theories by 2024 if they keep coming true at the current rate.."
So, if we continue at the current rate as the globalists seek to fully institute their tyranny, how long will it be until all of these 'soft kill' depopulation methods we've been witnessing for the last several years with the rollout of COVID and 'the vax' go 'hard kill,' the sinister plans of the globalists to wipe out a sizeable portion of the human race no longer seen as a 'crazy conspiracy theory' as it's directly in our faces?
With Joel Hirschhorn recently warning us that people all around the world are finally 'awakening' to the dangers of the deadly kill shot, with a large Doctor's group calling for the vax to immediately be recalled, mandates and government medical tyranny ended and speaking out loudly about far too many young and healthy and innocent people 'dying suddenly,'especially young children, we're witnessing nothing less than what people like Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann have been warning about for years unfolding.
Culling the planet's population down to a much more 'manageable' number as also seen for decades on the Georgia Guidestones, we remind you that guideline #1 on the Guidestones was to "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature," a guideline that sounds reasonable until you realize that the current global population of over 8 billion would require over 7.5 billion innocent people to be killed off. And notice that these DEVILS like biden, fauci and their crime family NEVER start off that 'culling' with themselves, something we strongly urge them to do if they even dream of ever seeing 'global compliance.' Though Americans have far too many guns to ever 'comply' with 'tyranny.'
And with 5G using the exact same millimeter waves as the US DOD's 'active denial systems,' and those invisible energy waves able to be used to carry out all kinds of 'terror' upon their intended victims, and the US under the biden crime cabal now seen around the world by the 'awake' as being pure evil, having turned America into an insane laughing stock that thinks its a good thing for children to be able chop off body parts, think those devils WOULDN'T use 'weapons of the apocalypse' upon Americans who dissent? We hear much more about 5G being used upon Americans in the final video below.
So with the very real possibility that the globalist devils are using prohibited military weapons upon the American people to push depopulation further as heard in these videos, and people now experiencing all kinds of psychological and physical disorders as also discussed, ailments that can be directly tied to 'directed energy weapons,' and now evidence that HAARP is STILL being used by 'enemies of America within' upon the American people, we urge our readers to keep their heads on a swivel in the days and weeks ahead as America enters unknown territory, the globalists pushing for WW3 while their 'empire of lies' disintegrates before their very eyes, leading them to kick their 'termination' of the human race into overdrive.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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