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April 13, 2022
With The Stolen 2020 Election Proving America To Be Nothing But A 'Fancy Banana Republic', What's To Stop Them From Returning Obama To The White House? Looking At Our Possible Future
If I may be allowed the latitude, I would like to state right up front that this piece will be controversial.Not by design, but rather by the very nature of the subject matter.I am going to be using various sources that will not all agree, and that is by design.I am trying to portray an overview of possibilities, not to say that or this is the way things are.There are likely going to be many comments of variations, and that is a good thing because the purpose is to get people looking at those possibilities critically and with open minds.This is just my opening up some interesting scenarios that should be kept in mind as things develop and we can see what the actuality is rather than just my acknowledged limited view of some of the possibilities.That, and the length of the column dictates brevity that may, or likely will I should say, induces some misunderstandings.Please forgive me for that, but the option then arises of you doing your own research to open more light into the subject.That matter mentioned, lets press on.
There were a few articles that got me thinking along these lines, but the one that I can point to that really got me thinking of the possibilities was one recent from World Net Daily where they had the headline Is Obama about to legally slither back as president? along with the sub head of Each new outrage outstrips the one before it. I found this to be very intriguing as I have considered that the Kenyan monster has a chance of being not just an anti-Christ, but the possibilities of being THE anti-Christ open to debate. This WND article links back to one a few days previous in the American Thinker where they suggest Watching Biden paw at Obama's shoulder only to have Obama aggressively ignore him is uncomfortable viewing.Even if Obama has no respect for the man (and who would, given Biden's stupidity, incompetence, and corruption?), Obama, of all people, should show respect for the office. But for Obama, the point of the presidency was never about the office itself it is all about him, he considers himself to be superior to the office and worthy of worship just like some demi-god in the least, or a real god as he is likely to proclaim himself if he hasnt done so already. Meanwhile, an animated Kamala Harris also assiduously ignored her boss.For her, Obama was the only man in the room.
That excellent American Thinker article written by Andrea Widburg continues an interesting journey into how this could occur; My premise is that Obama fully understands that, if Biden is ousted immediately under the 25th Amendment, there are only idiots and incompetents to take his place. Obama knows none of these nonentities will secure the transformation he promised America.Instead, there are three steps to return Obama to the presidency: 1. Have the Democrat establishment remove Kamala Harris from office, whether through threats or bribes. 2. Have the Democrats declare that, because world instability (Ukraine, Putin, China) puts us at unprecedented risk, only a politically seasoned person can be vice president, with Obama graciously accepting that role. 3. Oust Biden using the 25th Amendment.And voil!President Obama (again).He can even have Stacey Abrams as his veep. My own objections to this possibility is answered with this statement, The 22nd Amendment does not bar Obama from regaining the presidency this way.It only stops him from being "elected to the office."The three steps above avoid an election. She ends with this sharp quip; And yes, I agree this sounds crazy, but events since 2020 show that we really are nothing more than a fancy banana republic.
And since we should already know that Obama is the one actually running the white house for the satanic Illuminati with Susan Rice acting as local whip mistress in that once honorable abode, the possibilities ring loud. Kamala Harris still thinks she has a shot at the presidency when (not if) Biden is removed. She was auditioning hard for the job, trying to show Obama that she'll do better than Biden at preserving and expanding the hard-left Obama legacy. However, Obama, who is an extremely smart politician, despite his ignorance and broken, Marxist moral compass, knows that Kamala is as bad as, or even worse than, Biden." And since we know that they are in office illegally from massive voter fraud, much of it fed from a mass mail in voter campaign, we can rationally name him just a mail order president, even though I never use the title President alongside the disgraced name of Biden.
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We have also read a lot lately that there are many trying to get Donald Trump back into office, including Donnie John himself. They assume that he may be elected again in another massive landslide election like the one that was stolen from him in 2020, and although he has not said whether or not he will actually run, that almost seems a given considering his recent huge campaigns and rallys that have been going on and he keeps giving hints that that is exactly what he plans. As before, the power elite will not allow him to take back the white house as they learned their lesson from his first residency there. The reasoning can be easily discerned from our first video below as he spoke October 2016 ostensibly to the New World Order monkeys. They cannot allow someone with that attitude and the guts to actually do so in that office ever again. They simply will not allow it, unless some other scheme is in play.
