August 6, 2024
Time To 'Bud Light' The Olympics Now That They Have A New Olympic Sport: Woman Beating - The Left Wont Behave Based On Logic Or Common Sense, But They Will Over Money
By Brian C. Joondeph-All News Pipeline
Theancient Olympic gameswere held in Olympia, Greece, in honor of the Greek god Zeus.
The original games date back to 776 B.C. and ran for a millennium until 393 A.D. The games were held every four years and initially only permitted first-born Greek men to participate.
Artists and poets presented their works, and the ancient Olympics had a definite political flavor, even thousands of years ago. Early sports included running, boxing, chariot racing, wrestling, and pentathlon.
The Olympics went dark in the 4th century A.D. until the firstmodern gamesin Athens in 1896.
Over the next hundred-plus years, winter games were added, professional athletes were allowed to participate, the number of sports expanded (who knew break dancing and skateboarding would now be Olympic sports?), and politics had an increasing presence in the games to the point that they are now eclipsing the athletic events.
The Paris 2024 Olympics, instead of featuring an opening ceremony celebrating the home country of France, offered an anti-Christian, LGBTQ smorgasbord depiction of The Last Supper featuring a drag queendefendingthe offensive show as, a multifaceted, multiethnic France with people of different ethnicities and orientations.
If the Olympic committee really wants to showcase different orientations in multiethnic France, they should perform a closing ceremony featuring the prophet Mohammed as a Rubenesque figure surrounded by a cadre of dancing imams in drag. But of course, that facet of diversity will never see the light of day.
DEI for thee but not for me.
Transgender athletics is another hot political issue, specifically transgendered or genetically anomalous women, previously known as men, guys, or dudes, competing as and against women, previously known as gals, chicks, or ladies.
For what should be obvious reasons, this is grossly unfair and, in some cases, dangerous, threating the safety, health, and life of women athletes.
Like a broken record, I havewrittenabout this topic extensively on these pages. Suffice it to say that male athletes are 10 to 25 percent faster and stronger than female athletes based on speed or weight lifted in the same competition.
But in contact sports like boxing, speed and strength are harder to quantify. And the consequences are potentially life-threatening.
If a man runs or swims faster than a woman in direct competition, the injury is emotional. A woman training for years or decades denied a medal or championship by having to compete against a biologic male is emotionally devastating and abusive.
But what happens when injuries go beyond psyche and ego?
A femalevolleyball player was left paralyzed with brain damage by transgender opponent who 'cackled with delight' after knocking her to ground. A trans-female MMA fighterfracturedthe orbital socket of a biologic female MMA fighter about a decade ago.
Trans apologists pooh-pooh an orbital fracture asno big dealdespite the fact that it cancause blindnessdue optic nerve compression. Are they dismissing paralysis too?
Biologic males competing against women turns Title IX and the entire womens rights and empowerment movements upside down. Helen Reddy once sang, I am woman, hear me roar. Roaring about the injustice now will lead to personal and professional ruin via the woke police.
In the current Paris Olympics, we have seen two trans-female boxers pummeling their female opponents. First, asBreitbartreported:
Algerian Olympic female boxer Imane Khelif is not female,accordingto the International Boxing Association (IBA). Khelif has male biological characteristics and elevated levels of testosterone and XY chromosomes, and, if you believe in science, the XY chromosomes mark the end of the argument.
Left-wing corporate media defend this travesty.
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From theEconomic Times:
The biological profile of Khelif depicts a complex scenario. She has differences of sex development (DSD), a condition where she was born a woman and identifies as such. Her increased testosterone levels and XY chromosomescharacteristics commonly associated with male athletesare the outcome of this disorder. The reason behind her disqualification from the 2023 World Boxing Championships was her excessive testosterone levels, which also caused her to fail a gender eligibility test.
Sorry but XY chromosomes are male, not commonly male, even if the genitals are ambiguous. The National Institute of Healthdefines, Females have two X chromosomes in their cells, while males have one X and one Y.
Its that Y chromosome creating a male body during puberty, faster, stronger, and far more powerful in a boxing ring. Testosterone levels in adulthood is a red herring. The male physical engine is built during puberty when XY chromosome induced testosterone levels are high.
Lowering testosterone levels in adulthood has little difference, much like how putting low octane gasoline into a Ferrari may affect performance slightly, but it wont convert the Ferrari into a Toyota Corolla. Rocket fuel in a Corolla wont magically convert it into a Lamborghini.
AsYahoo! News reported:
Khelif was disqualified from last years World Championships after failing a test set by the International Boxing Association (IBA), which said at the time that the 25-year-olds elevated levels of testosterone failed to meet the eligibility criteria for womens competition.
She has, however, been ruled eligible for the Games by the International Olympic Committee and now advances into the second round of the womens 66kg tournament.
It seems the IOC cant define a woman, similar to Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson who alsocant definea woman.
Why are testosterone levels even the criteria for eligibility? A simple cheek swab will determine XX versus XY chromosomes and that should be the sole determinant of whether an athlete competes as a male or female.
Taiwanese trans-female boxer Lin Yu-ting, alsofailedthe IBA eligibility tests as he too had an X and Y chromosome but despite that was deemed a woman by the IOC for the Olympic games.He pummeledhis Uzbekistan opponent, a biologic female, cruising to victory.
This is brutal, savage, and demeaning, leaving out many more appropriate adjectives. Civilized societies have always differentiated sport based on gender, men and boys competing against each other, not against women and girls.
Even among the two genders, there are weight classes in weightlifting, wrestling, boxing, rowing, and other sports to even the competitive playing field based on size, strength, and power. Allowing biologic men to fight women is a barbaric practice.
What does the Olympic Gameswebsite say? The three values of olympism are excellence, respect and friendship. Nothing shows like respect like allowing a man to beat the crap out of a woman.
Its not just Paris. Things are no better next door inSwitzerlandwhere, Parents had their child taken from them by authorities for refusing to give her puberty blockers. Would Swiss authorities arrest a female boxer who refused to fight a male boxer?
Look at boxer Imane KhelifsInstagrampage with photos of him in street clothes and make your own determination if this is a man or a woman.
Or this tweet and photo asking, Why does Khelif use a nut protector? Social media posts are not chromosomal tests so take them in context.
Where are the feminists? TheNational Organization of Womanissued no press releases about the boxers and nothing on their home page. Instead, they endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president. They should change their name to the National Organization of Leftists.
Corporate media as usual defends the indefensible.Voxcalls it a misleading controversy. Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris, not surprisingly, issilenton the subject. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, also not surprisingly, pulled nopunches:
President Trump has been unequivocally clear that he will NOT stand for men competing in womens sports an insane and unfair reality that has been allowed to transpire because of Radical Left politicians like Kamala Harris. When he returns to the White House, President Trump will take immediate action to protect women and girls and overturn the Harris-Biden Administration's radical rewrite of Title IX
Women athletes should just say 'no' and refuse to compete against biologic men. No women, no competition, no games, no viewers, no revenue. The left wont behave based on logic or common sense, but they will over money. Time to Bud Light the Olympics!
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