January 23, 2023
We're Heading Towards The Depopulation Numbers On The Deagel Report As Bizarre Cancer's Spike And Unheard-Of Diseases Emerge - This Is The Full-Fledged Annihilation Of Humanity
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
While the alarming story over at Dr. Paul Alexander's substack newsletter this morning is titled "Yes, the 'BIG KILL OFF' is coming, booked, due to these fraud deadly COVID shots & we drag Bourla & Bancel (Pfizer & Moderna) into courtrooms,"it'd be more accurate to say it's ALREADY HERE and as one of the commenters astutely pointed out on that story, not all of these deaths are of the 'died suddenly' variety, with strange cancer's now exploding across the country.
Just as Alan Barton had pointed out in this November 29th ANP story titled "With Cancer's Skyrocketing Since People Were Coerced Into Injecting The mRNA Bio-weapons, The 'Vax Everything Agenda' Is More Than A War Upon Humanity But A War Upon God,"these shots have been deadly in more ways than one, just as Dr. Joseph Mercola had pointed out in this story titled "How Cancer Deaths From the COVID Jabs Are Being Hidden"within which he warned.: "The fact that tumor sizes have become dramatically larger since 2021, patients are younger, and recurrence and metastasis are increasing should be front-page news, but you're hearing nothing about it."
Reporting that Analysis of U.S. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) data suggests the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been filtering and redesignating cancer deaths as COVID deaths since April 2021 to eliminate the cancer signal, that echoes the warning from this January 15th story by Susan Duclos in which she pointed out medical experts had been ramping up the actual number of COVID deaths in America, deaths with other REAL causes such as 'the jab' itself, or, from cancers caused by the kill shots.
So as Dr. Alexander's reader 'Mike' had pointed out in a comment on that story, he himself knows many people who have recently been diagnosed with bizarre cancers that they've gotten since they'd gotten 'the jab'; we have to wonder, how many more such heartbreaking stories are out there? From Mike.:
So, that's another one. Old friend, Rich, colon cancer. Had it cut out. Half his colon gone.
Amber, mother's old friend, terminally ill with some rare stomach disease.
Shane, brother's friend, riddled with cancer, might make it to Easter.
Mike's cousin died from bowel cancer two weeks ago.
Mother had a thrombosis a day after the second AstraZeneca injection.
Neighbortwo doors up went blind.
Another neighborlost her colleague to heart attack 20 mins after injection.
Then, friends of friends, heart, stroke, etc.
So with Pfizer, Moderna, the CDC and friends forcing upon the American people and good people of the world pain and suffering and deaths of all kinds of different varieties, deaths manufactured in a laboratory in a test-tube, making those cretins 'test tube terrorists' as Steve Quayle had pointed out in an SQnote while linking to this ANP story, let's take a look at what vax-victim 'Mike O'Mara' just tweeted.
As we had pointed out in this January 18th ANP story titled "Victim Of Vax Genocide Tells His Story Before He Dies: Bluntly Warns His Body Is Deteriorating, Organs Failing, Nerves Dying And His Slow Motion Murder Being Carried Out Before Our Eyes,"Mike decided originally to 'get vaxxed,' and now he's dying. Mike points out in this January 21st tweet exactly what we're seeing in this explosion of cancer's, not all of these people are 'dying suddenly' but for some, their pain and suffering has been spread out over months.
I am just one of so many who are the late bloomers of the died suddenly phenomenon.
There are, and will be, multitudes with all kinds of diseases and abnormal presentations of diseases never seen before.
Those of you who are left - change the system. Fight for victims.
And fight hard as hell we shall do, as long as we're still able, for there are already far too many 'victims' of 'vax genocide' and as we'd pointed out on ANP back on January 9th, all of these deaths and injuries would soon be absolutely impossible for Americans, and thus, the mainstream media to ignore, and when that happened, watch out! Americans won't be too happy to learn they've been 'genocided.' And as we've pointed out time and again on ANP, we've long been warned in the 2025 population forecast for America on the Deagel Report showing well less than 100 million people here that this is the direction we've been heading. That's down over 225 million from our 2021 population numbers.
With a 'seismic shift' seen in this January 22nd opinion story over at the Wall Street Journal titled "The Deceptive Campaign for Bivalent Covid Boosters"within which they report as their subtitle "Studies show they fail to live up to their promise, but vaccine makers and experts keep pushing them," the website 'Off-Guardian' asked some great questions, and made some excellent points, in this January 19th story titled "Why are they FINALLY admitting the Covid Vax could be harmful?"From that story.:
The mainstream narrative spinners from politicians to the CDC to the media have started reporting possible harms due to Covid vaccines.
This is a potentially seismic shift in the narrative, but as usual we need to ask the perennial questions
Why this?
Why now?