We should know that Biden will not hold a full term in office with his removal from a number of possible causes; that his dementia will worsen and possibly be the cause of his death as it has for those that have shown similar degenerative effects of that horrible disease, or that the powers that be will forcefully remove him perhaps via the 25th amendment or (heaven forbid) by assassination. There may be other options, but whatever method is used, I have serious doubts that he will be in office much longer, and here is why
In 382 AD (aka, Christian (n current) Era, or CE) the council of Rome decided to create some organization to their doctrine and semblance of officialdom to the Roman emperors claim to organize a universal church (that is the meaning of the word catholic) so they assembled those books they had of Christian or related topics, and put together what is known as the Bible. That term (bible) means book from the Greek term biblia, which is plural, meaning books. Our current Bible stems from that grouping of various books into one canon, and there were many left over that were assembled into what is now known as the Apocrypha. Although there have been a variety of compilations over the millennia, the general layout has been amazingly consistent with some books included in the catholic version now resident in the apocrypha of some other Christian beliefs. Among those books that currently are considered not truly canonical or biblical but to be read with some skepticism are the books of Esdras, or the writings of Ezra that have not been included in the official canon. As a side note, the words in Revelation 22:18-19 do not mean the whole compiled works of the bible, but only to the book of Johns Revelation, which concept is misunderstood by many. The compiled books have been modified many times before coming to the form we now see them in at present.
While going through many articles and theories on what that book of non-canonized scripture may or may not mean, many theories have already been given and then destroyed because things have not proceeded as the authors intended to show they might. But we can see from what remains and along with newer thoughts on the sequencing of events that there are some interesting possibilities. Again, as I said in the beginning of this exercise, I am only giving some ideas to contemplate, so use the results of your own investigations to determine what may or may not be relevant to this time and situation. You can read the KJV Apocrypha online here, including the First and Second Esdras. Specifically, the chapter I am discussing today is Chapter 11 in the second book, and it is found here.
The primary analysis source for my discussion is the seemingly non-denominational discussion found on Habitat for Survival page on Ezras Eagle. Some of the following quotes are also from that work. One of the amazing thing(s) about Ezras prophecy is that it touches upon the same things that Daniel & John spoke of regarding a 4th kingdom that would be more powerful and oppressive than others in the pastand is of Ezras dream where he saw [1]a dream, and, behold, there came up from the sea an eagle, which hadtwelve feathered wings, and three heads. [2] And I saw, and, behold, shespread her wings over all the earth, and all the winds of the air blew on her, and were gathered together. To me, this states that it may well be referencing the USA as we cover the whole earth at least in some degree which the following also indicates [5]Moreover I beheld, and, lo, the eagle flew with her feathers, andreigned upon earth, and over them that dwelt therein.
They then discuss the feathers, the contrary feathers, the left and right wings and what they likely represent, and the three Eagle heads. It mentions in verse one twelve feathered wings which I read as wings with twelve feathers, not twelve wings. It also mentions contrary feathers which were small ones interspersed with the larger ones, and one much larger than the others, the second one. These have been interpreted to mean the various presidents of the USA beginning with the one just previous to the one that was much longer than the others, which can only mean it is referencing Herbert Hoover followed by FDR which was elected to four terms, although his last one was not completed. So using the length of the feathers as a measure for whether they served one or more terms, we get to the last one on the Eagles left wing (or right wing as we would see if headlong) which would be Barack Obama. On the other wing we have Donald Trump as the first feather, which is a short one meaning he did not finish his term and as he did not even begin his second term which he was actually elected to fill, he is considered a short term feather.
Next up would be the usurper known as the Biden crime syndicate head, old Joe himself. Lets look at verses 20 and 21, [20] Then I beheld, and, lo, in process oftime the feathers that followed stood up upon the right side, that they might rule also; and some of them ruled, but within a while they appeared no more: [21] Forsome of them were set up, but ruled not. That nicely describes Trump as well, but may have reference to others that may appear later on.
So please understand this analysis of that set of verses There are 20 feathers in all. 12 are normal and 8 are contrary. 12 of these feathers are with two contrary feathers on one of the wings, so 14 feathers are on one side or on one wing and the remaining 6 contrary are on the right side two of them divided themselves from the other four.
The feathers on the right side decide to rule but they dont last long. They are all contrary feathers on this side of the bird. We are told earlier in verse 21 that some of them were set up to rule but ruled not.
The first contrary short feather reigns and then the 2nd is off sooner than the first, so however long this first feather on the right side lasts the 2nd doesnt last as long.
