December 26, 2023
America Became A Great Big Racketeering Operation Run By A Mafia-Like Cabal With Marxist Characteristics Is Why Americans Must Choose: Between Civilization, Or Its Destroyers
- Globalists ran out of 'safe spaces' to play 'victim' - the world sees them as the coddled, malicious fakes they are
By James Howard Kunstler for All News Pipeline
The old politics of right versus left, and Republican opposed to Democrat have now given way to a new existential struggle: Americans must choose between civilizationor its destroyers. Victor Davis Hanson
Now that you, the lucky ones, are beyond your steaming platters of pancakes and mighty rashers of bacon, and perhaps even a dram or two of grog in your coffee. . . and clawed your way through the bales of presents. . . and hopefully, a merry Christmas was had by all, heres something else to think about this morning:
You may have noticed that our country, formerly a republic of sovereign individuals, has become one great big racketeering operation run by a mafia-like cabal with Marxist characteristics or, at least, Marxist pretenses. That is, it seeks to profit by every avenue of dishonesty and coercion, under the guise of rescuing the oppressed and marginalized from their alleged tormenters. Apparently, half the country likes it that way.
Much of the on-the-ground action in this degenerate enterprise is produced by various hustles. A hustle is a particularly low-grade, insultingly obvious racket, such as Black Lives Matter, DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), and trans women (i.e., men) in womens sports. Some of the profit in any hustle is plain moneygrubbing, of course. But theres also an emotional payoff. Hustlers and racketeers are often sadists, so the gratification derived from snookering the credulous (feelings of power) gets amplified by the extra thrill of seeing the credulous suffer pain, humiliation, and personal ruin. (Thats what actual oppressors actually do.)
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Categorically, anyone who operates a racket or a hustle is some sort of psychopath, a person with no moral or ethical guard-rails. Hustles are based on the belief that it is possible to get something for nothing, a notion at odds with everything known about the unforgiving laws of physics and also the principles of human relations in this universe. Even the unconditional love of a mother for her child is based on something: the amazing, generative act of creating new life, achieved through the travail of birth. Have you noticed, by the way, that the birth of human children is lately among the most denigrated acts on the American social landscape?
The flap over Harvards president, Claudine Gay, is an instructive case in the governing psychopathies of the day. I wish Id been a roach on the tray of petit fours and biscotti brought into the Harvard Overseers board-room when they met to consider the blowback from Ms. Gays unfortunate remarks in Congress, followed by revelations of her career-long plagiarisms. The acrid odor of self-conscious corruption in the room must have overwhelmed even the bouquet of Tanzanian Peaberry coffee abrew, and not a few of the board members must have reached for the sherry decanter as their shame mounted, and the ancient radiators hissed, and their lame rationalizations started bouncing off the wainscoted walls.
Apparently, Ms. Gay did not miss an opportunity to cut-and-paste somebody elses compositions into everything she published going back to her own student years in the 1990s. She even poached another writers acknowledgment page. This is apart from the self-reinforcing substance of her published research justifying the necessity for DEI activism, for which she has become first an avatar and now a goat. The dirty secret of this perturbation and the whole Harvard Board knows it is that Claudine Gays career has been about nothing but careerism, and that this is also true of so many on the faculty and administration at Harvard, and surely at every other self-styled elite school from the Charles River to Palo Alto that had joined in the DEI mind-f***.

Its all one big status-acquisition hustle, the seeking of hierarchical privilege by any means necessary, including especially deceit, the politics of middle-school girls. Thus, you see on display both the juvenility of elite higher ed and its use of the worst impulses that prevail in social media, stoking envy, hatred, avarice and vengeance as the currency for career advancement. Claudine Gay was notorious earlier, as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, for wrecking the careers of faculty members (Ronald Sullivan, Stephanie Robinson, and Roland G. Fryer, Jr.) who refused to play the game like middle-school girls. She had no mercy.
The mental pain endured by the Harvard bigwigs must be excruciating, and of course they have themselves to blame because they walked right into the Woke hustle with their eyes wide shut. They bargained away their dignity, and the universitys honor, for mere brownie points in a fools game called Win big prizes pretending to care about your fellow man. The cognitive dissonance must be like little nuclear reactor meltdowns burning through the lobes of their brains. Theyve run out of a safe space to play victim in. The world sees them for the coddled, malicious fakes they are.
Cutting Claudine Gay loose is the unavoidable play now or Harvard will be stung by so many lawsuits from students previously punished for academic mischief that all the alumni lawfare attorneys in the cosmos standing snout to tail will not be able to staunch the hemorrhaging of the schools endowment and then the fire sale of its chattels to satisfy the aggrieved plaintiffs pain and suffering. The Harvard board is just trying to ride out the holidays. Their prized participation trophy is coming off the mantlepiece. There really is no other way. Now, stand by and watch the rats rat each other out. And so ends the era of pretending about everything.
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