For almost two years, those of us expressing concern about the possible damage done by forcing untested and unnecessary gene therapies on billions of people have been either ignored by the noisy majority or slandered by them. And this includes both mainstream and alt media.
On the rare occasion an anti-vaxxer was given any kind of platform, it was usually either a hand-picked kook, or a minor celebrity making arguments from emotion.
The actual science and the professionals communicating that science were banished from the mainstream airwaves. Airbrushed out of sight and mind.
The vaccines were branded safe and effective, by everyone everywhere.
Until now.
So why, all of a sudden, are people in the msm finally starting to speak out about the dangers that we've been seeing and reporting on for quite some time now, going back to when 'Operation Warp Speed' was originally launched and ANP expressed concern about it being quite impossible for a 'vax' to be found to be 'safe and effective' when it had such a limited 'testing time' upon human beings to determine it's 'safeness and effectiveness?'
ANP actually lost our main source of revenue due to our reports such as that, with google ads dropping us for spreading what they called 'misinformation,' 'information' the msm is finally reporting as being true, though far too late for so many Americans and people worldwide who've paid the ultimate price.
(ANP FUNDRAISER: First of all, ANP wants to thank everybody who recently donated to ANP during our emergency fundraising drive. You absolutely amazing people got us out of a huge mess due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, so HUGE THANK YOU'S go out toeverybody who recently donated as well as to everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

And while the MSM is still largely ignoring all of these 'vax deaths' that the independent news has been reporting upon for quite some time now, the website The Liberty Daily has been doing an excellent job keeping track of these sudden and unexpected deaths happening every day, with these stories linked on their website today alone including all of the following 'inconvenient truths.':
Australia: Death by Heart Attack Surges by 17% in 2022 What Changed?
Young Ohio Fireman Suddenly Dies
Sudden Tragic Death of a 6-Month Old [Just Vaxxed] Baby from Cardiac Conditions
Jason Wragg Sheffield: Family's shock over unexplained sudden death of popular dad, aged 30 - Devastated relatives have told of their shock after healthy young Sheffield dad Jason Wragg collapsed and died aged just 30.
Groundbreaking Aussie bobsledder who became a footy star dies suddenly aged just 35 after a 'rough year of personal loss' including a relationship break-up
With one of the world's leading cardiologists, Dr. Peter McCullough, reporting the following heartbreaking news just hours ago in this Courageous Discourse substack story titled "Bivalent Boosters Creating Adverse Childhood Experiences in Kids Ages 5-11"that young children who never even needed the vaxxes are going through absolutely horrifying experiences due to the injections, as Dr. McCullough warns us, these vaxxes are causing young children to have symptoms they'll never forget. From his story before our conclusion.:
We often remember events from our childhood that came from physical experiences such as a broken arm or falling into a stream. Most patients from yesteryear remember childhood rheumatic or scarlet fever. Parents bringing their children age 5-11 years for COVID-19 vaccination may be creating adverse childhood experiences based on the most recent CDC safety data published by Hause et al in MMWR.
Moderna, which had greater frequency of adverse events than Pfizer, for example, caused 30% of children to have fever and vomit. Combined, 22% reported that boosters had a negative health impact, 14% could not perform daily activities to return to school, and 2% were so sick they required acute medical care. Adverse childhood experiences can have lasting social and psychological ramifications later in life, particularly if they are repeated.
No vaccine, no matter how theoretically compelling, should be in public use with these symptomatic side effects. Vaccines should have acceptable safety profiles with 5% having any significant short-term symptoms, be safe over the long term, provide at least 50% protection against a disease, inhibit transmission, and last at least a year. Faulty vaccines that underperform or make our kids sick should be rejected by parents and removed from the market to protect public safety.
So while we definitely won't be holding our breaths here at ANP waiting for 'COVID reparations' to be paid out to the American people by our totally corrupt, tyrannical and genocidal government as was reported in this recent Zero Hedge story, the 'big pharma mafia,' CDC, FDA, WHO, and medical establishment will never be seen as having any 'credibility' by the American people going forward as long as they stay on the path they're on by keeping pushing the 'kill shots' that aren't stopping anyone from getting COVID and are leading to an ever-growing 'body count' we can now pin directly on Joe Biden.
Read also over at the Epoch Times now for free via these ANP links.:
Natural Immunity Superior to Vaccination Against Infection in Children: Study
Vaccine Immunologists Starting to Resemble the Academy of Projectors in Gullivers Travels
Vaccine-Injured Need Support as Number of Suicides Climb: Brianne Dressen
Doctor Reveals Effective Long COVID Treatment
Elon Musk Reveals Major Side Effects After 2nd COVID-19 Booster
UPDATE: In the final video below at the 18 minute 30 second mark we hear more about this ongoing mess and the Deagel Report.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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