And then it says feathers 3 and 4 would have reigned.I interpret the word would to mean they dont reign at all or if they do, it isnt for very long.
I agree with this analysis and that means that Joe Biden will NOT finish up his elected term, which agrees with my earlier statement that he will soon be out of office. Also note that on the right side of the eagle (left side as you are facing the eagle) that all are CONTRARY feathers, which also means that Trump is considered contrary, but does not indicate contrary to what. I would suggest contrary to the satanic evil that is occurring in our nation at this time as his reign would also support, and is why the Illuminati will never allow him to return to office. Also note that Trump qualifies as set up to rule but rules not as he is deposed by mass election fraud and a very real coup. Also note that it says that the succeeding feathers do not rule as long as the first one on the right side, I would say that means that Biden will rule less than Trump, and that all successors will be less time in office than even Biden.
[19] And whereas thou sawest theeight small under featherssticking to her wings, this is the interpretation:
[20] That in him there shall arise eight kings,whose times shall be but small, and their years swift.
[21] Andtwo of them shall perish, the middle time approaching: four shall be kept until their end begin to approach: but two shall be kept unto the end.
The author of the quoted article states that I believe this is referring to the beginning of the end of this kingdom [the USA]. The right side symbolizes that things are going to start to get crazy, that the end is approaching and that makes sense to me as we look at current events and seemingly total destruction awaiting us or at least the destruction of the USA. He also determined that Trump is the powder keg that lights things off, and the negative reactions by the satanic forces in this nation seem to prove that idea as they battle anything good he tried to put into action. The next two may refer to a Prez / Veep pair that get removed from office quickly in succession with an unknown reason, but do not rule out forced removal, assassination or destroyed in war as a quick succession would indicate, at least to me.
At this point I would really like to discuss the three eagle heads spoken of in the prophecy, but that may need to wait for another time because of article length concerns. I am guessing that they represent powers that run things here, perhaps like central bankers, military systems, financial systems, industry heads or other New World Order powers, but I do not agree with any I have read so far, and so I leave it up to your imaginations and discoveries. Suffice for now to realize that they have a lot to do with our nations governance after the first four presidencies on that right wing, including direct control. We should also look at the verses one and two in Esdras 12 that state [1]And it came to pass,whiles the lion spake these words unto the eagle, I saw, [2]And, behold, the head that remained and the four wings [feathers]appeared no more, and the two went unto it and set themselves up to reign, and their kingdom was small, and fill of uproar. Please note that the reference to the lion is in verse eleven in chapter 12, [11]The eagle, whom thou sawest come up from the sea, is the kingdom which was seen in the vision of thy brother Daniel, referencing Daniel 7 and the four beasts (kingdoms). Daniel and John in Revelations have parallel ideas that need to be explored, and the referenced article has a very brief account that indicates how they are related. I suggest reading the whole article and all of Esdras 11 and 12, plus a few others in Ezras prophecies.
So now I leave an idea for you to ponder; that if Trump were to be re-elected or if Obama somehow finds a way back into power, that neither one will last very long and will likely be violently torn from power. Another related idea is that one or the other (or both) might be considered one of the eagle heads, as they both head very powerful factions in this nation and would result in a war situation that would result in a very much smaller nation as described in Esdras 11. If Trump or Obama were to go back into office, it may be after Biden and the next two very short lived presidents have been eliminated, with either of them qualifying as an eagle head? I do not know, nor does anyone else living on this earth at this time. But one or the other may qualify as the evil dictator referenced in Esdras 11:32-34;
[32] But this headput the whole earth in fear, and bare rule in it over all those that dwelt upon the earth with much oppression; andit had the governance of the world more than all the wings that had been.
[33] And after this I beheld, and, lo, the head that was in the midst suddenly appeared no more, like as the wings.
[34] But there remained the two heads, which also in like sort ruled upon the earth, and over those that dwelt therein.
Esdras 12:25-27; [25]For these are they who shall accomplish his final wickedness, and perform his last actions. [meaning the powers that take over after the last two presidents will be destroyed]
[26]And whereas you saw that the great head appeared no more, it signifies that one of them shall die upon his bed, and yet with pain.
[27]For the two that remain shall be slain with the sword. That is the two last eagle heads will be destroyed by warfare or assassination, whatever the difference will mean. And it means the first eagle head will remove or eliminate the last president / feather or both of them rapidly, in very short order. It appears that the last eagle head is destroyed and the two little feathers (the last two leaders of the nation once known as the USA) that were on the eagle reign over a much smaller kingdom that is full of uproar until they disappear and the great eagle head is burned and the earth is in great uproar. That sounds like we are basically eliminated from this earth except for perhaps a few remnants and then Christ returns.
