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August 22, 2024

Tweedle-Kam And Tweedle-Tim Visit Gas Stations And Sandwich Shops To Pretend That Theyre Like Everyone Else Because Normal Doesnt Come Naturally To Them, So They Laugh...Loudly

By J.B. Shurk -All News Pipeline

The more I see of Tim Walz, the more I realize hes just a fatter, whiter version of Kamala.They both laugh at inappropriate times.They both say weird things.They both yearn for a communist America.Theyre both on the wrong side of the IQ bell curve.If we lived in a society that encouraged talented people to run for political office, Tweedle-Kam and Tweedle-Tim would not be known.Because our political system excels at promoting mediocre minds attached to lost souls, the Democrat Party gives us a babbling baboon and a cackling hyena for veep and president.

I thought Tweedle-Kam had a monopoly onobnoxious laughing, but I was wrong.Every time a camera pans over to Tweedle-Tim, his head is thrown back in a chortling fit.Every subject seems so funny.Food and fuel costs are a nightmare, Tim.Ha-ha-ha!Foreign nationals are killing Americans on neighborhood streets.Tee-hee-hee!You misrepresented your military rank and service record.Hey now, thats not funny!Youre right, coward.None of it is funny at all.

Its increasingly clear that the Tweedle-twins laugh because they have nothing significant to say.Or, rather, anything significant they might say, they cant admit until after the election.As Nancy Pelosi would tell us, you have to vote the Tweedle-twins into officebefore you can find outhow they plan to screw over America.Nobody wants to vote for open borders and mass amnesty for foreigners.Nobody wants to vote for more spending and inflation.Nobody wants to vote for social credit scores and expanded government regulation.Because the Tweedle-twins cant say what they want, they must laugh during all the awkward silence.Its just weird.

But Democrats are the party ofweird.For them, moms and dads are boring.Families are bad.White people are evil.And individual liberty is repulsive.They are the party ofshe-hes,xirs,poly-whatevers, andsubjective truths.They dont have time to think about sound money or global peace because theyre too busy fighting linguistic battles againsthetero-cis-normativity,unconscious bias,systemic racism, and the dreadedpatriarchy.They are very serious when they tell you that men get pregnant and that women pee standing up.They want you to know that Jews cant be trusted, except the ones who give money to their campaigns.They want you to know that war is nothing but slaughter for profit, except the one in Ukraine.They want you to know that too many criminals are behind bars and that too many political foes are still free.They want you to know that this country is such an awful place that we simply cant keep foreigners from breaking in.They want you to know that only Democrats can save fundamentally transforming it into communist China.Like a heroin addict seeking a quick fix, Democrats injectweirdright into their vegan veins.

Dim-Dems keep celebrating Tweedle-Tim as Americas dad.Every time I hear it, I throw up a little in my mouth.What kind of dads do Dim-Dems have?Dads go off to war when necessary, protect their families daily, and regularly convey strength.Tweedle-Tim ran from battle and let the Twin Cities burn on his watch.He prances around like a glam girl and is nuttier than a fruitcake.When he was a high school teacher, he volunteered to help students with conflicted feelings about their sexual identities.Maybe all that was on the up-and-up, but whenprominent Democratsbrag about Coach Walz being a sexual advisor for adolescents, I find it hard not to picture him wearing an oversized furry costume and begging kids to call him, Timmy Bear.(My apologies for puttingthat weirdnessin your brains.)Timmy Bear as Americas dad makes about as much sense as RuPaul being Americas mother.

No wonderKamala drinks.But keep that to yourselves because its a secret.Thecorporate presstitutesdo their best to hide Tweedle-Tipsy from the public, and the social media censors punish those who notice.Apparently were not allowed to talk about the fact that whenever Kam-Kam chats with reporters (not often), she sounds like shes one chug away from breaking out in a bout of drunken karaoke.

I remember...I remember...this one was beautiful, know what Im talking about...Britney Spears, go, girl...its like when you do something that you didnt even know you could do until you did it, and youre like, I did that, didnt vote for Kamala...I mean me for president...Its wonderful, right?

Guys (and gals with penises), shes not drunk.She just has a very serious stutter.Oh, Kamala (I hope youpronounced her name correctlyin your mind just now!) has something more to say:Stuttering is a very serious condition, Joe Biden, hes the best, right...he has a stutter, and I cant ever understand anything he says...I must have caught it from him...ha ha...Kamala!...Right?

Right, whatever you say, Kamala!To be sure, the White House has been home to plenty of drunks over the years.But has it ever been home to a half-Indian, half-Jamaican with a fake southern accent who pretends to befrom the hoodwhile drinking?(Hillary, put your hand down.)I dont think so!Now thats diversity!

I have no knack forpolitical correctness.The very idea of some invisible government hobgoblin sitting in judgment of my speech offends me.So I will give it to you straight: the Democrat Party is a dangerous collection of loonies and degenerates who will eventually overdose on raw political power.Outside the United Center in Chicago this week, all manner of freaks have shown up to variously celebrate or condemn Tweedle-Kams coronation.There areJew-haterswho wish death to Israel.There are women (I think; after all,whats a woman?) dressed up as birth control pills.There are global warming fearmongers who openly wish for government authorities to depopulate the planet.There are pedophile-apologists who push all kinds of perversions as perfectly healthy.There are idiot agitators, moronic race hustlers, and imbecilic Antifa gangsters who all want to wage war on the police.Planned Parenthood has amobile vanset up in case any expectant mothers would like to kill their babies.And whether all these violent crackpots arefororagainstKamala Harris today, they will all vote for her and support her communist policies tomorrow (and vote more than once in Democrat-controlled precincts).

Inside the United Center where Dim-Dem elites are protected from the riffraff outside, a similar insanity has prevailed.Harpy Hillary Clinton bragged about Democrats use of the criminal justice system to imprison political opponents.Outgoing puppet Biden repeated the sameoutrageous liesabout President Trump, while angrily denouncing his voters as racists, insurrectionists, and rubes (talk about the Democrat pot calling the MAGA kettle black!).In one particularlyobscene instanceof Democrat psychopathy, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear decided to bash JD Vances pro-life convictions by wishing for his wife to be raped and impregnated by her rapist.(Real classy, Andy.)In terms of their madness and propensity for violence, there is little to differentiate the kooks setting things on fire outside the arena from the kooks setting rhetorical fires inside.Theyre all communists.Its just that the ones paid to pimp the party to American normals try not to use the c word while onstage.

No wonder Tweedle-Kam and Tweedle-Tim visitgas stationsandsandwich shopsto pretend that theyre like everyone else.Normaldoesnt come naturally to them.So they laugh...loudly.

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