February 19, 2024
Under Democrat Rule, America Has Become A Failed State: Thus This 'Terrorist Government' That Bludgeons Families & Butchers Our Children Must Be Destroyed & Permanently Abolished
- Government has metastasized into the enemy of America's children and families
By Vince Coyner and All News Pipeline
Thomas Jefferson wrote about governments that We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, In modern English, government exists to do for men those things they cannot do for themselves: protect the nation, ensure tranquility within the nation and guarantee God-given individual rights are not trampled upon within the nation. Our government has failed in that task. Our nation, therefore, is a failed state.
Another way of looking at Jeffersons prescription for government is that it is the governments job to help protect families and communities, enabling citizens to pursue happiness. Of course, thats hard to do. Of the 110 billion people who have ever lived, most have lived in civilizations that did not even come close to that goal. Indeed, most lived in civilizations where that goal didnt even exist, or at least the individual rights element of it.
For most of the last 248 years since Jefferson wrote those words about a successful government, and 233 years after Congress ratified the Constitution, binding the nation contractually to those same principles, America largely operated under that contract. Today, however, after less than a quarter century into the new millennia, we must admit that the contract is broken, and America is a failed nation. Our nation no longer serves its people.
The first thing that tells us that the nation has failed is children and families. In theory, citizens do not exist for the state; rather, the state exists for the citizens and, especially, for families, which are a nations heart and future. It should work in tandem with parents, whose biological imperative is to protect their young.
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Today, however, the government has metastasized so that it is the enemy of families. After destroying the traditional family, states are now dictating to parents that their children can be butchered and there is nothing they can do about it. Its everywhere: in California, New York, Washington, and even Montana! There is literally nothing in life more natural than a family with children, but states now feel they can literally take children from their parents for the specific purpose of indoctrinating or butchering them. Failed nations do that.
Then theres the Climate Change hoax. Al Gore has been telling us since 1999 that CO2 is setting the world on fire and that the oceans will cover half the continent within a decade. Disappointingly, 25 years later, Washington DC is still not under water. Global warming is a fiction, but our government drives at least half a trillion dollars being spent annually to reduce our Carbon footprint. These expenditures are direct (i.e., hundreds of billions of federal, state, and local government dollars) and indirect (i.e., the financial burdens forced on citizens through higher energy prices, higher transportation costs, and built-in green energy inefficiencies).
Every effort is chimerical when you consider humans actual, minimal CO2 impact. Start with how much CO2 is in the air.
As of May 2022. CO2 in the atmosphere was 421 ppm or .04%. But maybe its rocketed up since then? Nope. Apparently, 100 ppm of that 421 ppm was generated during the last 120 years. If we were to do nothing, the level of CO2 in the atmosphere in 2120 would sit at 531 ppm or .05%. Not exactly choking the planet.
So, our government is essentially crippling our economy, sending inflation through the roof, and introducing a level of energy instability Americans havent seen in half a decade to solve a problem that simply doesnt exist. The governments of serious nations dont do that.
Finally, there is the open border and the flood of illegal immigration. Since Joe Biden has been president, almost 10 million people, mostly military-aged males, have poured across our border. American taxpayers must support virtually every one of them.
To put that in perspective, if they were a state, the illegal aliens who arrived since Bidens inauguration would be the 11th largest state, just above New Jersey and just below Michigan. Add to that the 20 million illegals already here, and they would be a larger population than every state other than California and Texas.
But its not just that the government is allowing millions of people to invade the country. Its also what governments are doing once the invaders are here. Boston closed a community center to house the illegals. New York City has been paying tens of millions of dollars to hotels to house them and recently forced kids to attend school online because their schools were filled with illegals. Whats more, two weeks ago, New Yorks mayor announced the city would give $53 million in prepaid debit cards to illegals. Astonishingly, some places give illegals more than citizens on welfare!
All of this costs likely more than $300 billion a year, twice widely circulated estimates of $150 billion that base their number on the laughable assumption that there are only 15 million illegal aliens in America when the number is likely more than 30 million.
And as if spending hundreds of billions annually on illegal aliens wasnt enough, the illegals are increasing crime in Americas cities even as we deal with skyrocketing domestic crime. From beating up NYPD cops in broad daylight and being released within hours to gangs targeting gated communities outside of Detroit to moped gangs terrorizing New York, illegals have become more and more brazen as they understand the consequences of crime are minimal, particularly when compared to a new spirit of robust government enforcement that is emerging in Central America. And, of course, this doesnt even begin to measure the consequences of the 100,000 American deaths from the unsecured borders fentanyl trade.
All of this (and much more...) demonstrates that the United States is no longer a serious nation. America not only no longer protects families, but it also actively keeps parents from protecting their children. America no longer seeks to create a framework for prosperity but rather burdens citizens with crippling inflation and stultifying costs to battle a fictional problem. America no longer seeks to defend herself from invasion or her citizens from vicious, violent criminals. When a nation stops protecting its borders, citizens, and prosperity, it ceases to have the right to be called serious.
Every single one of these problems and policies has at its core the Democrat party and the swamp bureaucracy that infects every level of government. However, one part of America is still struggling to remain serious, and its not represented by the GOP ruling class. Its the grassroots, its the people who were Tea Party patriots, and its the citizens who dont drink the medias propaganda.
The Declaration of Independence states, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government In this case, its not a government per se that has become destructive to those ends but the Democrat party. Lets hope that in November, those who take America seriously take the opportunity to show that vile, despicable party the door
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