February 14, 2022
US Attorney Warns In Fiery Speech: 'When You Come For Our Children, You Have Started A War' - It's 'Now Or Never Time' For Americans To Come Together To Fight Against Tyranny
- Nothing Less Than A Boot Stamping Upon Our Faces, Forever, Awaits Us If We Fail

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
Every once in a very long time, a speaker comes along who has the ability to captivate an audience with their words, words spoken so powerfully and persuasively the listening audience has no choice but themselves to feel motivated, persuaded and empowered and 'ready to go' and in the video we've embedded directly below, we hear one such speaker and one such speech, a speech that is right on time for 2022 America.
And while many on both the political left and the political right are more than happy to see America stay divided in 2022, as a nation divided is a nation more easily conquered, we hear in this amazing speech why it's time for Americans of all political stripes and belief systems to come together,because it's quite literally 'now or never time'.
Quite literally warning us that 'war has been declared upon us' and all of the freedom and liberties that Americans now have are under fire, before we go any further, let us introduceTricia S. Lindsay, Esq.
After listening to this awesome speech in which we're not only warned of what is ahead for us if we stay on the same track that we're on but that it is our DUTY to resist this tyranny being forced upon America, ANP decided to reach out to Tricia Lindsay for a comment about her video and what we as Americans can do to unite us all for the fight of our lives and she got back to us with the following words of advice to ANP readers and people everywhere.:
We cannot allow this invading force that has pushed its way into our lives, our communities and our homes, to cause us to distrust and hate each other. Now more than ever before, our destinies, our lives and the future of this country is wholly dependent on WE THE PEOPLE unifying as ONE! We cannot win this war individually, but WE THE PEOPLE joined together, standing under on our God given authority, can successfully RESIST this tyranny and WIN!
For those who are unable to watch the video or simply do not have the time right now, we'll be breaking it down for you within the rest of this story but we urge you to bookmark it and be sure to watch it at some point in the future as it is so well worth it. With a fire and passion in her voice, some of the main points she makes in this video include:
- We are at war for our families, our children and our lives with the 14th Amendment, which guarantees 'due process' and 'equal protection under the law' under all out attack.
- Vaccine mandates are the 'new discrimination' with the 'unvaccinated' being treated differently all over the world than the 'vaccinated':"It is the new segregation, it is the new discrimination, and we have to stop it" we are warned.
- "Government for the people, by the people, will not be destroyed. We have to recognize our power. We are magistrates." She then goes on to give an outstanding explanation of what it means that "We the People" are 'magistrates', in other words, ALL the powers not given to 'government' in the US Constitution are reserved for US, the American people! We CANNOT allow govt to take those away!
Invoking the words of America's Founding Fathers in claiming they understood that a time would come where the powers of the federal government would have to be 'checked', and "if not, they will become tyrants. And that is what is happening now," she then reminded us of what exactly is in the Declaration of Independence.:
1) We all have the Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
2) The purpose of the Federal government is to PROTECT those rights of the citizens.
3) If government FAILS to protect those RIGHTS of the citizens, the citizens not only have the right to RESIST but they have the OBLIGATION and the DUTY to do so.
Then asking the people if they understood what it means that we have THE DUTY to stand between a tyrannical government and its laws, she then warned what we've warned of time and again on ANP: "They're coming for our children. We cannot sit down....When you come for our children, you have started a war. And they have declared war. And we are answering to that war."
Reminding us about what we've reported on ANP time and again, that once government gets too big, they'll never just voluntarily give away their powers, she asks us all, as magistrates, to "each one, reach one, and teach one". Then sharing with others what it really means to be 'magistrates', it means that our government has to answer to us, "We the People", certainly not the other way around.
(ANP FUNDRAISER:Due to renewed censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're now running a fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
Then claiming, as an attorney, that EVERY ONE of these mandates are illegal, "every single one of them", she then warned we're witnessing nothing less than government medical rape and government medical kidnappings, with young children being enticed to 'get vaxxed' behind their own parents backs by globalist scum peddling candy bars.
Warning government that 'you don't have control of my children and you don't have control of me', she then took shots at Dr. Anthony Fauci, urges those listening to take their children out of the public school systems as they stopped teaching them HOW to 'think' years ago and 'analytical thought went out the window', and have simply been teaching them 'compliance' while indoctrinating them into a tyranny-accepting belief system, she then pointed out how almost all Americans living today have been heavily indoctrinated into a 'prison system'.:
"I don't care how you look at it but if you're in corporate America, you're imprisoned by your lifestyle. If you're in the government, you're imprisoned by your job with good benefits. If you're on subsidies, you're imprisoned by their benefits.... All they care about is money and you can see it in the flip-flopping of their guidelines... We have to hold them ALL accountable".
Echoing to the T the theme of this February 12th of 2022 ANP story in which we also stressed that those who launched this entire 'attack' upon America MUST BE held accountable for what they've done to 330 million+ Americans and billions of people around the world, she then warned that "when the laws of this country violate and go against and contradict the laws of GOD, then that government has become tyrannical, they have to be overthrown". Her words, not ours.
Warning us that we must be involved, we must be informed and we must be motivated to act and we must act, teaching our children and getting them involved so they can stand against those trying to entice them with candy bars and know exactly what they're talking about, she warns that nothing less than Americans as fully indentured servants to government, aka slaves, awaits us if we fail.
Also warning that they're trying to turn our entire country into a massive slave ship, we'll agree with her completely when she says "I don't know about you. But I'm not signing up for that cruise line."
Also urging us to avoid fighting and arguing with family members who don't see eye to eye with us on this issue as we truly don't have the time to do so, she concludes her epic speech with.:
"We are at battle, we are in a war and we have to keep going. We have to be 'uncomfortable', and be 'comfortable' with being 'uncomfortable'. We have to stand and we are given a charge to fight for your families, fight for your homes, fight for your brothers, fight for your sisters, because my GOD says pursue the invading army because if you pursue them, you will recover. If we back up we won't. These are uncircumcised philistines, they cannot stand against the army of the living GOD. We are the armies of the living GOD.Know who you are and go back to your neighborhoods and fight. We are magistrates who stand between an unjust government and its laws."
ANP FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP. All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.
Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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