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October 17, 2024

Violence Is Inevitable If Trump Wins In November With One Pundit Predicting The Greatest Mental Health Crisis In The History Of The Country From Democrat Meltdowns

By Susan Duclos -  All News Pipeline

While I am seeing tons of headlines about Kamala Harris' Fox News interview, with Democrats on social media claiming she did an awesome job, and Republicans so sure she failed spectacularly they are actually sharing the interview, in clips and in full, another interview took place recently, which isn't garnering many headlines.

Mark Halperin from Newsmax joined Tucker Carlson and predicted what he calls the "greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country" if Donald Trump win the November presidential election. Halperin also predicts violence by liberals.

Listen first, it is a short clip, before we delve into why I, and many others, think the level of violence we will see, with be unprecedented in 2025, if Trump wins the presidential election against Kamala Harris.

The full interview is embedded at the bottom of this article.

This is why it is important to remember what happened when Trump won in 2016, the protests, the violence against Trump supporters and even against children daring to wear MAGA hats and shirts, by grown adults.

After eight solid years of  Media induced Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), otherwise known as "Trump Anxiety Disorder," by mental health professionals, eating at the brains of Democrats, and past examples, on video, of the type of meltdowns on the part of liberals in compilation clips, even when Trump isn't the topic, we can imagine the depth of anger, despair and literal violence we could see in 2025 and beyond, of Trump becomes president again.

One of the comments by Halperin in the short interview segment above was that if Trump wins, tens of millions of Americans (liberals) would "require an enormous amount of access to mental health professionals," which strikes me as ironic since a number of those mental health professionals are dealing with TDS as well.

A couple of points before providing some reminders of what we saw in 2016-2020, and the reasons I am convinced this time will be far worse.

• Back when "Trump anxiety Disorder" aka TDS was first reported, all reports indicated the same thing, as shown in this CBC.CA article, and a Politico article from around the same time.


Panning said intense consumption of media coverage of this presidency is making some people's Trump-related anxiety worse.


CNN before lovemaking is not his idea of a turn-on.

But she can hardly turn it off—engrossed as she is in the latest unnerving gyrations of Washington.

Who else to blame but Donald Trump? A president who excites hot feelings in many quarters has cooled them considerably in the bedroom of a Philadelphia couple, who sought counseling in part because the agitated state of American politics was causing strain in their marriage.

The point? Media was inducing this fear and anxiety with wall-to-wall coverage of Trump, 90+% of it negative and hostile as reported multiple times by multiple outlets.

If the news pundits you have trusted for years keep spewing rhetoric such as "Trump is Hitler," who will destroy the country, on a nightly basis, anxiety is sure to follow.

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Why would I say violence is inevitable should Donald Trump win? Because TDS has destroyed the logical thinking processes of even moderate Democrats, and RINOs (Republicans In Name Only), and it has had eight years to fester.

Consider the documented 639 acts of violence and harassment from Democrats against Republican Trump supporters from September 2015 to November 2018, which was when Breitbart stopped listing them on their first rap sheet piece, and continue with another 389 Media-Approved Hate Crimes Against Trump Supporters.

A teenager in a diner had an adult rip his MAGA hat off and throw a drink at him, while young girls were accosted by an adult woman for wearing a Trump shirt.

Even children were not spared the harassment by Democrats from 2016  to 2021.

Antifa and BLM violence shadowed the Trump administration, suddenly stopping when Biden started occupying the White House.

Anyone that thinks that type of violence and harassment will not happen, and in fact, be worse after eight years of TDS eating at their brains, we.... lets just say I have a bridge to sell you in NY, and some swampland in Florida. Call me.

then we have people like Democrat Jamie Raskin threatening to "disqualify" Trump is he beats Harris in November:

Congress could “disqualify” Donald Trump if the ex-President wins the keys to the White House, a top Democrat has claimed.

Democrat Representative Jamie Raskin claimed the 14th Amendment included provisions to halt Trump’s march to the Oval Office by adopting its “Civil War” provisions.

In unearthed footage first released in February, Raskin said: “And the greatest example going on right now before our very eyes is Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which they’re just disappearing with a magic wand, as if it doesn’t exist, even though it could not be clearer what it’s stating.

“And so they want to kick it to Congress, so it’s going to be up to us on January 6, 2025, to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he’s disqualified.

That would guarantee a civil war, a hot, bloody fight for the nation.

Kamala Harris is also doing her part to prime "Democrats For Violent Resistance If Trump Wins," according to the Federalist headline.

Harris, and her Democrats, are "pushing a narrative that Trump is going to be a fascist dictator if he wins office and use the powers of the presidency to go after ordinary Americans. That's an extreme and frankly unhinged position with no basis in reality. You don't say things like that unless you're hoping to provoke a strong reaction, and the reaction Democrats are hoping to provoke is violent resistance to a second Trump term."

He warned the rhetoric goes further: "After all, if you really thought that Trump would order the military and the Justice Department to round up you and your family, wouldn't you do anything to stop him? Wouldn't you take to the streets to save your country and thwart the rise of a fascist dictatorship? At least two would-be assassins have taken the Democrats' anti-Trump rhetoric seriously. Harris is hoping that many more people will between now and Election Day, and respond by rejecting a second Trump term — in the streets, if they must."

If Trump wins in November, there will be violence from the left, and if Raskin and company even attempt to "disqualify" him, the righteous pushback will not be pretty.


If you are a Trump supporter, or at this rate, even if you have an American flag hanging outside, you could be a target of Antifa, BLM, or any of the so-call Anti-fascists groups that believe violence is necessary.

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