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May 29, 2024
US Admiral Warns Foreign Nationals Are Breaching U.S. Naval Bases 2-3 Times A Week Now: 'They Are Coming At Us Fast And Thick With An Unprecedented Surge Of Chinese Nationals'
- 'This Is Part Of An Existential Threat That America Faces'
The U.S. Navy's base security personnel are catching and evicting a steadily increasing number of foreign nationals - particularly Chinese citizens - who are attempting to glean national security secrets, a top U.S. admiral said in an interview over the weekend. Many of them have proper papers allowing them to visit the United States as tourists or students, but their presence on a military base is not authorized - and in many cases, may constitute a criminal offense.
"Usually the cover story is 'I'm a student, I'm an enthusiast I want to see the ships,' that type of thing," U.S. Fleet Forces Commander Adm. Daryl Caudle told Fox and Friends. "We have to turn them around, and typically we will get the [Naval Criminal Investigative Service] involved. We will get biometrics if possible."
Chinese visitors have been arrested for accessing or spying on U.S. naval installations multiple times in recent years, and two U.S. Navy servicemembers who were born in China were recently arrested on espionage charges. The more insidious, high-volume, low-effort Chinese attempts at naval base espionage have been gathering pace, Caudle said.
"This thing of our military bases getting penetrated by foreign nationals is happening more and more. . . . It's really hard for us to tell the underlying motive in these types of cases," Caudle told Fox News. "This is something we see probably two or three times a week, where we're stopping these folks at the gate, and this is just the Navy alone."
When Caudle mentions "high volume, low effort," he is referring to the Chinese intelligence gathering method known as "grain of sand." The Chicoms dispatch ordinary Chinese citizens, sometimes under threats to their families, to penetrate U.S. military or Naval bases, walk around, take pictures of military personnel for photo analysis back home, get names, gather certain kinds of information they ask for all of which is seemingly innocuous, and which is unlikely to draw full espionage charges if they are caught, given the difficulty of proving such matters.
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But we know they are spying, their balloon activity was also in this category, and the admiral noted that drones are being stepped up, too, and now its two or three a week. It's not all Chinese, by the way, the Russians and Iranians can see what's going on and are doing their worst, too. While the admiral says that many have papers as tourists, which is obviously a safety measure by the Chinese to protect their agents from jailtime, you can bet that there are a lot of them who crossed into the U.S. illegally for such missions, too and we don't know what they are doing.
We do know they've sent balloons. We know they have sent drones. We know that they have recruited spies from among Chinese nationals serving in the U.S. Navy, cynically congratulating them on their moves to obtain U.S. citizenship, the better to serve China. We know they have sent people to bust through military installations, as they did recently at a desert Marine base in California. Now the admiral warns us they are coming at us fast and thick, all of these penetration efforts stepped up and apparently nothing being done about it on the policy side.
And sure enough, San Diego, where some of the most critical Naval and Marine bases are, is seeing an unprecedented surge of Chinese foreign nationals, more than 30,000 since October, all being admitted as valid asylum cases and released free and clear into the country on the honor system:
Something is very wrong with that picture, given what the admiral has said now. Here is an additional description of what's happening now:
Chinese chauffeur service for illegal border crossers who are from China, taken to some place nobody knows, and for purposes unknown.
The admiral can see that something's wrong here. But Joe Biden and his minions cannot. It's as if they want something bad to happen, which if it does, they can blame on President Trump. But a lot of people aren't fooled by this great gaslight, from phony asylum claims to Biden's refusal to admit that our military bases are being invaded and attacks. What kind of tragedy is going to have to happen before this terrible political gang is thrown out of office?
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