That to me sounds like some satanic dictator from the USA that runs roughshod over so much of this planet as all from LBJ onward have done, and may refer to world war, nuke war, and mass famine as John said in Revelation, Isaiah said, Daniel said and even Mathew in chapter 24 among others. It is also why I would guess that the eagle heads refer to satanic dominions of the powers that be in relation to the New World Order, and Biden fits in well as one that will be deposed to allow even stronger evil to come upon this nation. Somewhere (Pat Robertson maybe?) I remember reading that one of the earlier feathers may return as president, and if he does, that he will be an anti-Christ of the worst kind. Both Trump and Obama may fit that bill, as both would be a rerun in an era of extreme evil. I wish I could find that reference as perhaps it might be clearer than I have stumbled roughly through; but so be it, the idea is out there. Nevertheless, another idea is from reddit in a post that states an interesting idea; The Antichrist will be the one who secures the giant Middle East centered peace deal, with Israel as the focal point. Once he signs this 7 year deal that will be his official reveal (because he will have fulfilled the prophecy openly). It still could be either Trump (who has negotiated great peace in the Mid East already) or Obama who is satanically evil already.
The reason it has to be a US President is because no other office in the world is in such a position to negotiate on behalf of Israel. And since the President is the head of the US we can come to the conclusion that the Antichrist will hold this office. An interesting idea, but I will not agree just yet although Obama is still, in my considerations, up for that position and yes, I do realize that popular opinion is that the anti-Christ will be a European, some saying the Pope will fill that bill as leader of the new One World Religion as I have gone over previously here on ANP. We have also mentioned before the September 2017 eclipse and its second crossing coming in 2024 and how that seven year period is a tribulation period that may result in our all but complete destruction as a nation, with the second half beginning in April last year, we are already well into that far worse second half. There are far too many things falling into place to ignore, something major is going to happen to this nation in the next couple of years including our total destruction as a nation; we are well on our way. And do not forget that the last few short feathers, presidents of this nation, will come and go in far less time than they are supposed to.
So the eagle heads could go into power very shortly, as it seems the two presidents following Biden being taken out will be very short lived so who we really need to concern ourselves with are those eagle heads, or powerful entities, perhaps like the WEF masters or the like. Whenever this actually happens, the Beast will assume full control over government and our lives, and the destruction of our economy, our currency, our Liberty, our right to worship God in our own fashion, the creation of the mark of that beast, and our churches will not stand up to this beast but will consort with it. The destruction of our Christian churches is one of the first orders of business for them.
Last Days Anon had this to say about the evil ones in our society, I believe we are at war, in every single possible sense of the word. We have been for some time, but its so incredibly difficult to see, let alone articulate. More than anything, I feel it. Its subtle and devious. Its not a conflict with weapons of war, uniformed soldiers lined up on a battlefield, or with boundaries and nation-states. I believe we have been taken over quietly, slowly, and methodically, over decades, by wolves in sheeps clothing. It nots waged with bullets but with words and data/information, mass media propaganda, fake news, speech and thought-control, and censorship, in the name of public safety, and it has been so invisible yet pervasive that we have become docile frogs, bathed in almost boiling water, under a flame with slowly ever-increasing heat, too foolish to jump out, but finally awakening to the awful situation we are in and that power we are at war with he did not say, but they are the ones in power right now and will be until we are finally finished. But I also believe we are now in the beginnings of the final world war, and that is what will cause the decimation of our nation in the end. Esdras said that the final feathers and eagle heads would rule over a much smaller kingdom and I take it as not just population but physical territory as well. The US will cease to exist shortly as I read and understand the words.
As I said in the beginning, this will be one of the most controversial, dissention creating articles I have done, and I do not necessarily agree with all I have quoted from others or even with my own ideas based on them, but I do offer it up as something to consider. Time will tell, but in the meantime, remember that our Creator is in full control as He allows the evil one to work his misery and abominations upon his earth until it is ripe for the harvest, and it is all but destroyed just before His Second Coming is accomplished. Very few of us will remain, at least in this nation or in the flesh, but some of us may see His return in power and glory as I really do believe that it is that close now, so that is the blessing I wish to give to you all.
We do indeed live in interesting times, and the game plan has been given to us, we just need to figure the rest of it out.
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