December 19, 2022
Trust The Data, Not The Conveyors Of Deadly Misinformation! And The Data Shows The US And UK Have A COVID Death Rate Nearly 50X Higher Than The Least Vaxxed Countries!
- While 'All Cause Deaths' Keeps Skyrocketing In The MOST VAXXED Countries!
By Joel S. Hirschhorn for All News Pipeline
Word is that Elton John is quitting Twitter because he doesnt want to support a platform that spreads COVID misinformation. This is ironic because Elton John himself is a major COVID misinformation spreader.
Here is the big lie. Elton claims that vaccination works, but he shows no ability to show us the data. The actual data shows countries which vaccinate more have higher COVID and all-cause death rates than those countries which avoided or downplayed vaccination.
For nearly 3 years, government authorities have refused to engage in debate about COVID mitigation policies. Thats the fundamental problem. No honest discussion of data.
Data is what matters. Consider Japan as the example for following Elton Johns advice because:
1 - Japan is highly vaccinated and
2 - They keep meticulously accurate death records.
Japan obediently followed Elton Johns pro-vaccine advice to a T and look what happened there: every time time there is a new COVID wave, more people die from COVID than in the last wave:
Also, its not just COVID deaths. All-cause mortality in Japan is at record levels:
Of course, some people might argue that it is COVID variants, and not the vaccine, that is causing these excess deaths in Japan.
Consider COVID deaths rates in countries with very low vaccination rates such as Yemen (2.6%) and Haiti (2.1%), which are the two lowest vaccinated countries on the NY Times map.
Heres the stats page for Haiti which shows only 860 COVID deaths in a population of 11.54 million which is a total of 75 COVID deaths per million (d/M).
Here is the stats page for Yemen which shows 2,159 COVID deaths in a population of 30.5M which is just 71 COVID d/M which is similar to Haiti.
Now consider highly vaccinated countries like Japan and UAE. Both countries should show death rates dramatically lower than the countries which dont vaccinate.
1 - Using the same resource, Japan had 51,070 COVID deaths in a population of 126M, which is 405 d/M.
2 - UAE is highly vaccinated (99%), and they had 2,348 deaths on a population of 10M, which is 235 d/M.
What about the UK and the US?
1 - The UK isnt as highly vaccinated (76%) and they had 212,766 deaths on a population of 67M, which is a breathtaking 3,175 COVID d/M. Wow.
2 - The US is slightly less vaccinated (69%) and has had 1,092,274 COVID deaths on a population of 332M which is 3,290 d/M.
Follow the data and see that vaccination was supposed to make things dramatically better but actually made things dramatically worse.
The US and UK have a COVID death rate nearly 50X higher than countries with very little vaccination. Why are we following their advice?
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In fact, the situation is so bad in Japan that normally reserved and respectful members of the Japanese medical community are now furious as you can see by watching Japanese Professor Fukushima express his utter exasperation at the idiocy of following Elton Johns advice that is pays to vaccinate the population.
Let Elton and other pro vaccine celebrities produce data showing that countries which vaccinate more have lower COVID deaths?
Showing us the data is much more persuasive than quitting Twitter.
If you want to convince us to take the shot, you need to SHOW US THE DATA showing taking the shot lowers ALL-CAUSE MORTALITY.
We see that not only isnt all-cause mortality lowered, but COVID mortality isnt lowered either. So its stupid and evil to vaccinate everyone. Thats what the numbers show.
Most of the worlds health authorities still push vaccines do not want to talk about COVID vaccine data.
Perhaps Elton John and many others like him will show all of us who have a very negative view of the effectiveness and safety of the COVID vaccines how we got it wrong?
The great Dr. Peter McCullough said recently the mass mandated programs have not ended the pandemic and have not lowered mortality. In fact its just the opposite. Where the products were heavily used in mandated programs like Australia, mortality has skyrocketed."
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