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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

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August 11, 2023

Americans Need To Stop Giving In To The 'Chilling Effect' Of Living In A 'Woke' Surveillance State Dictatorship Like America Has Become As We've Turned Into A Dystopian 'Fahrenheit 451'

By Vince Coyner for All News Pipeline

A ship is safe in harbor, but thats not what ships are for. Writing in 1928, John Shedd wasnt really talking about ships. He was talking about life. And in American life, we no longer feel safe even in the harbor.

Years ago, my girlfriend and I went to see a movie. What we saw, Ive no idea, but I do know we had a terrible time, and it had nothing to do with what was on the screen and everything to do with what was going on in the theater. People were yelling at the screen, talking to each other, and smoking. My girlfriend mentioned the smoking, and I said that if that was the only problem we encountered, wed be lucky, as Id recently witnessed a bloody knife fight between two girls over a baby-daddy in a nearby theater.

I mention this because when you think your life may be in jeopardy, its hard to enjoy entertainment, and enjoyment is the whole point of movies. Movies require your buy-in for success, you must turn off reality and connect with the characters.

If you cant do that, you cant enjoy the movie. If youre worried that someones going to pull a gun or set the place on fire, youre going to be too busy scanning for danger to become engaged with whats on the screen. Youd end up doing little more than wasting your time and money.

Just as movies require your buy-in and focus for success, so too does life. And thats a problem with 21st-century America and the always-on-everywhere swamp. The danger is not so much that Big Brother is watching and trying to control our every move. He/it doesnt have to. Our knowing that the state could be watching or listening is enough. Its called the Chilling Effectbasically, the government doing something that chills citizens willingness to exercise their constitutional rights for fear of reprisals.

ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."

Think about it this way: If you think its tough to enjoy a movie when youre worried about whats going on in the theater, imagine how difficult it would be to write a compelling, engaging movie with a critic holding a club while looking over your shoulder the entire time. Well, thats you trying to live your life.

How different would the script of your life be if you knew your every word might end up as part of some government dossier? How much could you embrace freedom and focus on having fun, sowing your wild oats, finding your passion, or risking failure to pursue some crazy dream if you were constantly wondering what some government bureaucrat with the power to throw you in prison or destroy your business or take away your kids might think? And thats true even if you didnt do anything illegal.

And thats the problem. Since 2013s Snowden revelations, weve known the government is actively collecting reams of data on virtually all of us. Back then, even the NY Times called it a Threat to Democracy. The government, against virtually the entire Bill of Rights, was and currently is looking at everything Americans do. (Want to see how much data they collect? Click here.)

Knowing our government is actively looking at emails, phone calls (or just our metadata, as we were assured), as well as our online surfing and purchasing habits, sends a chill down your spine. With 350 million people in the country, theyre probably not looking at youbut they might be.

And its not just the government. While, yes, it is the FBI, NSA, IRS, and other agencies in the alphabet soup of the state, its also Facebook, Google, Apple, and AT&T. Its also the banks. Maybe the most relevant example of the banks is JP Morgan Chasea company that recently paid $290 million to victims of Jeffry Epstein for empowering the pedophilerecently closing down the accounts of a prominent vaccine skeptic after closing the account of a religious freedom nonprofit last year. This follows a since-derailed plan by MasterCard and Visa to track gun and ammunition purchases.

But theyre private companies! Thats technically true but also false. They may be private, but theyre often coerced by the government to do its bidding. Whats more, theres often a revolving door with government officials that makes explicit coercion unnecessary and government service quite lucrative for potential regulators.

And so back to the life youre living

How comfortable are you going to be doing or saying anything that might cause the federal government (or state or local) to put you on some watchlist? You ask yourself, Should I wear this MAGA hat to that school board meeting, or should I wait until my building permit is approved? Should I write that blog critical of my senator, or should I wait until my nonprofit application is approved? Should I post pictures of my kids at the range, or should I wait until my bank approves my mortgage application?

The reality is that citizens silencing themselves is a far bigger problem than the government censoring them. (Just think how unfunny comedy is today with the censorious woke scrutinizing every joke.) How many journalists or bloggers have avoided writing something or toned it down because they were worried that theyd pay some price for offending the wrong bureaucrat?

Its not just the words not spoken or the stands not taken that are the problem. Its the fact that energy must be spent considering them in the first place.

Living a successful life is challenging in the best of circumstances, whether getting everything from an education to a job, starting a company, or finding the perfect spouse and raising good kids. All take a lot of effort to do successfully, but the question is, how much harder would they be if you had to divert X% of your focus to constantly wondering what the consequences on them be if you exercised your First or Second Amendment rights?

Sure, you could simply keep your head down and not bother, but as we know from Fahrenheit 451, that actually harms society. And, even if you tried to keep your head down and go about your way, theres no guarantee you arent going to end up on the wrong side of a government vaccine policy or tripped up by a school boards constantly evolving pronoun policy.

At the end of the day, living a good life takes work and can be challenging, thats particularly so in a free society. But its the freedom of ideas that advances society, whether advocating for a legislative check on a monarchs power, proffering a sun-centered system, or filibustering for a Bill of Rights. Theres a reason the US and the West have led the world in the growth of prosperity and advances in science and mathematics, and that reason is the freedom to exchange ideas, good and bad and otherwise.

Getting the most out of life, like enjoying a movie, depends on the ability to focus on the task at hand without fear for your safety as you do so. As the surveillance and control leviathan of the swamp grows, doing so becomes ever more difficult. Now might be a good time to start supporting candidates who vow to dismantle it before it dismantles whats left of our freedoms. You can follow Vince on Twitter at ImperfectUSA.

ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.

So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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